The West Central Texas Council of Governments (WCTCOG) is a public entity made up of associated cities, counties and special governmental districts. The West Central Texas Area Agency on Aging (WCTAAA), is a department of the WCTCOG and is a regional organization that plans, coordinates and delivers services for persons age 60 and over and their family caregivers. The WCTAAA serves residents of the following 19 counties of West Central Texas: Brown, Callahan, Coleman, Comanche, Eastland, Fisher, Haskell, Jones, Kent, Knox, Mitchell, Nolan, Runnels, Scurry, Shackelford, Stephens, Stonewall, Taylor and Throckmorton. Part of a national network created by the 1973 amendments to the Older Americans Act, it is one of 28 Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) in the State of Texas. Its primary funding source is the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services (DADS), which monitors the WCTAAA for compliance with the Older Americans Act, the Texas Administrative Code, and other governing documents.
Per the original RFP Instructions, the WCTCOG has right to reject any or all proposals received in response to this RFP. Therefore, due to an unintended consequence of unclear directions in the original Request for Proposals, the WCTCOG did not receive adequate proposals to assure services within the 19 county service delivery region. Therefore, a deadline for submission of proposals has been extended to April 21, 2016 at 8:00 am (CDT).
Those entities that have previously submitted an RFP to provide congregate meals will be required to resubmit under this RFP, which includes revisions and clarifications throughout the RFP. Please read ALL instructions carefully as incomplete proposals will not be accepted for review or consideration.
WCTCOG is seeking proposals from qualified entities to provide Title Ill C Nutrition Services, congregate meals and/or home-delivered meals, to eligible seniors residing in the 19 county WCTCOG service area. Proposers may submit proposals for providing either or both of the services covered under this RFP for any or all of the 19 counties or cities making up the WCTCOG service area. Proposals for the City of Abilene are limited to home delivered, medically necessary meals. This Request for Proposals (RFP) is issued under the authority of the Texas Government Code, Chapter 2254, Subchapter B, which delineates the statutory requirements governing invitations for proposals and request for offers by state Proposers. Previously submitted proposals will not be considered due to the amendments and clarifications of submission requirements.
Proposal responses must be received via email to Carla Thompson at , no later than 8:00 am CDT April 21, 2016. Mailed or Physical copies of the RFP will not be accepted. Incomplete proposals will not be considered for review.
The WCTCOG reserves the right to reject late responses or incomplete proposals. Proposal information is restricted and not publicly available until after award of a contract. All documents associated with the RFP, unless Proposers indicate a portion of the proposal is proprietary, will be subject to public inspection in accordance with the Open Records Act. All information obtained during the course of this RFP will become the property of the WCTCOG.
All proposals must be electronically signed by a person who is authorized to sign contracts on behalf of the entity submitting the proposal.
Submission Requirements:
• Submit each proposal via email to by 8:00 am CDT, April 21, 2016. Late submissions will not be reviewed nor considered.
• Each proposal submitted must be completed via the online RFP Proposal and completed in Times New Roman or Arial font, 11 point or higher.
• Attachments of required documents must be submitted in .pdf format
• When submitting the proposal and attachments via email, the subject line should read: AAA FY17 NUTRITION PROGRAM RFP
All questions concerning this extended request for proposals must be in writing and received by WCTCOG via email no later than Friday, April 8, 2016. Questions can be submitted questions to:
WCTCOG will issue replies via the WCTCOG website at www.wctcog/aaa without identifying those who submit questions. Questions via telephone will not be accepted.
Proposals must be submitted via email on the fillable forms located at www.wctcog/aaa/rfp/forms. Font is to be no less than 11 point Times New Roman or Arial.
Any attachments pertinent to the proposal are to be emailed with the proposal, in a .pdf format.
WCTCOGwillnotconductanadditionalTitle Ill CNutrition Services, congregatemealsandhome-delivered meals Bidders Conference. Questions may be submitted via email to through Friday, April 8, 2016. Responses will be posted on the WCTCOG website at www.wctcog.org/aaa. Questions via phone or fax will not be accepted.
A proposal that is in the possession of WCTCOG may be modified by email or fax transmission bearing the signature of the person authorized for bidding, provided it is received prior to the submission deadline of April 21, 2016 at 8:00 am (CDT).
A proposal that is in the possession of WCTCOG may be withdrawn by the person authorized for bidding by written email request to , up to the time of the submission deadline.
The successful entity shall agree to contract with WCTCOG to provide either congregate and/or home delivered meals to eligible seniors in one or more of the WCTCOG 19 counties. Congregate and home delivered meals shall be defined as:
HOME-DELIVERED MEALS: Hot, cold, frozen, dried, canned or supplemental food (with a satisfactory storage life) which provides a minimum of one-third (1/3) of the daily recommended dietary allowances (RDA), as established by the Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences and complies with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, published by the Secretary of Health and Human Services and the Secretary of Agriculture, and is delivered to an eligible person in the place of residence. The objective is to help the recipient sustain independent living in a safe and healthful environment. There are two types of home-delivered meals:
• Standard meal: a regular meal from the standard menu that is served to the majority of all of the participants.
• Therapeutic meal or liquid supplement: a special meal or liquid supplement that has been prescribed by a physician and is planned specifically for the participant by a dietician (e.g., diabetic diet, renal diet, pureed diet, tube feeding).
The Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services, as primary funding source, has established a standard of five hot meals per client per week, unless the provider submits a waiver request that is approved by DADS.
Eligible individuals include homebound individuals age 60 and over and a spouse of an older individual, if receipt of the meal is in the best interest of the homebound older individual.
For specific program standards, please refer to Texas Administrative Code 85.302 http://info.sos.state
.tx.us/pls/pub/readtac$ext. TacPage?sl=R&app=9&p dir=&p rloc=&p tloc=& p ploc=&pg=1&p tac=&ti=40&pt= 1&ch=85&rl=302
By submitting a proposal for Home-Delivered Meals, the proposing entity certifies that it is capable of meeting the service standards contained therein.
Services must be available to all eligible persons age 60 and over who live in the county(ies) or city(ies) to be served. Priority should be given to older persons with greatest economic need, greatest social need, severe disabilities, limited English proficiency, Alzheimer’s and related disorders with neurological and organic brain dysfunction, and/or risk of institutional placement.
Contracts awarded for all programs included in this RFP will begin on October 1, 2016, and terminate on September 30, 2017, subject to a one-year extension. WCTAAA has a two-year planning and contracting cycle for Title 111-C Nutrition Services, with funds allocated annually by DADS. All proposals must reflect operating plans and budgets for the period of October 1, 2016 through September 30, 2017. It is the intent of WCTAAA to extend the one-year contract for one subsequent year to those Proposers that are operating within the
terms of said Contract and have no previous monitoring findings. Prior to October 1, 2017, the Contractor will request a Fiscal Year 2018 budget for services under this contract, and negotiate Fiscal Year 2018 unit rates for those subcontractors eligible for extension at that time.
WCTCOG shall establish maximum funding levels for contractors within 30 days of receipt of an approved budget from DADS/HHSC. Contractors for nutrition services shall be reimbursed on a unit-rate basis, upon receipt of monthly invoices. The contractor will operate services under this contract on an “at-risk” basis, through which it delivers service units at the unit rate negotiated by WCTCOG. The contractor must be able to operate the program with non-Federal funding until Title Ill funds become available from DADS. At the beginning of the contract period, there may be a delay of several months until Title Ill funds become available from DADS.
This contract requires a cash match of no more than 10% of the maximum funding level. Such match must come from a non-federal local source.
Contractors will be required to install and fully implement the DADS “HARMONY/SAMS” computer software system to track and report services and participant information. Senior Nutrition Program contractors will be responsible for all data entry to be entered into the DADS “HARMONY/SAMS” reporting system. WCTCOG will not perform data entry functions on behalf of the contractors.
Monthly reports will be generated from the SAMS system by WCTCOG on the 8th day of each month, and shall include all data for the previous month. In the event that the 8th falls on a weekend or holiday, monthly reports shall be due by close of business on the prior workday. Late, incomplete, and/or incorrect data may result in delayed payments, sanctions and/or penalties.
Reports to be submitted include, but are not limited to:
1. Monthly program income received.
2. Monthly ineligible meal count.
3. Other reports as may be required.
4. Invoice requesting reimbursement of eligible units.
Contractors must submit various reports to DADS and WCTCOG, using one or all of the following formats: email, fax and mail, dependent on type of report requested.
As a contractor, Senior Nutrition providers are responsible for obtaining, monitoring and storing all records pertaining to the Senior Nutrition Program. All records obtained by the provider are to be secured according to the Texas Department of Health and Human Services Data Use Agreement. The WCTCOG will contract with a provider for a specific number of meals based on an approved annual budget. The contractor determines which eligible consumers are authorized. Since data will be entered by the contractor, all eligibility documentation would be maintained at the contractor location. WCTCOG will monitor providers to ensure compliance with applicable rules and regulations. Failure to submit timely and correct reports may result in appropriate administrative action, including sanctions.
Proposals will be evaluated on the following criteria:
1. Responsiveness to Solicitation RFP (Weight = 30%)
The Proposal will be rated in terms of the degree to which all required narrative and forms are included in the proposal and are technically correct. In evaluating proposals, the WCTCOG will consider such things as: Were all questions answered? Were responses complete? Were responses consistent? Were directions followed?
2. Potential Program Effectiveness (Weight - 40%)
The Proposal will be rated in terms of the potential it demonstrates for providing effective and timely services. In evaluating proposals, the WCTCOG will consider the Proposer’s prior history of providing congregate and/or home delivered meals or similar services to seniors. In addition, the WCTCOG will consider such things as: Does the Proposer’s application narrative adequately summarize the applicant’s past history of providing these services? Does the application narrative include an assurance that, if selected for a service agreement, its services will be targeted to low-income, rural, and minority populations? Does the congregate meal location provide activities as required by the Older Americans Act? How is information provided to homebound clients regarding community activities or available AAA services? Will medically necessary diets such as liquid diets be accommodated for home delivered meals?
Administrative Capability (Weight = 30%)
In evaluating proposals, the WCTCOG will consider such things as: does the proposal reflect assurances that the Proposer is capable of administering these programs in an effective, efficient, and fiscally responsible manner? Did any previous monitoring(s) result in any findings? What is the estimated unit rate? Is the service area county wide? Does the Proposer application narrative adequately describe how it will assure and maintain a cash reserve sufficient to cover operating expenses for a minimum of 90 days and how will the cash match requirement be met? How will the Proposer assure it will reassess the eligibility of seniors for home delivered meals every 365 days? Does the Proposer assure that required data collection and retention responsibilities will be adhered to per the HHSC Data Use Agreement?
Should the WCTCOG receive competing proposals, it will conduct a competitive review process. Members of the WCTCOG Proposal Review Subcommittee, appointed by the Area Agency on Aging Citizens Advisory Committee President, will score proposals and make funding recommendations to WCTCOG’s Executive Committee. A minimum score of 70 is required for competitive proposals to be considered.
WCTCOG shall have the abilityto conduct negotiations, as directed bythe Proposal Review Subcommittee, regarding certain elements of the program, including scope of services, type of services, and funding levels
The award of any contract, based on proposals received in response to this RFP, is contingent upon the WCT Area Agency on Aging receiving adequate Title Ill funds from the Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services. The WCT Area Agency on Aging also reserves the right to award a contract without further negotiations of proposal content or budget. The WCTCOG also reserves the right to issue multi- year contracts. Therefore, proposals must be complete and technically correct at the time of submission. This RFP does not obligate the WCTCOG or the Area Agency on Aging to award a contract or to procure or contract for services or supplies.