Rogers State University

Student Government Association

House Meeting

November 8, 2013

I. Call to Order: 1:02 p.m.

II. Roll Call:

·  Absent:


o  Geo Science Club

o  GSA

o  STO

o  SVA

III. Approval of the Agenda:

·  Motion to add CCPSA to do follow up with Psi Chi

·  Motion to Approve as amended

·  Seconded

·  Agenda approved

IV. Reports:

·  Advisor;s Report: Ceciley filling in for Candice

§  Alumni Soccer games Friday night

§  Hillcat Alley 12-2 before the game

·  Free lunch from Billy Sims for first 40 people

§  Balloon Drop with $250

§  Another $250 for another game

§  Inflatables

§  Contests

·  Women’s game: most attendance

·  Men’s game: Most spirited

·  Speaker of the House:

o  Survey on the back of the agenda

·  Deputy Speaker Report:

o  Nothing to report

·  House Clerk:

o  Nothing to report

o  See Bethany if you come in late

·  Executive Committee’s Report:

o  There will be a sign in sheet at the game

§  Sign your name and your organization’s name

§  Funds Requests

·  Turn in at least month before

·  Will start turning them down unless there are extenuating circumstances

V. Old Business:

VI. New Business:

VII. Announcements:

·  PsiChi and CCPSA Event Follow Up

o  Thank you to SGA for helping with money

o  4th annual Mental Wealth Day was a success

o  Had a lot of presenters and participants

o  83 blood donors

·  Discussion (Speaker Thomason)

o  This is the last House Meeting for the semester

o  Things to be discussed next semester

§  Easier access to Campus WIFI for students

§  Allowing Skateboards and Roller blades on campus

§  Having a dead week

§  Better security cameras on campus

§  Better advisement

·  Offering classes more often that are required to graduate

§  Better Parking

§  Disability

·  Access to buildings

o  Handicap buttons

·  Fire policy

·  Having handicap rooms on 1st floor

§  People heading up committees should have information by 2nd house meeting in Spring (February 14th)

·  Joint Session November 22nd-Kendra Cagle will be here

·  Next House Meeting-January 31st, 1 pm RM HS135


VIII. Adjournment:

·  Motion to adjourn

·  Seconded

·  End of meeting time: 2:10 p.m.

Minutes Completed by House Clerk: Bethany Henley