Intended Therapy Plan for (Client’s Initials): Grade / Classroom / Teacher:

For date of: Clinician: Clinical Instructor:

Today’s objectives:
Based on client data & research data
Previous session’s data:
How did my client do previously?
Rationales: What do I conclude for the next session and why?
(Include client data from previous session + research data to support choice of approach, decisions)
Common Core Standard(s) Addressed: (list by CCSS #) / Service Delivery Models
Push-In During Individual Work
Technique: Indirect language stimulation
Choose prompts/cues from:
●Parallel talk
Client engagement / motivation:
Classroom rule system
Verbal reward system / Pull-Out
Technique: Directive imitation
Choose prompts/cues from:
Question hierarchy
Client engagement / motivation:
Classroom rule system
●Verbal reward system
●Clinician-developed system / Small Group Interaction (push-in or pull-out)
Technique: Peer modeling
Choose prompts/cues from:
●Self-/Parallel-Talk with non-target
●Reward spontaneous use of target stimuli
Client engagement / motivation:
●Reward system
●Rule system system
●Peer-developed system
Today’s objective #1:
Previous session’s data:
Common Core Standard(s): / I plan to use the following service delivery model(s) for Therapy Objective #1 (please underline):
Push-In During Individual Work Pull-Out Small Group Interaction
I will determine my targets through (please underline): Target Extraction Target Selection
Data / Targets:
Today’s objective #2:
Previous session’s data:
Common Core Standard(s): / I plan to use the following service delivery model(s) for Therapy Objective #2 (please underline):
Push-In During Individual Work Pull-Out Small Group Interaction
I will determine my targets through (please underline): Target Extraction Target Selection
Data / Targets:
Today’s objective #3:
Previous session’s data:
Common Core Standard(s): / I plan to use the following service delivery model(s) for Therapy Objective #3 (please underline):
Push-In During Individual Work Pull-Out Small Group Interaction
I will determine my targets through (please underline): Target Extraction Target Selection
Data / Targets:

References (please cite in your plan above under “Rationale” and list your references here):

Be sure to take a moment to think about your targets (e.g., vocabulary, suffixes, speech sounds, eye gaze, etc.), as you may not be able to plan these ahead of time. You may need to utilize whatever is being used during the classroom activity you are supporting. If you can, plan ahead of time what targets you will use and make a data table for this.

Stimuli Extraction: Identifying stimuli from ongoing classroom activity that address objective and incorporating them into intervention

Stimuli Selection: Choosing targets from functional activities, teacher-selected activities, and/or classroom artifacts such as textbooks and assignments

Therapy Technique Resource Guide:

· Parallel talk

· Expansion

· Expatiation

· Model

· Cloze

· Question hierarchy

· Self-/Parallel-Talk with small group members

· Reward spontaneous use of target stimuli