COM 1010 REVISED Syllabus Spring 2014
Mon. March 3: Present Personal Speeches
Due: Personal Speech Outlines
Wed. March 5: Present Personal Speeches
Due: Personal Speech Outlines
Mon. March 10: Informative Speaking/Visual Aids
Read Chapter 24, p.329-331, 333-338, complete notes
Wed. March 12: Supporting your Points/Research/Verbal Citations/Bibliography
Due: Read Chapters 8 complete notes
Due: Blog post #2 (on VOCAT)
Due: Informative Speech topic choices (two options: describe the exhibit and explain why it’s a good fit for the assignment).
Mon. March 17: Making your Working Outline and your Speaking Outline
Due: Read Chapter 12, p. 189-193, and Chapter 14, p. 202-210, complete notes
Due: Beginning bibliography for informative speech (3 sources)
Wed. March 19: Language Use
Due: Read Chapter 17, complete notes
Mon. March 24: Informative Speech outline peer review
Due: Informative Speech outline draft (by email)
Wed. March 26: Informative speech delivery workshop
Due: Videotape informative speech rehearsal, post and comment on VOCAT
Mon. March 31: Informative Speeches
Due: Working Outline and Bibliography for Informative Speech
Wed. April 2: Informative Speeches
Due: Working Outline and Bibliography for Informative Speech
Mon. April 7: Persuasive Speaking
Due: Read Chapter 25, 350-361, complete notes
Due: Blog post #3
Wed. April 9: Methods of Persuasion
Due: Read Chapter 26, p. 376-377.
Due: Persuasive Speech topic (two possible topics, written out)
Mon. April 14: NO CLASS (spring break)
Wed. April 16: NO CLASS (spring break)
Mon. April 21: NO CLASS (spring break)
Wed. April 23: Workshop persuasive speech arguments
Mon. April 28: Workshop persuasive speech arguments
Due: Persuasive Speech Outline Draft (first group)
Wed. April 30: Persuasive Speech presentation workshop
Due: Persuasive Speech Outline Draft (second group)
Mon. May 5: Persuasive Speeches
Due: Working Outline and Bibliography for Persuasive Speech
Wed. May 7: Persuasive Speeches
Due: Working Outline and Bibliography for Persuasive Speech
Mon. May 12: Persuasive Speeches
Due: Working Outline and Bibliography for Persuasive Speech
Wed. May 14: Persuasive Speeches
Due: Working Outline and Bibliography for Persuasive Speech
Blog post #4 due Friday May 16
Final Essay due: TBA