CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP: 12,900,000VND/12months (Twelve million and nine hundred thousand VND only.) (*)

Registration for 3 representatives & their spouse (Transferable)

 ORDINARY CORPORATE - British companies or those with substantial British ties with a presence in Vietnam

 CORRESPONDENT CORPORATE - British companies or those with substantial British ties with no presence in Vietnam

 ASSOCIATE CORPORATE - Non British companies that have a presence in Vietnam

ADDITIONAL MEMBER (for corporate only): 1,100,000VND/member (One million and one hundred thousand VND only.)

SME/INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP: 4,300,000VND/12months (Four million and three hundred thousand VND only.)(*)

Registration for 1 representative & spouse (Non-transferable)

 ORDINARY INDIVIDUAL - British individuals who are of good standing and interested in business in Vietnam and are ordinarily resident in Vietnam

 ORDINARY SME - British individuals who are ordinarily resident in Vietnam

 CORRESPONDENT SME - British individuals who are not ordinarily resident in Vietnam

 ASSOCIATE SME - Individuals who are not British but are ordinarily resident in Vietnam



Applicant’s signature:______

Date: ______

(Membership fee will be calculated on a pro-rata basis until the end of the year)


Company Name: ______

Address in Vietnam (Head Office): ______

Tel: ______Fax: ______

Address in Vietnam (Branch Office): ______

Tel: ______Fax: ______

Website: ______Company size:______

Business sector:


 Advertising/Marketing/PR /  Education/Training /  Manufacturing
 Aerospace /  Healthcare /  Market Research
 Architecture/Engineering /  Hospitality/Tourism/Restaurants /  Oil & Gas
 Banking/Financial Services /  Human Resources /  Pharmaceuticals
 Business Services /  IT/Computers/Software /  Real Estate/Property Development
 Construction /  Import/Export /  Relocation/Transportation/Logistics
 Consumer Products/Services /  Insurance /  Wholesalers/Distributors
 Charity/NGO /  Legal Services /  Food/Drink Production
Other (please specify):……………………

Please describe your links to the UK:

 British citizen /  Works for the British government
 Lived in the UK for _____ years /  British clients/business partners
 Works for a British company /  Other (please specify):______
1st Representative Details (Ordinary Corporate, SME Ordinary, Individual - Voting member)

 Mr.  Mrs. Ms. Dr.

Full Name:______

Date of Birth:______

Nationality:______Passport Number: ______

Work address (If Applicable): ______

Position: ______E-mail:______

Tel: ______Fax: ______Mobile:______

Spouse’s name:______Email:______

Interested in activities in (check all that apply):

 Ho Chi Minh City  Hanoi  Other (please specify):______

2nd Representative Details (Non-voting member)

Mr. Mrs. Ms. Dr. Full Name:______Job Title: ______

Nationality:______Passport Number: ______Date of Birth: ______

Work address: ______E-mail: ______

Tel: ______Fax: ______Mobile:______

Spouse’s name:______Email:______

Interested in activities in (check all that apply):

 Ho Chi Minh City  Hanoi  Other (please specify):______

3rd Representative Details (Non-voting member)

Mr. Mrs. Ms. Dr. Full Name:______Job Title: ______

Nationality:______Passport Number: ______Date of Birth: ______

Work address: ______E-mail: ______

Tel: ______Fax: ______Mobile:______

Spouse’s name:______Email:______

Interested in activities in (check all that apply):

 Ho Chi Minh City  Hanoi  Other (please specify):______

BBGV Committee Use Only:
 Application form complete
 Application and subscription fees cleared
 British links or affiliations cleared
Signature of chairperson/Vice chairperson:______/  Legal presence in Vietnam
 Membership Code:______
Date of approval: ______


  1. Voting Rights:

Only the first registered representative of Ordinary Corporate Membership , Ordinary Individual Membership and Ordinary SME Membership are entitled to vote. All other memberships are non-voting.

  1. Membership Application Package:

Applicants must provide a completed Membership Application Package, which includes the following items:

-Completed Membership Application Form

-A passport photo (in soft copy)

-A profile of company (for Corporate Membership) or a profile of the applicant (for Individual and SME Membership): This will be published in BBGV website and Membership Directories.

  1. Membership Fee Payment:

Membership Fee can be paid by:

  • Bank transfer to:HSBC Bank (Vietnam) Ltd.

235 Dong Khoi Street, District 1, HCMC

Beneficiary: British Business Group Vietnam

Account No.: 001-004-001-101 (VND)

Swiftcode: HSBCVNVX

  • Cash collection at BBGV offices:
  • Ho Chi Minh City: 25 Le Duan, Dist. 1
  • Hanoi: 193B Ba Trieu, Hai Ba Trung Dist.

The 2017 Membership period lasts from 1 January 2017 to 31 December 2017 and Membership Fees are due by 31 December 2017.

  1. Contact Information:

For more information regarding membership, please contact Ms. Ngoc Anh at:


Phone: (08) 3829 8430 – Ext: 107

Fax: (08) 3822 5172