
S1 Science

Extension Tasks



First Year TopicPage

Volcanoespage 3

Opticspage 4

A Healthier Scotlandpage 5

Eco Cottagepage 6

Cells and Reproductionpage 7

Lostpage 8

Success Criteria page 9


Extension Task 1 – Uses of Rocks

Your task is to find out more about uses of rocks. You may choose from one of the above examples or come up with your own e.g. bath salts. Your teacher will discuss with you the success criteria for this task. It will be kept in your folder of work so you will need to think about presentation skills as well as the science involved. Remember a bibliography for any sources used.

Extension Task 2 – Effects of Volcanic Eruptions

Try and find out any long term and short term effects from volcanic eruptions. Areas you might like to investigate are pollution, bad weather, reduction in sunlight affecting crops, S02 forming acid rain, flight disruptions. You can come up with your own ideas or ask your teacher for more suggestions.


Extension Task 1 – Eye Defects

Your task is to research other eye defects or diseases. E.g. colour blindness, retina burns, cataracts, glaucoma etc. Include how they arise, what effect they have and any solutions. As your friends and family if they know someone who has suffered an eye defect. If so, what was it and how did it happen.

Extension Task 2 – Optical Illusions

Have you ever been to the camera obscura tourist attraction in Edinburgh? Can you find out how optical illusions work? Can you find an example of an optical illusion share it with other members of the class using give one get one.

Extension Task 3 – Applications of Refraction

Investigate an application of refraction. Discuss with your teacher the success criteria for this task. How are you going to present the information?

A Healthier Scotland

Extension Task 1 – Vitamin Deficiencies

Research Activity – Now you have discussed what makes a balanced diet – your task is to find out about a vitamin deficiency. Try to find out what they are, how they are caused and how they could be resolved. Discuss the success criteria for this task with your teacher.

Eco Cottage

Extension Task 1 – Infrared Radiation

Try to find out how a heart rate monitor on exercise equipment uses heat radiation to measure your pulse or how infra-red detectors work. Discuss the success criteria for this task with your teacher.

Cells and Reproduction

Extension Task 1 – Cells

Find out about another type of cell in a plant or animal or human and how it is adapted to do its job. Your teacher may ask you to present this to the class.

Assignment – Journey from Cells to Birth

Imagine you have unlocked the part of your brain that remembers being in the uterus. What does it look like? What can you hear?

Your task is to write an imaginative essay, starting with your creation as a single cell and describing your journey to becoming a little baby held for the first time by your family.

You should include descriptions of your surroundings and experiences, factual information about your development, pictures or drawings to tell your story. You may wish to gather information from family members to help you or you can imagine a different birth story for yourself.

Your final assignment can be submitted in the form of an essay with pictures or as a comic strip. Other ideas should be discussed with your teacher. Your teacher will agree on success criteria.

You will be marked on presentation, content, literacy and will be expected to list your sources in a bibliography. You will be asked to complete a self evaluation.


Extension Task 1 – Fertilisers

The farming group were unhappy living on meat and fish with the odd coconut or lemon thrown in! They found a sack in the hold labelled N, P, K. The farmer on the plane explained that this is a bag of fertiliser.

It is your task to find out what fertilisers are and what N, P, K stands for? What natural fertilisers could be used when this sack runs out?

Extension Task 2 – Reactivity of Metals

Try to come up with a rhyme to help you remember the Reactivity series.

Try to find out how the reactivity of metals is related to their uses, where and when they were found and if they need to be extracted.

Extension Task 3 – Renewable Energy

What types of renewable energy could be harnessed on the island? Your task is to find out more about renewable energy. You may choose any form of renewable energy as long as you explain howit can be produced on the island.

Your teacher will discuss with you the success criteria for this task. It will be kept in your folder of work so you will need to think about presentation skills as well as the science involved. Remember a bibliography for anysources used.


Extension Task- Assessment Form/Success Criteria

Scientific content / Shows full understanding using correct scientific words. Can explain ideas in own words. Covers the entire topic in depth. / Shows some understanding of topic. Tries to use scientific words. Covers some aspects of topic in detail. / Limited understanding. Little detail/limited explanations. Copied words direct from source
Presentation / Excellent standard. Easy to read and makes good use of colour, pictures, labelled diagrams to explain. / Good standard contains pictures and labelled diagrams. / No labels on pictures and layout need improvement.
literacy skills / Paragraphs and sentences used consistently. Good spelling, grammar / Paragraphs and sentences used most times. Some spelling and grammar mistakes. / Little structure e.g.
Paragraphs/ sentences
Spelling/grammar could be improved.
References / Bibliography with 2 or more sources. All diagrams referenced. / Bibliography / No bibliography/ references given.