Yosemite Marlins Swim Club
Yosemite Marlins Swim Club Informational Packet
About Yosemite Swim Club……………………………………………………………………..….3
Vision and Mission Statement…………………………………………………...………………...3
Frequently Asked Questions………………………………………………………………………...4
Group Descriptions……………………………………………………………………………….…5
Meet Schedule…………………………………….………………………………………………...5
Practice schedule…………………………………..………………...…………………….……...…6
Parent Education ……………………………………………………………………………………6
Internet Resources…………………………………………………….…………………………….6
Equipment Lists……………………………………………………….…………………………….6
Training Fee Structure……………………………………………………………………………..7
On-Line Registration instructions………………………………………………………………….7
Team Travel Policy…………………………………………………………………...……………. 10
Code of Conduct / Honor Code …………………………………………………………………….11
Electronic Communication Policy ………………………………………………………………….12
Action Plan to Address Bullying …………………………………………………..……………….13
Registration Packet………………………………………………………………………………….15
Parent/Guardian Agreement………………………………………………………………………....16
Release Agreements……………………………………………………………………………..…..17
Volunteer Opportunities………………………………..….………………………………………..18
Welcome to all YHS swimmers, YSC swimmers and Marlins swimmers. The new Yosemite Marlins Swim Club’s coaching staff is very excited for the upcoming season! We have lots of new ideas and energy to make Yosemite Marlins Swim Clubthe best swim club ever.
About Yosemite Marlins Swim Club
The Yosemite Marlins Swim Club is a USA Swimming sanctioned year-around swim team. The swim team’s objectives will be to promote and develop competitive swimming and water polo in YosemiteUnionSchool District, to foster interest in aquatics as lifetime sports and expand educational opportunities for YUSD students and the mountain communities.
Yosemite Marlins Swim Club will operate underpolices and regulations of YUSD. It will also adhere to USA Swimming and US Water Polo rules.
Vision Statement
The Yosemite Marlins Swim Club will play a key role in helping each of its members reach their full potential as aquatic athletes and to foster the development of personal qualities that will help them be successful throughout their lives.
Mission Statement
Training and experiences of Yosemite Marlins Swim Club members will be aimed at helping children learn the values of hard work, sportsmanship, self-discipline, leadership, and responsibility concurrently as they develop their maximum potential with aquatic skills and techniques.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can my swimmer swim High School swimming and Marlins at the same time? Yes
How are fees handled for High School swimmers who return to or depart from the Marlins to participate in High School swimming in the middle of the month? Their fees will be prorated.
How do I know which group my swimmer is assigned to swim with? The coach assigns all swimmers to the appropriate training group at tryouts at their first day of practicebased on entrance criteria. Returning swimmers will be assigned to the same group as last season unless the head coach has contacted them.
How do I get information about the team, meets, practice schedule etc.? The team website is the best source of information. All schedules, meet information, forms, and changes are posted on the website.
When does the swim season begin and end? The Yosemite Marlins swim year around. A swimmer can join at any time after contacting the Head Coach for a try-out and filling out the registration forms.
What are the swim practice hours? Practice times vary depending on the group. Please see the Yosemite Marlins website ( for details.
What if my swimmer cannot swim at the assigned time? Swimmers have to swim with their assigned group because each group’s training structure is tailored to the level of the athletes. However, if a conflict arises please consult with the coach.
When are my fees due? Fees are due by the 10st of the month. Failure to make payment without approval can result in your swimmer(s) not being allowed to swim until all fees are brought up to date.
Is there a discount off fees if I have multiple swimmers? Yes, please see page 7of the welcome packet or visit the Yosemite Marlins website.
Are my meet entry fees included with training fees? No, meet entry fees and any additional team travel costs will be billed to each athlete account through the team unify platform.
What are the Yosemite Marlins fundraising activities? Yosemite Marlins has many different fundraising opportunities. Please visit the Marlin’s website at for details of our fundraising activity.
What if I am unable to participate in a fundraiser? You will need to meet your volunteer obligation so plan to participate in other fundraiser events.
If I have questions regarding my swimmer how should I communicate with the coach? It is best to make initial contact with your swimmer’s coach about questions through email. Coach email contact information can be found on our website. Please do not try to meet with the coach during practice since practice time is dedicated to the swimmers.
Am I allowed on the pool deck during practice or meets? No, for insurance and safety reasons only coaches and athletes are allowed on the pool deck during practice and meets. You can sit in the stands to watch practice or in the parent/spectator designed areas during meets. Also, do not talk to your swimmers(s) or coaching staff during practice because it is distracting to the athletes and coaching staff and may create a safety issue.
How do I sign up my swimmer for competitive swim meets? At the beginning of the season the swim meet schedule will be posted on the website. You will need to log in to the website to declare your intent for each meet. Each group will have a specific meet schedule to follow. Entries are sent in 3- 6 weeks before the meet and there are no additions or changes once the entries have been sent in. This will require some planning beforehand to make sure a swimmer is able to swim at any meets they are entered in. Entry fees are non-refundable and many host teams will not allow any changes at the meet.
What if I have a friend or another child who is interested in swimming but who doesn’t have competitive swimming experience? We welcome all new swimmers to the Yosemite Marlins Swim Club and encourage them to try our team for a week free of charge. Please contact the coach for more information.
Group Requirements
Group requirements listed are the minimums to earn entrance into a training group. Athletes may exceed these requirements prior to or throughout the season, but swimmers must achieve both practice and meet/performance standards for the next group in order to be considered for move-ups.
GROUP / AGERANGE / ENTRANCE CRITERIAAdvanced / 9 - 18 / Comfortably Perform
12 x 100 Free @1:45
8 x 100 IM @ 2:00
4 – 6 evening practices/week
Coach Recommendation
>85% meet attendance
Developmental / 7 – 14 / Comfortably Perform
8 x 100 Free @ 2:10
6 x 100 IM @ 2:30
3 – 5 practice/week
Coach Recommendation
>85% meet attendance
Novice / 5 – 10 / Able to swim 25 yards Free unassisted with side breathing
TentativeShort Course Meet Schedule
DATE / MEET / LOCATION / WHO CAN SWIM IN ITDecember 7-8, 2013 / A/B/C Shua Course / Tul Nation Tritons (TNT) / A/B/C
January 4-5, 2014 / A/B/C (SCY) / Clovis / A/B/C
February 8 -9, 2014 / B/C Champs JO Max Q Times / VAST / B/C
February 15 – 17, 2014 / Jr. Olympics / Bakersfield / Qualifying Times
February 27 – March 2, 2013 / Senior Qualifier (SCY) / CLOV / Qualifying Times
March 22, 2014 / IM Ready (LCM) JO Q Times Min / RCA / J.O. Qualifying Times
March 23, 2014 / IM Ready (SCY or SCM) JO Q Times Max / TNT / Max J.O. Qualifying Times
April 12, 2014 / JO Q Times Min Meet (LCM) / MERC / J.O. Qualifying Times
April 13, 2014 / JO Q Times Max Meet (SCY Or SCM) / MERC / Max J.O. Qualifying Times
May 3, 2014 / IM Xtreme (LCM) JO Q Times Min / FDST / J.O. Qualifying Times
May 4, 2014 / Developmental Meet (SCY or SCM) JO Q Times Max / TNT / Max J.O. Qualifying Times
May 24-26, 2014 / A/B Modified (LCM) / CLOV / A/B
June 7 – 8, 2014 / A/B/C Meet (LCM) / BAC / A/B/C
June 20- 22, 2014 / A/B Modified (LCM) / FDST / A/B
July 10-13, 2014 / Senior Qualifier (LCM) / CLOV / Qualifying Times
July 12 – 13, 2014 / B/C Championships (LCM) JO Q Times Max / MERC / Max J.O. Qualifying Times
July 17 – 20, 2014 / CCS Junior Olympics (LCM) / FDST / Qualifying Times
Practice Schedule
Below is the practice schedule, by groups. Practice times/dates are subject to change depending on Yosemite High School athletic events.
GROUP / TIMES / ACTIVITY / DAYSAdvanced / 5:45AM – 6:45AM / Swim / T, Th
4:30PM – 5:00PM / Dry land / M, W
5:00PM – 7:00PM / Swim / M, T, W, Th, F
Developmental / 4:30PM – 5:00PM / Dry land / M, W
5:00PM – 6:30PM / Swim / M, T, W, Th, F
Novice / 5:00PM – 5:45P / Swim / M, W, Th
Adult Lap Swimming / 5:45AM – 6:45AM / Swim / T, Th
5:45PM – 7:00PM / Swim / M, T, W, Th
Time / Groups Practicing
5:00 PM – 5:45 PM / Advanced, Developmental, Novice
5:45 PM – 6:30 PM / Advanced, Developmental & Adults Start
6:30 PM – 7:00 PM / Advanced
Pool will be closed for the following board approved holidays and scheduled maintenance days.
November 28 & 29, December 25 – 27, January 1 – 3, 8 – 10, & 20, April 18, May 26, and July 4
Parent Education
Please visit
Under the “Member Resources” tab you will findparent information on a wide variety of swimming topics.
Internet Resources
Bookmark these websites for all of your swimming needs
Yosemite Marlins Swim Club Homepage
USA-Swimming Homepage
Yosemite Unified School District
Baker Swim Complex
Equipment Lists
Each group will have equipment that each swimmer will need to purchase and bring with them to each practice. For ordering information, please see the Yosemite Marlins webpage. Standard swimming equipment can also be purchased at Swim Suits West in Fresno, CA.
Advanced & Developmental: Competition team swim suit, practice suit,goggles, mesh bag, snorkel, fins, water bottle, paddles, and buoy
Novice: Competition team swim suit, practice suit, goggles, mesh bag, fins, and water bottle
This list can be found on the team’s website. Please make sure each swimmer comes to practice with a water bottle so swimmers can stay hydrated.
It is required that swimmers represent our team at competitions by wearing a team uniform suit. Girls wear one piece racing style suit and boys wear Jammer or brief style suits. See our website for ordering Yosemite Marlins Swim Club suits and additional apparel with our team logo.
Yosemite Marlins Multiple Swimmer Training Fee Structure (Valid Fall 2013)
Monthly Fee Payments
1 & 2 child(ren)$/child / 3rd child or more
Adult Lap Swimming / $35.00
Novice / $45.00 / $40.00
Developmental / $55.00 / $50.00
Advanced / $65.00 / $60.00
***Note: For families with multiple swimmers, the 1stand 2ndswimmer is charged at the higher swim group fee and subsequent swimmers at the discounted rate in descending swim group order.
Other Costs:
Equipment, see equipment liststated on page 6
Meets - Participating in meets is one of the most exciting parts of being on a competitive year round swim team. The Marlins recommend each swimmer participate as many meets as possible that are scheduled for each swim group. Some meets will be hosted by the Marlins and will require parent volunteers to run smoothly.Other meets will require travel to towns and may last up to 3-4 days. These meets have entry fees that are paid to the host team and USA swimming. Entry fees usually cost around $4 per event swum and there is typically a surcharge as well for each swimmer. Hotels will be needed for some meets and it is always recommended to get a refundable reservation in case something doesn’t allow the swimmer to travel.
Payments - Families pay for fees/dues through the team website. After you log in, clicking on the “My Account” button will take you to the page to view your payment information and invoice statements. Your credit card will be billed on the 10th of each month for all expenses incurred (membership fees, meet fees, travel expenses, etc.) in the previous month.
On-line Registration
Yosemite Marlins is now accepting on-line athlete registration for YM swimmers and adult lap swimmers at our website
1)Thetotal registration fee will be $105 per year which includes both year-round USA Swimming registration fee of $65 and Yosemite Marlins administration fee of $40. Current 2013-14 USA Swimming registrations will be transferred to Yosemite Marlins Swim Club and only the administration fee of $40 will be required.
2)When you are registering for YM, you are agreeing to the following:
a)Fulfillment of the parent volunteer commitment requirements. The parent volunteer commitment requires that all families help at YM swim meets.Each family agrees to participate in the fundraising events throughout the season to fulfill our annual fundraising and family volunteer 20 hour obligation. Family volunteer obligation with be managed through the website teamunify. Families unable to fulfill the volunteer requirement will not be allowed to enter their swimmer(s) in meets through the YM Team Unify system and the swimmer(s) will not be eligible for practice groups move-ups, if applicable.
b)The Parent Code of Conduct and the Athlete Code of Conduct.
c)The Yosemite Marlins Swim Team Travel Rules, Electronic devise Rules, and no bullying policy.
3)On-Line Registration for athletes may begin on Thursday November21st, 2013.
To register go to once a contact email is provided and registration fees are paid, you will receive an email from teamunify explaining how to complete the registration process.
The Constitution and By-Laws of the Yosemite Marlins Swim Club
1.1Name:The team shall be known as the Yosemite Marlins Swim Club. (YMSC)
1.2 Objectives: To promote and develop competitive swimming and waterpolo in Yosemite Union School District (YUSD), to foster
interest in aquatics as lifetime sports and expand educational opportunities for YUSD students and our mountainarea
1.3Sports: Swimming and water polo teams will represent the Yosemite Marlins Swim Club in USA Swimming competitions.
2.1Organization:The Yosemite Marlins are run as a service to the community by the YUSD. The Yosemite Marlins are to be run under
the direction of the Head Coach with guidance from the Athletics or Aquatics Director.
2.2Guidelines:Yosemite Marlins SwimClub will operate under the policies and regulations of YUSD. It will also adhere to USA
Swimming and US Water Polo rules.
3.1Membership:All athletes, whose dues are currently paid in full, are considered members of the Yosemite Marlins.
4.1Management:The financial affairs of the Yosemite Marlins will be administered by the Athletic or Aquatics Director, under the
direction of the Assistant Superintendent for Business and Finance. The policies established by the YUSD Board of
Trustees and the Superintendent will be followed.
4.2Duties:The staff of the Yosemite Marlins Swim Club will process all entries to Yosemite Marlins activities, keep up to date
financial records, and handle all revenue and expenses as per the policies of YUSD.
4.3Fees:The Yosemite Marlins shall pay any and all appropriate membership dues or fees, prior to any annual meeting.
4.4Dues:Members shall pay all dues and entry fees in advance. Athletes with unpaid balances may be withheld from
practice and/or competition, until the balance is paid.
4.5Standing:Good standing is maintained by having met all the financial and training commitments specific to that team or group.
All monthly dues and meet entry fees shall be paid in advance. Students will meet all behavior and conduct
expectations of the Yosemite Marlins.
5.1Committees:As committees are needed, they shall be established on an ad-hoc basis by the Athletic or Aquatics Director, or his/her
5.2Types:The committees will be established as support organizations for aquatics competitions, training, awards ceremonies,
fund-raising and/or information dissemination.
5.3Appointment:The Athletic or Aquatics Director will appoint members in good standing to the various ad-hoc committees.
6.1Teams:The Yosemite Marlins will be organized under the direction of the Yosemite Marlins Head Coach(es)
6.2Practice:Practice schedules will be posted and all parties will adhere to this schedule. The Head Coach will have all schedules
approved by the Athletic or Aquatics Director.
6.3Handbook:The Yosemite Marlins handbook will be published and revised annually. This handbook will include a description of
all teams and qualifying criteria.
6.4Eligibility:A student must meet the criteria of a group to be included in that group. Each group and sub-group within the Yosemite
Marlins has individual qualifying criteria for that group. The eligibility criteria shall be published annually in the
handbook for that team.
7.1General:All competitions shall be run in accordance with the currently published rules and the meet information approved by
the sanctioning body.
7.2Sanctions:All competitions shall be sanctioned by the appropriate USA or State Federation.
7.3Ceremonies:The National Anthem shall be played at the opening ceremonies for all championship level meets.
7.4Meets:The Head Coach will develop a schedule of meets for the Yosemite Marlins. Once approved by the Athletic or
Aquatics Director, this schedule will be the responsibility of the Head Coach to execute.
7.5Officials:It is the responsibility of the Head Coach to secure all needed personnel to run meets and practices for the Yosemite
Marlins. Volunteers will be used as needed. The use of parents of the Yosemite Marlins members will be a necessity
for successful operation of the organization.
7.6Results:After each competition, results shall be sent to all specified USA officials, all appropriate media contacts and to all
participating teams.
8.1Head Coach:The Head Coach will report to the Athletic or Aquatics Director and may be assigned additional duties as deemed
necessary to meet the objectives of the Yosemite Marlins.
8.2Head Assistants:It is recommended that there be a minimum of one coach who works under the Head Coach. Each will be in charge of
specific areas such as age group team and novice team. Each Assistant coach works under the Head Coach.
8.3Assistant Coaches:These individuals will be hired as needed to maintain an athlete to coach ratio that does not exceed 25:1. The ratio is a
function of average daily attendance, not group roster size. They work under the Head Coach(es) in teaching
fundamentals of swimming.