Gwyrosydd Primary Curriculum Policy
“Become the change you would like to see”
Gwyrosydd Primary is at the heart of the Community. We are committed to developing a learning environment, which is happy, safe, caring, exciting and full of opportunities. Article 28 of the United Nations Charter on the Rights of the Child states that children have the right to an education and Article 29 say that they have the right to become the best that they can. As a ‘Rights based’ school we believe that we must do all we can to fulfil these articles and so our curriculum helps us ensure that our children have good standards of numeracy and literacy when they leave our school and they their experiences have been provided by a broad and balanced curriculum.
We are dedicated to pursuing excellence through providing a stimulating and well-resourced environment, enthusiastic and energising staff, raising self-esteem and self-awareness of others and encouraging respect.
We aim to deliver an exciting and relevant curriculum through excellent and enthusiastic teaching, innovation, encouraging reflection and thinking skills, providing opportunities to broaden creativity and self worth- celebrating achievements with each member of our school community, every step of the way’
General Aims
- Create an interesting and stimulating environment, which reflects our values and promotes a sense of community as well as an individual sense of self worth.
- Develop a community of Lifelong Learners where access to knowledge is a right and recognised achievement.
- Provide learning experiences that will allow all pupils equal opportunities to develop their thinking and creative skills.
- Promote social, cultural, moral and spiritual development, preparing pupils to be responsible citizens.
We believe the most effective way of achieving these aims is through the promotion of:
Inquiry and curiosity, enthusiasm and challenge, sharing and learning together, the acceptance and embracing of differences, openness, self-respect and persistence
Curriculum Aims
We aim to encourage pupils to:
- Read fluently and accurately, with understanding and feeling
- Communicate clearly and confidently in both Speech and Writing
- Listen attentively and with understanding
- To apply computational skills with speed and accuracy.
- Understand the application of Mathematical ideas in various situations.
- Masterbasicscientificideas
- Observe living and inanimate things and to recognise characteristics such as pattern and order.
- Develop an awareness of self and sensitivity to others
- Be aware of the geographical, historical and social aspects of the local environment and to be aware of other times and places.
- Provide a rich background of Welsh history, tradition and culture.
- Provide the opportunity to acquire a sufficient command of Welsh to allow communication in the language.
- TouseICTasaneffectivetool
- Developagilityandco-ordinationand
- Be able to use music, movement, drama and several forms of art and crafts as means of expressions.
The pupils will:
- develop lively, enquiring minds with the ability to question and reason rationally;
- set targets for improvement and evaluate their own progress;
- apply themselves to tasks and physical skills;
- develop their thinking skills, communication, number and ICT to maximise their learning potential;
- work hard, taking pride and delight in their achievements;
- develop skills, knowledge and flexibility which will enable them to adapt successfully to the demands
- of a rapidly changing society;
- be both secure and positive in their attitude towards school and therefore attend regularly and punctually;
- be sensitive to the needs of others;
- be encouraged to participate in a large number of extra- curricular activities which will enhance their whole personality;
- value people for who they are and what they can do;
- have a caring attitude towards their environment and strive to make a positive contribution to sustainability and global citizenship:
- have a secure sense of the place of the Welsh language and culture in Wales, in Britain and in Europe;
- understand the nature of the multicultural society;
- take up positions of responsibility in the school such as being a Helpwr Heddiw, Rights ambassador, Welsh ambassador, Playground Buddy, RP Aid etc enabling them to make a positive contribution to school life.
We believe that an inspiring, focused, skills based curriculum that develops children’s interest and motivates them to become the best they can is also essential to children’s learning and to them making good progress.
In order to do this we use the Cornerstones Primary Curriculum at Gwyrosydd. This is built upon a four stage teaching and learningphilosophy...
The Four Cornerstones:
During the Engage stage children will :
have memorable first-hand experiences - for example going on a visit outside the classroom or inviting a specialist visitor into the classroom
have WOW experiences - Investigate and Discover
be introduced in exciting ways to the new topic or theme
begin initial research and set enquiry questions
have lots of opportunity to make observations
develop spoken language skills
take part in sensory activities
have a great deal of fun, allowing them to fully 'engage' with their new topic
During the Develop stage children will:
dig much deeper to develop their skills, knowledge and understanding of a topic across the curriculum
practice their newfound skills
compose, make, do, build, investigate, explore, write for different purposes, read across the curriculum
research their own questions and those posed by others
follow new pathways of enquiry based on their own interests
complete homework activities that support their learning in school
During the Innovate stage children will:
apply previous skills, knowledge and understanding in real life contexts
be challenged with real or imagined problems and situations to solve using knowledge and skills from the earlier stages
be inspired with imaginative and creative opportunities
have time to re-visit skills, knowledge and understanding not grasped during the develop stage
have the opportunity to take on different roles
During the Express stage children will:
become the performers, the experts, the informers
share their achievements with others in many different ways... parents, class mates and the community
evaluate finished products/processes
tie learning back to the beginning
Foundation Phase
The Foundation Phase is a new approach to learning for children from 3-7 years of age. It combines what we currently call Early Years Education (for 3 to 5-year-olds) and Key Stage 1 (5 to 7-year-olds) of the National Curriculum. To support the rollout of the Foundation Phase, a statutory framework, 'Framework for Children’s Learning for 3 to 7-year-olds in Wales', is available. The Foundation Phase is based on the principle that early years’ provision should offer a sound foundation for future learning through a developmentally appropriate curriculum.
It will bring more consistency and continuity to children’s education at such an all-important period in their development.
The Foundation Phase places great emphasis on children learning by doing. Young children will be given more opportunities to gain first hand experiences through play and active involvement rather than by completing exercises in books. They will be given time to develop their speaking and listening skills and to become confident in their reading and writing abilities.
Mathematics will be more practical so that children can see how problems are solved and how important mathematics is in their everyday lives. There will be more emphasis on children understanding how things work and on finding different ways to solve problems
The curriculum will focus on experiential learning, active involvement and developing each child’s:
Skills and understanding
- Personal, social, emotional, physical and intellectual well being so as to develop the whole child.
- Positive attitudes to learning so that they enjoy it and want to continue
- Self-esteem and self-confidence to experiment, investigate, learn new things and form new relationships.
- Creative, expressive and observational skills to encourage their development as individuals with different ways of responding to experiences.
- Activities in the outdoors where they have first-hand experience of solving real-life problems and learn about conservation and sustainability.
This framework sets out the curriculum and outcomes under seven Areas of Learning. For each Area of Learning, the educational programme sets out what children should be taught and the outcomes set out expected standards of children’s performance
Creative Development
This area of learning focuses on developing imagination and creativity. Their natural curiosity and disposition to learn is stimulated by everyday sensory experiences.
Physical Development
Enthusiasm and energy for movement is continually promoted through helping children to use their bodies effectively. Spatial awareness, balance, control and co-ordination is encouraged to develop motor and manipulative skills
Knowledge and Understanding of the world
Children will be given experiences that increase their curiosity about the world around them and to begin to understand past events, people and places, livings things and the work people do
Welsh language Development
Welsh Language skills are developed through communicating in a range of enjoyable, practical planned activities and using a range of stimuli that build on children’s previous knowledge and experiences.
Mathematical Development
Children will use numbers in their daily activities and develop a range of flexible methods for working mentally with numbers. They will then move onto using more formal methods of working and recording when they are developmentally ready.
Language, Literacy and Communication Skills
These skills will be developed through talking, signing, communicating and listening. Children will be encouraged to communicate their needs, feelings and thoughts and retell their experiences.
Personal and social Development, well-Being and Cultural Diversity
This area of learning focuses on the children learning about themselves, their relationships with other children and adults.
Key Stage 2 National Curriculum
The National Curriculum subjects have been revised and restructured. The purpose of these changes is to identify the skills for each subject and the range of contexts, opportunities and activities through which these skills should be developed and applied. The content has also been updated to ensure relevance to the twenty-first century and manageability for learners and teachers.
The National Curriculum Subjects children are taught at Key Stage 2 are:
Core subjects:
Welsh (as a first or second language)
Foundation subjects:
Design and Technology
Information Technology
Physical Education
Children must also study religious education according to whatever syllabus is laid down by their local authority. Most schools also provide personal and social education
Our school is using a Context Learning approach to teaching and learning which builds upon the Foundation Phase approach and allows the National Curriculum Programmes of study to be delivered through an exciting and innovative way that stimulates pupils' learning.
Learning within the ASD STF
Gwyrosydd is home to a Specialist Teaching Facility (STF) for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and associated learning disabilities. Whilst the majority of the principles relating to high quality, motivational teaching, effective organisation and stimulating surroundings etc already set out will still apply, there is a need to adapt learning to ensure it meets the needs of the pupils. It is the school’s policy to provide a curriculum is designed to support the needs of each individual learner and aims to:
- Enable learners to express preferences, communicate needs, makes choices, make decisions and choose options that other people act on and respect.
- Increase learners’ awareness and understanding of their environment and of the world.
- Work towards reading fluently, with understanding, expression, discrimination and enjoyment of a variety of material written in different ways for different purposes.
- Enable learners to interact and communicate with a wide variety of people, working towards communicating confidently in speech and language.
- Work towards writing legibly and with a satisfactory standard of spelling, syntax, punctuation and usage.
- Work towards communicating clearly and confidently in speech and writing in ways appropriate for various occasions and purposes.
- Encourage the learner to listen attentively.
- Encourage learners to explore, to question and to challenge.
- Work towards developing and applying computational skills with speed and accuracy.
- Develop understanding of mathematical language and concepts.
- Work towards being able to use various art forms, craft and design skills as means of expression using a variety of materials and methods.
- Develop agility and physical co-ordination, confidence in and through appropriate physical activity, the ability to express feeling through movement, drama and dance, to swim, where possible to spend some time in a physically challenging outdoor environment.
- Encourage appreciation of music by experiencing it through listening, performing and composing, through practical means.
- Provide a wide range of learning experiences for the learners in each key stage, suitable for their age.
- Promote self-advocacy or the use of a range of systems of supported advocacy and to develop awareness of self and sensitivity to others.
- Provide opportunities to acquire, develop, practice, apply and extend their skills in a range of contexts across the curriculum.
- In providing a differentiated curriculum to the pupils in the STF the school aims to:
- Offer an intensive intervention for early years, primary aged children.
- Provide a whole school approach where all staff have knowledge and understanding of Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs).
- Provide a curriculum that meets each child’s individual education plan.
- Provide a broad and balanced curriculum that includes the areas of EYFS and subjects of the National Curriculum.
- Enable children, where possible, to purposefully integrate into mainstream lessons and other special schools.
- Effectively monitor provision through the use of teaching & learning observations and work assessment that will identify good practise as well as areas of provision, which may be improved.
Assessment of the Curriculum.
Teachers use a wide range of Summative and Formative Assessment against FP Outcomes and N C Levels.
Curriculum Planning
At Gwyrosydd Primary we plan our skills based curriculum to meet the statutory requirements set out in the Foundation Phase Framework for Children’s Learning and the National Curriculum. We plan as far as possible using the thematic approach however if a subject does not fit into the theme then we teach it discretely.
Schemes of work will
• meet statutory requirements
• determine coverage and progression of skills
• provide support and resources for members of staff • make reference to skills based learning
A curriculum map highlights thematic approaches and other subjects which need to be taught discreetly.
Weekly planning highlights the learning objectives, outline of lesson, differentiation, key skills and evaluations.
Curriculum Policies
These are written by the subject leader and in conjunction with staff (see Subject Policy File).
The role of Subject/ Aspect Leader
- As mentioned previously, the subject leader will write the policy and ensure Cornerstones Education curriculum covers the requirements of their subject area for their subject.
Additionally their role will include;
- advice for teachers of current methodology in the teaching of their subject
- ensure that the learning resources are secured to enhance learning and to fulfil and objectives set out in the SIP
- undertake classroom observations and monitor pupils’ books
- provide feedback to teachers following observations or “listening to learners”.
- undertake and annual self evaluation process which will be recorded along with subject action plans in the SIP.
Time Allocation
At Gwyrosydd Primary we
- ensure adequate time is provided for each subject
- identify opportunities for developing key skills
- include activities which will enhance learning
- ensure an inclusive curriculum
- allow sufficient time for pupils to develop skills and knowledge in areas which are not linked to specific subjects e.g. Enterprise projects, Welsh Week, Eco Development projects, Health & Fitness Activities and Science projects.
- recognise the importance of PSE in the curriculum (through Circle Time sessions and SEAL ).
Skills across the curriculum
Developing Communication Skills across the Curriculum
Pupils should be given opportunities to develop and apply their skills of speaking, listening, reading, writing and expressing ideas through a variety of media.
Developing Number across the Curriculum
Pupils should be given opportunities to develop and apply their knowledge and skills of number, shape, space, measure and handling data.
Developing ICT across the Curriculum
Pupils should be given opportunities to develop and apply their ICT skills to obtain, prepare, process and present information and to communicate ideas with increasing independence.
Developing Thinking across the Curriculum
Pupils should be given opportunities to develop and apply their skills of asking appropriate questions, making predictions and coming to informed decisions.
All teachers at Gwyrosydd Primary School encourage children to use their thinking skills in all subject areas.
a. Planning
b. Developing
c. Reflecting
Opportunities will also be provided for pupils to use their communication, numeracy and ICT skills, to work with others, to improve their learning, to solve problems and to consolidate their learning across the curriculum.
Welsh Second Language
Pupils are encouraged to use the Welsh language throughout the curriculum areas. They respond to instructions in Welsh and reply to the teachers in age appropriate manner. Pupils are also encouraged to use Welsh with their peer groups to reinforce learning and to make Welsh a natural part of the day.
Learning across the Curriculum