SecureData TransferSet-UpQuestionnaire

As part of the sampling approach for the Nationwide CAHPS Survey of Adults Enrolled in Medicaid, CMS and its contractor NORC will utilize an enterprise file transfer (EFT) process to send and receive data to construct the sampling frame. No matter which sampling approach your state selects (per the forthcoming Sampling Specifications document), some exchange of data between your state systems and NORC will be necessary as part of the sampling process.

To make this process go as smoothly as possible, we recommend that you identify the person or contractor who is normally responsible for transmitting Medicaid Statistical Information System (MSIS) data to CMS and engage them in assisting with filling out this form. If possible, this person should be used as the technical contact for this project, or at least used as a resource for their familiarity with CMS information systems and procedures.

Please answer the following questions about your state’s current setup for transmitting MSIS data to CMS and return this form to as soon as possible, with your state abbreviation as part of the file name. Please also direct any questions about this questionnaire to the same address.To ensure a prompt reply, include your state name or abbreviation in the subject line of all email correspondence. Thank you!

  1. What software package does your statecurrently use to send/receive MSIS files to/from CMS?

__SI / Gentran (IBM Sterling B2B Integration Suite)

__Connect:Direct (IBM Sterling)

If so, what is the state’s node name? ______

__MFT Platform Server (Tibco, via standalone file transfer application)

If so, what is the state’s node name? ______

__MFT Internet Server (Tibco, via login to online portal)

If so, what is the state’s System ID or IACS ID? ______

Your response to this question allows us to utilize the established, secure connection CMS already has open with your state for this CAHPS survey effort. Additional instructions specific to your file transfer method will be included in the forthcoming Sampling Specifications resource.

  1. Please provide the name, phone number, and email address of the technical contact for file transfers inyour state:


Telephone #:

Email address: