Essential Global Science
Camden Hills Regional High School
Ms. Murphy/ Mr. Benner – Rm 211
Email Address: ;
Website: (use to access links we will use in class, participate in discussions and view student work)
Assignment Calendar: through ical to know all due dates for assignments)
Course Description-
Welcome to Essentials Global Science! The goal for this class is for each of us to discover and explore what systems on earth allow life to exist and the science concepts to understand it.
There will be many methods to assess what and how you are learning in this class. To ensure your own success, it is important that you put in your greatest positive effort into all your class work and into the class community. Please advocate for yourself if you do not understand concepts, what is expected or have special circumstances that we need to know about.
General Information:
Attendance –You need to be here to be successful! If you know you will be absent see one of us before you leave. If you missed class for a school-related reason (sports, performances, etc) you must make up the missed class. The longer it takes to make up missed work the more behind you will get!
Work missed because of an UNEXCUSED absence (cutting class) cannot be made up – so be sure that all absences are legitimate.
Tardies – Any student not in the room when class begins is considered tardy unless he/she has a pass. Tardy students do not get any extra time to catch up or complete an opening, timed activity.
Participation - Daily participation is essential to your learning and performance. Positive participation can also make the difference between a good class and a great class. We will work on this all year and you will be given feedback on how you are doing.
Classroom management –
- Food and drink is allowed ONLY if you clean up after yourself, it does not interfere with class activities and is not consumed during lab activities! Place empty containers in the recycling bin.
- Keep hands to yourself. There’s a lot of cool stuff in class. If you are interested ask, but don’t freely explore cabinets and drawers. This includes other people’s stuff as well.
- If I see a cellphone it is mine until the end of class.
- Do not write on school property!
- Speak and listen with respect to each other and to us.
- Do not insult or tease others. There will be zero tolerance for rude, sarcastic, immature or harassing behavior.
- If you must leave class WAIT until it is an appropriate time to exit. The best time is during independent and group time. I discourage leaving at all. If you miss something, it will not be repeated. In order to leave, fill in your plan book with date, time, and location then bring it to me for initials.
Substitutes – If there is a substitute covering for Ms. Murphy, we expect your best behavior. Ms. Murphy will usually post the assignment and instruction on my website that we give the sub so there is no confusion on what you must complete in class. Often if Ms. Murphy is out she can be contacted via email. If the substitute should leave her a note highlighting inappropriate behavior on your part, there will be no negotiating whether it is true or not, you will receive 3, 1 hour detentions.
Laptop Use – The only laptop you can use in class is the one provided to you from the school. This laptop is loaded with software we will use and systems that will help you be as successful as possible this year. It is a privilege for you to have it. We expect you to use your laptop as a learning tool and not as a distraction from the work you are expected to complete. No IM, emailing, irrelevant web surfing, or other off-task actions during class time. If this becomes an issue you will receive detentions AND have restricted use of your laptop and this will be a major inconvenience to you. Internet and computer use rules that apply to school also apply to this class.
Honor code – Please be sure to review this in your student handbook. Your work must be your own.
Extra help – We are here to facilitate the learning of some of the content and skills you need for basic scientific literacy and to be successful in your next science courses. If you need assistance with anything, do not hesitate to set up an appointment with us (usually after school) or email me. We will be happy to spend additional time with you out of class. We want you all to do well and take pride in your work!
How you will be graded:
I use a point system where each graded piece of work has different point value. All assignments will be posted in powerschool.
Homework Assignments – You will have minimal homework IF you use your class time effectively. If you have a tendency to be absent or have difficulty focusing during class time you will have a heavier homework load.
Science Notebook- up to 50 points
Investigations/Lab Activities: 15 – 100 points
Tests/Quizzes: 10 – 100 points
Projects: larger multi-day assignments. 50 – 200 points.
Classwork: 10 – 25 points for each assignment
Participation: a daily 10-point grade
I wish you all a very successful and enjoyable year with us in Essentials Global Science!!
I have read everything in this handout and understand what is expected of me/ my child in this class.
Student signature and date: ______
Parent signature and date: ______