These notes do not apply to League matches at Level 9 (Sussex 1) and above, or to RFU Knockout matches.
Regulation 2b.
Competition matches shall be played on the dates scheduled, unless pitches at both Clubs are unavailable or teams have a superior RFU, National, or County Competition match. A Club may apply to change a maximum of 2 fixture dates per season, and must first obtain the agreement of their opposition, and give at least 4 Saturdays clear notice. Such matches may be played earlier or later than the scheduled date, or as League or League/Knockout ‘double-headers . All such changes must be notified to the Administrator and the Referees’ Appointments Secretary . If special circumstances apply, clubs may request the Administrator to authorise a mandatory change of date.
Knockout matches
In order to provide more flexibility and choice for Clubs, the dates of Round One and Quarter Final rounds of the Sussex Knockouts, have been ‘suggested’, but there is a final ‘play by’date when all games must be completed.
The Home side should contact their opposition as early as possible and agree a date
they must notify the Administrator and the Referees’ Appointments Secretary.
Merit League matches
A Club has the right to change two fixtures per season, as long as their opposition agrees.
Four Saturdays clear notice must be given to the Referees’ Appointments and the Administrator.
If a Club wishes to play its scheduled Home fixture at the Away venue, for reasonsof pitch availability etc., it may do so by agreement, subject to giving notice to the Referees and Administrator, but the team originally scheduled to play Away, will retains Away advantage (i.e. 5 points for a Win),
Where a Club wishes to play its two League fixtures as a ‘double-header’ this will normally be at the opposition venue.
If Clubs cannot agree a date, the Home side must refer the matter to the Administrator, who will decide one.
Knockout/Merit League matches
Where a League/Knockout match is played as a ‘double-header’, it will normally be at side drawn at Home for the relevant League fixture.
If Clubs cannot agree a date, the Home side must refer the matter to the Administrator, who will decide one. This will normally (but not necessarily) be the ‘play by date given on the Draw.
Special circumstances
As per Reg. 2b, a Club may apply to the Administrator for a mandatory change of date. This facility may only be successful in abnormal circumstance, for instance when Facilities are not available, or other local events are taking place which would affect playing.
Events such as a team member’s wedding will not qualify – in such cases changes can be made under the change of date procedures outlined above.
BN6 – Fixture changes. 1.9.17