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Bikers Against Child Abuse, Inc. ®

International Board MeetingMinutes

January 20 & 21, 2012


Friday January 20, Meeting called to order; at Roll Call, Rock (Indiana) was counted absent; he came in shortly after meeting commenced; all IB in attendance at that point.

Kickstand, International President, welcomed the International Board and noted that there are a lot of new faces at the table this year. He said that this can be an intimidating experience, but expected to hear from everyone at the table. He instructed all to ‘press the microphone button’ and to participate in the discussions.

Chief, Founder, explained that he’d be translating for Papy (Italy), and that Spagno (Italy) was also sitting in at this IB meeting so as to take advantage of the translation.

State Boards

1)Ace (TX) – State Board Considerations for Large States

Ace (TX) motioned to make the following amendments to Article 17 of the Universal Constitution

  1. To be affected by this article 17, a State must contain at least 15 fully chartered Chapters for more than 1 year.
  2. If a State utilizing this article 17 drops to 13 chartered chapters for more than 1 year, article 17 will no longer apply to that State.
  3. The State Board of a large state may vote to reduce Chapter representation on the State Board by one Member. Upon passage every chapter in the state will drop to one representative to the state board, except the founding chapter, which will drop to two representatives to the State Board.

Discussion: Kickstand asked what would happen in the event of a tie; Big John (OK) replied that ‘’if it’s that close of a vote the issue needs to be reconsidered to see there’s a problem’’. Big John cited that they currently have an even number of voting members on the OK State Board and it hasn’t been an issue. If that does occur, Scootr (IEB/VP) recommended that the state table the issue and investigate until more discussion may take place, because a board should not be that divided. Also, in OK, the State President does not vote unless it is to break a tie. KK (IEB/Ambassador) asked why a universal policy (of one representative per chapter) couldn’t be utilized. The short answer, from Scootr, is that in small states there may not even be enough representatives to make up a board. Stinky (UT) asked why this couldn’t be state-specific; Ace answered that as BACA grows, more states will be affected. Scootr commented that ‘we operate under the same Universal Constitution’. Duck (CA), speaking from a 9-chapter-state that is spread out, said it can be financially burdening to get everyone together for State Meetings. The justification of finances is solid, andAce’s original motion was amended to reflect 15 chapters (original verbiage of motion was 20 chapters). Also, this is optional, giving the State Boards flexibility as needed.

The motion was seconded by Slambo (IEB/SO) and passed with one no vote. (Scootr, who was opposed to a verbiage change within the motion, was the ‘no’ vote; Kickstand elected to use his Presidential right-of-abstention.


*Secretary note – minute 35 on audio

2) Skooter k (FL) - State Board Considerations for Small States – Proposal for change to International Bylaws, Article V, Section 5.2 – Skooter k (FL) motioned that we have an exception to the current bylaws for states with 5 or less Chapters (or an agreed upon number) to allow up to 3 members to be elected to serve on the State Board until more than 5 Chapters are in full Charter status in that state. Motion failed due to lack of a second.

Discussion included Skooter k citing the situation with the previous State President’s (Road Dog) illness and his wife, Lady Di (who was the State Secretary) as totheir subsequent leave of absence, which left the State Board shorthanded. Scootr said that the chapter from which Road Dog and Lady Di were from should have supplied two more Chapter Representatives to have fixed the situation. Skooter k, who was then the State VP and who became Interim State President, said there wasn’t anyone (from Road Dog’s Chapter) willing/able to step up in order to bring the numbers back to 7 board members, forcing a restructure. Skooter k said that he told everyone involved that if they weren’t willing to do whatever was necessary in their positions that they shouldn’t be representatives or alternate representatives. Pipes (AZ) said that the mother chapter in his state was shut down, and that there are currently only two chapters (Scootr advised Pipes he’d speak with him at the break/or later to discuss the situation). States with less than three chapters don’t have a formal State Board.

Elections/Nominations/Term Clarifications

3) Slambo (Security Officer) - Full term clarification

Slambo motioned forBylawsSection 1.4 to be changed to“To be eligible to serve as an IEB Member, a Member must be an active B.A.C.A. Member in good standing with his/her local Chapter and have had a working knowledge of the principles and structure of B.A.C.A. for a minimum of 2 years, and have served a full term on the IB. (Jan. 2002) (Jan. 2012)Seconded by Kickstand, the motion passed unanimously.(There was no discussion)


4) Ace (TX) - Election Committee Modification Proposal

In the Universal Constitution, Article 14.1:Ace motioned that“Elections shall be overseen by an election committee consisting of the Secretary and two members appointed by the Secretary.”Ace was seconded by Scootr; motion passed unanimously with Kickstand abstaining.


Discussion included Scootr explaining the original intent of this verbiage, which is that the chair person for any given committee should be the one choosing the committee members.Ace explained that he was simply looking for clarification, and amended his original motion (as was on the agenda) to the above verbiage to reflect his intent. Also, note that all governing documents that include election verbiage will be changed by the PAB to include the approved motion.

5) Ace (TX) – State Board Candidate and Process Modification

*Note: this was tabled until Saturday afternoon

After discussionAce motioned changes to the Universal Constitution, Article 14, Sections 7-9 (specifics below):


1. Elections shall be overseen by an election committee consisting of the Secretary and two other appointed members.

2. (a) all chapter members in good standing shall have the right to vote in an election for chapter officers.

(b) All chapter representatives to the state board shall have the right to vote in an election for state board officers.

(c) Members must be present to vote in an election.

3. Votes shall be cast by anonymous ballot.

4. Nominations shall be made one month prior to the general election.

5. Elections shall be held every two years on odd numbered years.

6. Members must be in good standing for a period of no less than two years to be eligible for office with the exception of President. Exempt from this would be newly formed chapters/states or those without membership numbers to fulfill this requirement.

Ace motioned changes to Article 14, Sections 7-8 as follows: 7. To be eligible to be elected to the office of Chapter President, a member must have held a position on the Chapter BOD for at least two years previous to taking the office of President. To be eligible for the office of State President/Representative, a member must have held a position on the State BOD for at least two years. –And- 8. State Board candidates must have served as an elected Chapter Officer or in an AppointedState Staff position for a period of one term to be eligible for a position on the State Board. Ace was seconded by Scootr. Duck (CA)cast the only opposing vote, motion passed.


Ace motioned for change to Article 14, Section 9, as follows:9. State Executive Board candidates must be drawn from the pool of past elected members of the State Board and the existing state board as well as past members of the State Executive Board. Appointed positions to the State BOD are not eligible for candidacy for State Executive Board Positions unless they have served in positions that would make them otherwise eligible for the State Executive Board. Duck (CA) seconded the motion. Motion failed (roll call below).

Discussion included Scootr citing that when this structure was drafted in 2001, the NEB/IEB was set to be different due to the differences dealt with at the national/international level. Acecontended that the pool of candidates is too small within the current structure, and that the changes he’s proposing open things up to the most qualified candidates, removing the limitations. In rebuttal, Scootr said that if there are members who should be on the SEB, then it’s up to the chapters to put those members into the Chapter Representative seats, therefore allowing them eligibility for future SEB positions. As of Item 1 on these minutes, however, it would be only the Chapter Presidents (as Chapter Representatives) that siton large state BODs. Counsel questioned why there is a push to have Chapter Presidents be the Chapter Representatives to the State Board. Ace answered that others aren’t as ready, don’t have the experience/education in order to serve in that capacity. Slambo, seeking clarification, asked if ‘the state board knows the person/persons better than the chapter knows them’ (in reference to SEB elections). Ace answered with ‘sometimes, yes’. Kickstand said that he felt it was a training problem and that there were unresolved conflicts; and that insisting that Chapter Presidents be Representatives creates a limited pool. KK said that it sounds like we are trying to legislate because people are not treating each other as brothers. If the board believes in somebody, then it’s up to the board and the chapter to put that person into place. We cannot legislate if we don’t recognize and resolve existing problems. Slambo said it also provides the opportunity for the State Board to cite why they don’t feel someone should be on the BOD.

Voting Roster / Yes / No / Abstain
Chief / Founder / 1
Kickstand / President / 1
Scootr / Vice President / 1
Slambo / Security / 1
Lucy / Secretary / 1
Bookkeeper / Treasurer / 1
Krazy Karl / Ambassador / 1
Blind Dog / AL / 1
Mongo / AR / 1
Pipes / AZ / 1
Scud / AU / 1
Duck / CA / 1
Tilt / CO / 1
Happy / CT / 1
Skooter K / FL / 1
A-Train / IA / 1
Spook / ID / 1
Coop / IL / 1
Rock / IN / 1
Papy / IT / 1
Sticks / KS / 1
Sly / KY / 1
Cuzin It / LA / 1
Slugger / MA / 1
Bouncer / MD / 1
Mac / MN / 1
4X / MO / 1
Windy / NC / 1
Condor / NL / 1
Khaos / NJ / 1
Nobody / NV / 1
Cowboy / NY / 1
Red / OH / 1
Big John / OK / 1
Mouse / PA / 1
Buffalo / TN / 1
Ace / TX / 1
Stinky / UT / 1
Raider / VA / 1
Skull / WA / 1
Strings / WI / 1
Dogg / WV / 1
Tiburon / WY / 1
Totals / 7 / 35 / 1

*Kickstand elected to use Presidential Abstention

6) Ace (TX) – IEB Eligibility Modification Proposal – Item struck after discussionDiscussion included that what was proposed would mean thatanybody that’s served on a state board (as long as they’d been elected) would be eligible (along with current qualifications as are in our governing documents) to serve on the IEB. Red (OH) stated ‘if it ain’t broke, why try to fix it?” KK commented that the way chapters and states are run is completely different than the way the IEB is run (multi-country, for example). Ace explained that it wasn’t proposed because someone said the process was broken, it was an idea to open up the pool for more people to serve e.g. an experienced State Secretary could be elected to serve as the IEB Secretary. Scootr said the ‘cream of the crop’ was sitting around the IB table at that moment, and therefore that is the pool that should be drawn from. Slambo said we could see how each of our minds worked – and that opening it up would take away from that. Kickstand took the conversation back to having only State Presidents as Chapter Representatives and the fact that limiting candidates begins there. Counsel reminded Ace that there are a lot of talented members in our nation and that we need to work with them to create future leaders.

7) Sly (KY) – Candidates for President

Sly motioned for changes to the bylaws due to discrepancies and was seconded by Buffalo (TN). However, after the discussion Sly withdrew his motion.


8) Buffalo (TN) - Elections/Nominations P&P – Article 9 Mechanics

Discussion only; election results are to be provided immediately,but as the P&P states, the results will be delivered to the International President within ten days of the election for placement on the B.A.C.A.Website Extranet.

9) Buffalo (TN) - Elections/Nominations P&P – Article 9 Mechanics

Sec. 9.5, which currently reads “Amendments to Election Bylaws – Motion is to amend verbiage to ensure IB votes on changes/ratifications.Buffalo motioned that Article 9, Sec. 9.5 of the Election/Nominations P&P will read “Amendments to these bylaws must be presented in writing to the International Election/Nomination Committee and the International Board.Any proposed amendment will require a majority vote of both bodies for passage.”Motion was seconded by Scootr and passed unanimously.*Note – action was to remove the words ‘executive’ and ‘of directors’.


10) Ace (TX) – Anonymous Voting Modification Proposal

Ace motioned for a policy change to the UC, Article 14.3 that “Votes shall be cast by anonymous ballot, raise of hand, roll call, or rising voting methods.”Motion was seconded by Sly (KY). Ace (TX), Buffalo (TN), Papy (Italy), and Sly (KY) voted yes; all others voted no with Kickstand using his Presidential Abstention. Motion failed.

Discussion included how many individual chapters within states want to see changes, as well as how things were run prior to adopting the Universal Constitution. Paraphrasing KK, since we make an effort to be One BACA, the momentum of everyone doing the same thing the same ways (following the same rules) must be continued. Chief, speaking for Papy, said that the culture/belief in Italy is such that secrets are harmful to the kids. Papy said that Italy will adhere to the rules and regulations, but that things will be discussed afterward, including individual votes. Bookkeeper said that how individuals vote, especially in elections, is dependent on outside stressors, and that anonymous voting protects individual opinions, etc.

11) Buffalo (TN) – Meetings/Election votes

Discussion regarding election votes being published included counsel suggesting that it was a means of accountability. KK said that no one outside (as in chapter members who have never even sat in on an IB meeting) this IB meeting knows the members of the IB as we know one another, putting the responsibility on each of us to vote accordingly. Kickstand said that each State President was elected by members and trusted to bring to the IB table what was decided upon as a state and to make the decisions best for BACA as a whole. Scootr echoed the sentiment. Note that election votes are not specifically included in theBylaws, Articles 3.3, whichcurrently reads “All items voted on by each individual member of the IB will be made available on the B.A.C.A. Extranet. (Jan. 2006)” Buffalo said that discussions taking place within the meeting can change how he originally told his state he’d vote, but that he would vote based upon what his state wanted, not based upon his individual opinion – Kickstand echoed that. Scootr disagreed, and reiterated for those who weren’t at the IB table when this was discussed in previous years, saying (in part) “when you come here and sit at this table, you vote on what’s best for the entire BACA Nation, not what’s necessarily best for an individual state”.Bouncer (MD) said that his state has told him that it’s on his shoulders to vote what’s best. No motion was made; item was withdrawn after discussion.

Patches and Merchandise

12) Sly (KY) – Member Patches

After discussion on clarification of who is responsible for ordering back patches, the item was withdrawn.

13) Buffalo (TN) - International P&P Article 3 (NH 9/11 Patches)

Item struck after brief discussion. There are no longer NH Chapter members wearing the 9/11 patch.


14) Sly (KY)– National (International) Pin for 100 Mile Ride

International P&P 8.1c reads “A National pin (any one that rides) and state patch (B.A.C.A. Members only) be created to commemorate the 100-mile ride (2003).”Sly motioned to “make patches and year rockers available to all participants of the 100 mile ride.”After discussion, the motion was dropped. Slambo suggested using support patches and 100-mile-ride-participant rockers.

15) Buffalo (TN) Merchandise/DVD

Discussion was in reference to the DVD being a fund raising item or an educational tool. Further,there was discussion in reference to making the DVD available on the websiteby embedding it (viewing only, not available for download).