IASFAA Executive Council Teleconference Minutes
March 6, 2012

Attendees: Gisella Baker, Shelly Brimeyer, Erick Danielson, Chris Ditter, Don Duzik, Kristi Fuller, Amy Gaffney, Heather Gaumer, Erin Gjerde-Bailey, Julie Haack, Mary Jacobsen, Joan Meyer, Chad Olson, Tracie Pavon,
Marie Pleggenkuhle, Jen Schroeder, Carolyn Schwendeman, Cindy Seyfer, Mary Jo Smith, Aaron Steffens,
Brandi Stone-Miller

The meeting was called to order by President Amy Gaffney at 10:05 a.m.

Prior Meeting Minutes
Motion –Joan Meyer made a motion to accept the 2/7/12 minutes.
Second - Shelly Brimeyerseconded the motion.
Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report – Jennifer Schroeder
Total Assets $124,476.63

Total in Money Market Account $66,576.63

Motion – Cindy Seyfer made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s Report.
Second – Erin Gjerde-Bailey seconded the motion.
Motion passed.

Officer’s Report

Past President – Joan Meyer
No report

President – Amy Gaffney

  1. IASFAA is invited to submit 3-4 names to MASFAA for consideration for the MASFAA Leadership Symposium to be held in June 2012. Heather, Joan, and Jen Sassman and I discussed some names and we will be contacting them to request they complete the nomination form by March 20.
  2. I am prepping for the spring executive council meeting to be held April 11, 1 pm – 3:30. Will coordinate with Heather on what we want to cover at this meeting vs. her summer retreat. I am mindful we will need to be done with our meeting by 3:30 so those who need to help with IASFAA’s Leadership event still can make it.

President-Elect – Heather Gaumer
The IASFAA executive council elections were conducted last month, however I forgot to ask for a motion to destroy the ballots. A motion is needed to destroy the ballots and completely close the election process on the website. I am already putting together a rough agenda and plans for the executive council summer retreat.

Motion – Don Duzik made a motion to destroy the election ballots.
Second – Cindy Seyfer seconded the motion.

Vice-President – Jen Sassman

1)Just a reminder that the teleconference line can be used by anyone on Executive Council for committee meetings. Only one meeting can occur at a time, so I will coordinate usage. Please email your requests to me at .

2)I will complete the February bank reconciliation as soon as I receive the monthly statement from Morgan Stanley.

3)The activities for Leadership Symposium are progressing. We plan to meet again the day before the spring conference.

4)Today I am meeting with Iowa’s US congressmen in Washington DC as a part of the NASFAA Leadership conference. I was able to get an appointment with staff from Grassley, Harkin, and Braley’s office.

Secretary – Cindy Seyfer

The February minutes will be uploaded to the website now that they have been approved by the EC.

Delegates – Shelly Brimeyer, Don Duzik and Erin Gjerde-Bailey
The Policies and Procedures manual has been updated with the new Committee descriptions, the new awards descriptions, the Business Solutions Sessions and additional details for the Annual IASFAA Audit.

The delegates did not feel that there should be limits on how long individuals can serve as committee chairs, since those are sometimes hard to fill, but here is suggested language that could put in the P&P:“In order to encourage broad participation, IASFAA recommends that committee chairs serve no more that 5 consecutive years”. Delegates didn’t feel that limits were needed for Exec council, since those are elected positions. Aaron shared that it was in the Long-Range Plan to limit the amount of time that members served as committee chairs in order to encourage membership participation. The historical list of committee chairs is available in the Fact book and Shelly is updated this now. We will revisit this issue in the April meeting.

We need to determine who will be administrators for the ATAC Announcement Listserv that will now be available to send notices to individuals who have been previous members.The delegates recommend that the Program Chair, President and President Elect along with the Electronic Services chairs should have administrative access to the ATACT Announcement Listserv.

Motion – Shelly Brimeyer made a motion to accept the proposal for administrative access to the ATAC announcement listserv.
Second – Heather Gjerde-Bailey seconded the motion

Amy asked the delegates to write up a bylaws policy for the destruction of election ballots for the policy and procedures manual.

ICSAC Report
ICSAC was not able to be on the conference call but provided a synopsis of the bills they are currently following.

Private colleges received initial parameters for the 2012-13 Iowa Tuition Grant.

Committee Reports
Awards – Mary Jo Smith
A reminder for the submission of nominations for the John Moore award just went out. Soon the announcement for nominations for the outstanding new professional award will be on the IASFAA website. Mary Jo will work with Mary Jacobsen. on this. Amy is working on the President’s award. Committee chairs should all be thinking about who they would nominate for the Outstanding Committee Member of the Year. Mary Jo is working on the presentation for the awards luncheon.

Bylaws – Delegates
No Report.

Community Outreach – Erick Danielson
College Goal Sunday was held from Feb. 18-26. We had 31 locations throughout the state. Thankfully, only one location had to be cancelled because of weather, Kirkwood CC in Cedar Rapids.

700 FAFSAs were completed during the week at the CGS sites. This is up from 609 the year before. We were hoping for more than that but it is still an increase. We had 199 volunteers at the sites, down from 211 the year before. For the most part, we had a good amount of volunteers at the CGS sites but I think this is something that the Community Outreach Chair should monitor every year and when there are places that don’t seem to have enough “FAFSA expert” volunteers we try to make a push on the list serv to get more.

I sent a reminder about the Frieda Award this week. So far, I have only one application. I am hoping to get some more this week. The deadline I set is this Friday March 9th. I have Carol Bogaard and Erin Gerde-Bailey helping to judge the award.

I have not made progress on changing the name for the Reality Store. I would like to concentrate on this a little more and have had some suggestions for the name change but I could use some more ideas. If anyone from the board has any ideas, please let me know. IASFAA could present a formal request to ICAN to use their “Life Store” brand name instead of the Reality Store. We will revisit and finalize at the April meeting.

Electronic Services – Mary Jacobsen
The exhibitor and business solutions session registration is in the process of getting set-up. Conference registration should be up and running soon along with information for hotel reservations. They are in the process of setting up our Announcements listserv. Federal and State Issues is looking for ways to better communicate with the membership. ATAC is rolling out a blog functionality that can be used free of charge. We need a name for our blog and then we can get on the list to get it set-up. Ean has submitted ideas to Amy. Any other ideas can be sent to Amy. We will decide on a name at our April meeting.

Exhibitor Relations – Chris Ditter
We sent the first invite out to associate members February 21 which included a letter from Amy and the Business Solutions policy document. I received a few responses back immediately indicating interest in doing a Business Solutions Session as well as some questions. Because there were lots of questions about how we were going to implement this new opportunity this spring, we coordinated a conference call which included Amy, Tracie, Mary, Robert and myself. As a result of that meeting, we developed a Business Solutions Q & A. The Letter from Amy, the Business Solutions Policy, the Q &A and the 2012 Site Information documents have been posted to the Exhibitors tab on the web site.

We started the testing of registration for exhibiting and Business Solutions yesterday. For some reason, a lot of the references to exhibiting was changed to sponsor/sponsoring/sponsorship. There was another issue encountered while testing the new Business Solutions logic. It allowed you to check the registration box to participate in a Business Solutions session and skip entering the tile and description of the session. Those registrants, in turn, did NOT show up on the Business Solutions Report. ATAC was able to make the changes to the site and I was able to test again this morning.

Due to the short turn around needed for the Business Solutions registration (March 16), I don’t believe I can wait for conference registration to go live before Exhibitor/Business Solutions registration.

-Federal & State Issues – Ean Freels
Tristan and I are discussing what information could be shared on the IASFAA website under resources (as recommended by Mary J.).

-We are going to be pushing out to members, a regular legislative updates provided by Julie Leeper. We’ll wait to see how the blog works before we make the decision as to what is the best method to share this legislative updates spreadsheet. For now it will be pushed via listserv.

-I’m discussing with Todd Brown the particulars of the old “IASFAA Legislative Day.” Perhaps this is something we can bring back (in some form) in the near future. Todd suggested attendance was so-so…perhaps the event could be “officially” combined with an existing event so that travel budgets are not impacted as much.

-I wanted to ask the group what the value of “position papers” would be for IASFAA. I noticed that the drafting of “position papers” was described under the Federal and State Issues committee description online. Is there something more valuable that this committee could be doing, or should we examine bringing back these duties to the forefront of the committee?

Finance – Amy Gaffney
Amy will meet with Heather to go over details for the future.

Long-Range Planning – Aaron Steffens
No report.

Newsletter – Carolyn Schwendeman
The Newsletter Committee is planning to post the next issue of the Newsletter shortly after the spring conference in April. Please be thinking about any articles that you would like to submit.

Professional Development – Marie Pleggenkuhle
Director’s Drive-In Workshop had a great turnout. Thanks to Heather for all help and to AIB for offering us the room for free. Leadership Symposium will meet prior to the spring conference.

Program Committee – Tracie Pavon
The registration fee for the conference will remain the same as the fall: $85 for members & $105 for non-members. Information for the spring conference will be on the website soon. Registration will be open soon for the business solutions portion of the conference.

Site Coordinating Committee – Chad Olson
The Site Committee selected the Stoney Creek Inn in Johnston for the Spring 2013 Conference. A contract to President Amy Gaffney for her signature, which has been returned to Stoney Creek Inn.

The Site Committee is soliciting and reviewing RFPs for the Fall 2013 Conference. We hope to make a selection by May 2013.

Chad will work w/ Heather regarding the site for the summer executive retreat.

Motion – Cindy Seyfer made a motion to accept the committee & officer reports.
Second – Joan Meyer seconded the motion.
Motion passed.

Old Business
Business Solutions is set to go and Chris Ditter indicates that she has already received interest in this.

New Business

Motion –Shelly Brimeyermade a motion to adjourn.
Second – Gisella Baker seconded the motion.
Motion passed.

Next Executive Teleconference – April 11, 2012, 1:00p.m., Embassy Suites, Des Moines

Balance Sheet
As of March 5, 2012
Current Assets
Bank Accounts
Money Market Checking / 66,576.63
Total Bank Accounts / $ 66,576.63
Total Current Assets / $ 66,576.63
Other Assets
American Express Centurion Bank Salt Lake City UT / 15,000.00
Capital One Bank Glen Allen CD / 0.00
Capmark Bank Midvale UT CD / 15,000.00
Discover Bank Geenwood / -15,000.00
Discover Bank Greenwood DE / 15,000.00
First Bank of Beverly Hills CD / 0.00
GE Moneybank CD / 15,000.00
GE Moneybank CD (deleted) / 0.00
GE MoneyBank Draper UT CD / 15,000.00
Gold Bank Leawood Kansas CD / 0.00
Rabobank S & P 500 CD / -2,100.00
WesternBank Puerot Rico Mayaguez PR / 0.00
Total Other Assets / $ 57,900.00
TOTAL ASSETS / $124,476.63
Current Liabilities
Other Current Liabilities
Morgan Stanley / 0.00
Total Other Current Liabilities / $ 0.00
Total Current Liabilities / $ 0.00
Total Liabilities / $0.00
Opening Bal Equity / 106,014.78
Retained Earnings / 13,637.93
Net Income / 4,823.92
Total Equity / $124,476.63
Monday, Mar 05, 2012 11:24:08 AM GMT-6 - Cash Basis
Profit & Loss
July 1, 2011 - March 5, 2012
DUES / 16,425.00
Interest & Dividend Income / 700.98
CONFERENCE - Fall / 15,520.00
Exhibit Fees - Fall / 4,500.00
Total REG FEES / $ 20,515.00
Total Income / $ 37,640.98
Association Travel / 3,029.24
Conference Registrations / 295.00
Total ASSOC REP / $ 3,324.24
AWARDS / 194.08
Reality Store / 571.29
Sponsorship/Advertising / 500.00
Total CMMNTY OTRCH / $ 1,071.29
EXEC CNCL / 153.04
Food - Summer Retreat / 155.22
Supplies - Summer Retreat / 1,386.50
Travel - Summer Retreat / 349.34
Total EXEC CNCL / $ 2,044.10
FINANCE / 169.00
Insurance / 903.00
Legal & Professional Fees / 395.00
On-line Quickbooks Expense / 232.56
Postage / 98.88
Total FINANCE / $ 1,798.44
Drive-In Workshop / 678.73
NASFAA training / 154.56
Total PROF DEV / $ 4,482.67
PROGRM COMM / 440.00
Fall Conference Entertainment / 876.66
Fall Conference Facility Deposit / 200.00
Fall Conference Meals / 13,015.81
Fall Conference Printing / 180.04
Fall Conference Room Charges / 540.96
Fall Conference Speaker Fees / 678.00
Fall Registration Refund / 110.00
Meals- Planning / 127.77
Travel - Planning / 727.50
Total PROGRM COMM / $ 16,896.74
Total Expenses / $ 32,817.56
Net Operating Income / $ 4,823.42
Other Expenses
Reconciliation Discrepancies / -0.50
Total Other Expenses / -$ 0.50
Net Other Income / $ 0.50
Net Income / $ 4,823.92