School Family Council
February 27, 2012
In attendance: Tish Hild, Carolyn Cole, Georgia Woerner, Eric Schott, Craig Bedford, Jessica Reighard, Umekca Horsey, JoAnne Huey, Rhoda Goff, Catherine Gearhart, Christine Rice, Gwende Mozeik-Walker, David Lunken, Matthew Croson, Heidi Mozoki, Janet Fonda, Melanie Carter, Kathy Rivetti, Darlene Furno, Dan Pontious, Stephanie Bass, Bob Heck, Kimberly Mooney, Roland Taylor, Daniel Hellerbach, Deborah Claiborne, Kate Phelan, Elizabeth Lusby
The meeting was called to order at 4:06 PM by Tish Hild.
The achievement committee met in February and discussed benchmark data. There was a concern with middle school special special education scores. The committee wishes to again invite middle school participation. The next meeting will be 3/22 at 3:15 PM.
Ms. Goff gave the report for the attendance committee. Attendance is currently at 96.4%.
Mr. Hellerbach gave the report for the Climate/PBIS committee. They discussed the use of Minor Incident Reports. They also discussed the idea for an “in-school suspension room.” Members of the committee also visited a school using techniques to teach empathy and justice. Mrs. Carter discussed the PBIS report. The committee recently had 2 celebrations for 3-5th grades, and middle school grades that were very successful. The next meeting will be 3/14 at 3:15, climate at 3:45PM.
The Family and Community Relations committee discussed partnerships. Mr. Pontious gave the report. They are working on finding a partner to fund the Girls on the Run club. They are also reaching out to law firms to help fund debate club. Mrs. Hild and Ms. Reighard met with the manager of PNC Bank for possible collaborative initiatives for next year. Also, the middle school scoreboard is not currently functioning, and PNC may sponsor this in return for their logo being featured on the scoreboard. The next meeting will be 3/13 at 3:15 PM.
Mrs. Cole gave the State of the School/Budget report. Mr. Hellerbach reported that his boys’ mentoring group had begun. Mr. Croson spoke about the upcoming Echo Hill trip. Ms. Cole mentioned that the 8th graders are awaiting their high school acceptance letters. Miss Woerner mentioned that the elementary teachers are working hard with data to prepare for the upcoming testing, and still having fun events like Mrs. Rucinski’s writers’ celebration. She also talked about the elementary and middle school yearbooks. She discussed the progress on the air conditioning system. Over 500 projects were represented at the middle school science fair, and many parents and faculty, as well as special guests, served as judges. The spring sports tryouts are beginning, and the programs are starting up. Additional sports and teams are being added this year. The Wellness Committee sponsored a wellness day, and there will be a weekly staff Zumba class on Wednesdays.
Mrs. Cole handed out information on the non-personnel spending and budgeting for this year so far. She stated that the school currently spends approximately $7 million on staffing, and the rest was listed on the distributed chart. She discussed how the current budget will be reviewed and priorities will be discussed before we receive the figures for the current budget, to facilitate next year’s budget process. She mentioned that we will have meetings and budget forums to continue to discuss budget issues. Commissioner Heck gave an update on state and local funding prospects for next year. The school board will not be able to vote on a budget until mid- to late-April.
Mrs. Huey mentioned that May Mart will be May 12th. The PTA is working on committees for May Mart. Additionally, they are forming a welcoming committee for new families, from K-8th grades.