Held at The Village Hall, Coleby on Tuesday, 3rd March 2009 at 7.30pm
Present: Cllr Brown (in the Chair), Cllrs Butler, Guz, Long, Harrowing, District Councillor Wylie, PCSO Sarah Lingard and PC Pete Hanson and Elspeth O’Rourke (clerk).
08/74 and 75: Welcome by Chairman and Public Forum
08/76 Declarations of Interest:
Elspeth O’Rourke: item 08/80f Cllr Alison Guz: item 08/79e
08/77 Apologies:
Apologies had been received from Cllrs Cartwright, Fletcher and County Councillor Overton.
08/78 Minutes:
The minutes of the meeting held on the 6th January 2009 were read, approved and signed. Cllr Guz proposed and Cllr Long seconded.
08/79 Clerk’s reports:
a) Area Response Team: The councillors were informed that the ART will be able to deal with specific highway issues. They will be contact the Parish Council when our parish group is due to receive a visit. The councillors wished to identify these following places of areas of particular concern and the clerk will write to the ART to inform them: Coleby Hill, just past the Lowfields cemetery and the increasing number and size of potholes on the A607 through Coleby, which has deteriorated since the recent cold weather.
b) Rural Services Network: The councillors decided to join the RSN, which is a membership organisation consisting of a large grouping of rural service organisations. It has been established to ‘argue the case on behalf of rural services in a joined up fashion’.
c) Public Rights of Way: The County Council has set u a website to replace the paper copies of the Definitive Map of Public Rights of Way. This can be accessed at The clerk will contact the council to request the most up to date map.
d) Local County Council E-Panning: The council uses e-planning with regards to consultation on planning applications in our parish. This is to allow much wider access to the planning process for users and to improve the way in which planning departments are able to deal with all parts of delivery.
e) The Bell: The councillors expressed a wish to see The Bell, which closed in January 2009, reopen. As one of the primary employers in the village, it is hoped that new tenants will be found. Also, the empty property, with its stock, is vulnerable to burglary and without tenants the building itself could fall into disrepair. The clerk will contact Punch Taverns and enquire what is to happen.
08/80 Planning:
a) Planning: N/19/1159/08: 19 Blind Lane: extension - granted
b) Planning: N/19/0002/09: The Old Rectory: adaptation of stables (incl listed building consent) – granted
c) Planning: N/19/1217/08: Lowfields Farm Barn: conversion of existing farm buildings – refused
d) Planning: N/19/0012: 1 Dovecote Lane: amended application for extension
e) Trees: CA/19/76: 8 Hill Rise – no objections
f) Trees: CA/1975: 9 Dovecote Lane – no objections
g) Trees: CA 19/74: Glebe House – no objections
h) Trees: CA 19/46: Glebe House – no objections
08/81 Police Matters:
a) Police report: PCSOs Sarah Lingard reported that there had been three incidents to report within Coleby. These were as follows: a break in to a shed (suspected attempt to steal diesel); damage to a vehicle (suspected attempt to steal the vehicle) and damage to padlock on farm barn doors (suspected attempt to steal diesel). PC Pete Hanson introduced himself as the Community Beat Manager and expressed his intention to continue the close and productive relationship between the village and the police. Cllr Butler proposed a vote of thanks to PCSOs Sarah Lingard and Pete Thomas for shovelling the snow in February. Cllr Harrowing seconded this.
b) Neighbourhood Watch: Sue Makinson-Sanders reported that there have been a number of vehicle thefts locally, but not specifically in Coleby. There have also been reports of break-ins on local farms and diesel, fuel and tools have been taken. Vandalism continues to be a problem in Waddington and Basingham but there have been no reports of this in Coleby. There have been a number of warnings about bogus workmen/callers/officials calling at the homes of elderly people demanding money for work done but these seem to be mainly in the North and South Hykeham areas. The police have also asked that if anyone suspects that they have received mail from bogus companies that may be part of a scam to hand these in to collection boxes at local libraries. They are having a crack down on this. The community police officers continue to patrol the village and keep an eye on things here.
08/82 Report by C.Cllr M Overton:
C.Cllr Overton was unable to attend the meeting but had sent her monthly newsletters to all to inform the councillors of what has happened in the area. These newsletters are displayed on the noticeboard.
Report by D.Cllr M Wylie:
D.Cllr Wylie informed the councillors of a meeting at the British Legion Office in the Stables at Wellingore Hall with regard to the PCSOs. Cllrs Brown and Butler will attend. D.Cllr Wylie also requested that the clerk copy him in to comments made by the councillors with regard to planning applications. He also advised that putting large objects, such as stones/tree stumps etc, on verges (presumably to deter drivers from driving on the grass) is actually against the law and if a vehicle was damaged due to these objects then, potentially, the driver could sue for damages.
08/83 Cemeteries:
a) Lowfields: No comments
b) Far Lane: No comments
c) Veolia: The clerk will contact Veolia to confirm prices for the next financial year.
08/84 Financial matters: Payments authorised:
a) Payments to be made:
- Anglian Water (Lowfields): £22.09
- Anglian Water (Far Lane): £23.14
- NKDC (Dog Bins): £165.00
- E-ON (pole rental): +£5.98
b) Balances: £3628.28 (Notts BS) and £4341.40 (Coop Bank)
08/85 Reports from village organisations:
a) All Saints Church: The Church is holding a Lincolnshire Evening on Saturday the 28th March 2009 in the Village Hall, which will include local food and entertainment. There will also be a Summer Luncheon, held at The Old Rectory, on the 12th July. Details will follow.
b) Village Hall: The car boot sales will be held on the first Sunday of every month, starting from April. However, July’s sale will be held at the end of June, in order to accommodate RAF Waddington’s Air Show. Monies raised (in excess of the hire fee) at three of the car boot sales will be donated to the church, the school and the toddlers’ group, respectively. The ‘Gatsby Picnic’ will be held in June with a ‘wild west’ theme. There will be a Harvest Ball on the 26th September. The Village Hall committee have also been working with a sub-committee on raising funds for refurbishing the playground equipment.
c) Coleby School: There are currently 68 pupils on roll. The school is running a ‘Golden Boot’ competition to encourage children and parents to walk/cycle/use the park and stride on their journeys to and from school. This will run until the 27th March. The school would like to apply for funding to help to develop the outdoor area. A design has already been commissioned for an outdoor trail, and it is hoped that this will be put in place during April. This has been paid for out of school funds but there are additional costs, mosaic workshops, for example, that will cost more. The Headteacher will apply in writing to the Parish Council to ask for their support. The school is also hoping to utilise grant from ArtsNK to fund work on the school’s outer walls as this fronts on to the Viking Way. The school is planning to develop its ‘Community Cohesion’ and will be looking to consult with people in our local community to further this. Cllr Butler agreed to be the council’s representative.
08/86 Coleby Website:
Figures: 56 for December, average 11 a week
Figures: 88 for January, average 18 a week
08/87 Correspondence:
Coleby Playing Field: The Parish Council had received a letter from Mrs Appleton and Mrs Ainsworth requesting financial support in raising money for new play equipment for Coleby playing field. Working as a sub-committee of the Playing Fields Association they have distributed leaflets explaining their plans to re-develop the playing fields and asking for comments/suggestions. The Parish Council proposes to donate up to £3000 towards the cost of new equipment, subject to final approval of plans. The clerk will confirm this in writing to the sub-committee.
Two complaints have been received regarding access to the public right of way along the cliff edge from Far Lane along to The Tempest. The paths were churned up by horses, which made them inaccessible to walkers. Cllr Brown will contact the landowner and advise him of the complaints.
Dates of Next Meeting: Tuesday, 5th May 2009 and Tuesday, 7th July 2009.
Elspeth O’Rourke Tel: 01522 810173 Email: