Please Note: The included information is for reference only, and SARC and its Members, their employees, officers, and directors assume and accept no liability for any consequences arising from the use, non-use, accuracy, or legal compliance of any of the information, tools, or resources provided.

In order to meet legislative requirements, all nonprofit organizations are responsible to hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM). To help you prepare for your organization’s AGM, consider the general steps below; please adjust to meet your organization’s specific needs:

AGM Prep

Reference organization’s bylaws to determine when the meeting must be held (e.g. within 60 or 90 days of fiscal year end)

Start preparing Financial Statements and have Board formally approve once finalized

WhenBoard vacancies exist, begin the elections process by calling for nominations as outlined in your organization’s bylaws

Identify who will be responsible for organizing the AGM (e.g. staff members and Executive Director, or Executive Director and Board Directors)

Set date and time,and select location

Reference organization’s bylaws to determine how much notice members must be given regarding date, time, and location of meeting (e.g. not more than 50 days but no less than 15 days in advance) and what materials must be included with the notice

Prepare for the set-up of a Registration Desk – ensure you have a full list of organizational Members

Create notice to be sent to members

Start preparing the organization’s Annual Report (i.e. overview of the past year’s events)

Prepare draft AGM agenda and script

Determine roles for Board and staff – including identifying who will record the minutes of the AGM (e.g. Board Secretary)

Confirm attendance of speakers (if applicable)

Prepare voting cards for Members only

Prepare ballots for election of Directors

Select scrutineers if applicable (responsible to tally votes)

Send notice and related materials to Members(at least 15 days in advance of AGM)

Prepare copies of all AGM related materials for distribution at meeting.