Course / ME 38700 - Electronics and System Engineering through Robotics
Cross-listed Course / ECE 38700 - Electronics and System Engineering through Robotics
Type of Course / Elective (Group 2) for ME program
Prior to 2009, required for ME program
Catalog Description / Introduction to robotics; micro controllers, motion actuators, sensors, electric circuits and interference, electronic devices and interfacing, switch elements, electric ladder diagrams.
Credits / 3
Contact Hours / 3
Prerequisite Courses / ECE 20100, ENGR 19900, ENGR 22100, ME 25100
Corequisite Courses / None
Prerequisites by Topics / Programming experience in C/C++. Experience in using software scripting tools and software testing tools.
Textbook / S. Cetinkunt, Mechatronics, John Wiley and Sons, current edition.
Course Objectives / This course provides an introduction to mechatronics, industrial automation, and robotics. The material covered in this course provides the students a broad knowledge of fundamental topics in electrical and mechanical engineering disciplines including an introduction to microcontrollers and interfacing, motion actuators and sensors, circuits and electronics, switching devices, and electric ladder diagrams. Mobile robots’ applications are emphasized.
Course Outcomes / Students who successfully complete this course will have demonstrated:
1.  An understanding of PIC 18F452 microcontroller. (a, k)
2.  Familiarity with motion actuators. (a, k)
3.  Familiarity with sensors. (a, k)
4.  An understanding of basic electronic components and devices, and interfacing these components/devices to microcontrollers. (a, c, e, k)
5.  An understanding of electric ladder diagrams and their design methods. (c, k)
6.  An understanding of programmable logic controllers. (a, k)
Lecture Topics / 1.  Introduction
2.  Microcontrollers
3.  Motion actuators
4.  Rigid motions and homogeneous transformation
5.  Mechanism for motion transmission
6.  Sensors
7.  Electronics and interfacing
8.  Signal conditioning
9.  Programmable logic controllers
10.  Electric ladder diagrams
Computer Usage / Low
Laboratory Experience / None
Design Experience / Medium
Coordinator / Yanfei Liu, Ph.D.
Date / 31 March 2011

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