Thank you for taking time to share with us about yourself. Completing this form is vital to the safety of the Student Ministries at Sunnybrook Christian Church. It is our intention to run a confidential background check on all applicants. By completing and signing this form you are giving us permission to proceed with the background check and placement in our ministry. If this is a concern to you please contact Allie Egleston, Zane Sutherlin, Drew Henderson or Ryan Bennett. Complete and return this form to one of our Student Ministry staff in the SCC office or save and email to .
Last Name:Click here to enter text.First Name:Click here to enter text.MI:Click here to enter text.
Address:Click here to enter text. Email:Click here to enter text.
City:Click here to enter text. State:Click here to enter text. Zip:Click here to enter text.
Cell Phone:Click here to enter text. Date of Birth:Click here to enter text.
Social Security Number (Required for BG Check):Click here to enter text.
How long have you attended Sunnybrook?Click here to enter text. Interested in serving in:Click here to enter text.
Have you placed membership with Sunnybrook? Choose an item.
Have you been baptized by immersion?Choose an item.
Please choose one:Choose an item.
If you are married, how is your relationship with your spouse?Click here to enter text.
What is your spouse’s view of you serving?Click here to enter text.
Occupation:Click here to enter text. Employer:Click here to enter text.
Work Status:Choose an item.
If you are a college student, what is your favorite job you have had and how long did you work there?Click here to enter text.
How often do you attend weekly worship services at Sunnybrook?Choose an item.
Please list any of the ministries you are currently involved in:Click here to enter text.
If you are a college student please list any church or campus ministries you are involved in: (The Table, Lightbearers, etc.)Click here to enter text.
Have you had experience working with the ministry you are interested in?Choose an item.
If so, please give details including names of churches or other organizations where you have served:Click here to enter text.
List any gifts, education or other factors that have prepared you for service in this ministry: Click here to enter text.
Please write a brief testimony about how you became a Christian:Click here to enter text.
Why are you interested in serving?Click here to enter text.
In caring for our youth, it is our responsibility to seek a staff that is able to provide healthy, safe and nurturing relationships. Please answer the following questions accordingly.
Do you drink alcohol?Choose an item. Have you ever gone through treatment for alcohol or drug use?Choose an item.
If yes, please explain, stating date and location (or facility) of treatment:Click here to enter text.
If you are divorced, how is your relationship with your ex-spouse and any children you may have?Click here to enter text.
Have you ever been convicted of or plead guilty to a criminal offense? (Exclude minor traffic violations)Choose an item.
If yes, please explain:Click here to enter text.
Have you ever been committed to an institution or sought psychological counseling?Choose an item.
If yes, please explain:Click here to enter text.
Have you ever been accused or convicted of child abuse or a crime involving actual or attempted sexual molestation of a minor?Choose an item.
If yes, please explain:Click here to enter text.
Have you ever been a victim of any form of child abuse?Choose an item.
If yes, do you still have strong emotions about it? Please explain:Click here to enter text.
Would you be willing to speak confidentially to a staff member about any of the above issues you may have answered yes to?Choose an item.
Are you certified in CPR?Choose an item.
Have you had First Aid training?Choose an item.
Write down the name, address and phone number of two people (not relatives) who could be character references for you. At least one of the references should have knowledge of your previous work with youth (if applicable).
Name:Click here to enter text.
Address:Click here to enter text.
City, State, Zip:Click here to enter text.
Phone:Click here to enter text. Email:Click here to enter text.
Name:Click here to enter text.
Address:Click here to enter text.
City, State, Zip:Click here to enter text.
Phone:Click here to enter text. Email:Click here to enter text.
Sunnybrook Statement of Values
- We are committed to excellence and integrity in accomplishing our mission by developing and demonstrating effective leadership. We are called to evaluate continuously our methods to be culturally relevant.
- We pursue opportunities to reach others creatively by helping them consider Jesus for salvation. We rely on the Holy Spirit to transform their lives.
- We are devoted to our relationship with Jesus, so we accept the challenge to grow our faith and see our lives transformed. We believe in partnering with and equipping individuals and families to be like Christ.
- We are followers of Jesus called together in community to worship God and strengthen one another through authentic, accountable, loving relationships.
- We passionately teach the Bible as the inspired word of God and the standard for truth.
- We believe that God has established marriage as a lifelong, exclusive relationship between one man and one woman and that all intimate sexual activity outside the marriage relationship, whether heterosexual, homosexual or otherwise, is immoral and therefore sin. We believe that God created the human race male and female and that all conduct with the intent to adopt a gender other than one’s birth gender is immoral and therefore sin.
The information contained in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. I, the undersigned, give my authorization to any references or churches listed in this application to release any and all record or information (including opinions) that they may have regarding my character and fitness for working with minors. I release Sunnybrook Christian church and above mentioned agencies from any liability or damages resulting from the release of this information. I waive any right that I may have to inspect any information provided about me by any person or organization identified by me in this application. I understand that the completion of this application does not obligate me to become a helper with babies thru Senior High students nor does it guarantee me a position. However, should my application be accepted, I agree to be accountable to the policies of Sunnybrook Christian Church, and to refrain from unscriptural conduct in the performance of my service on behalf of the church. I have carefully read this application and foregoing release and signed or typed it of my own free will. I recognize this to be a legally binding document which I have read and I understand the beliefs and values stated above.
Signature:Click here to enter text.Date:Click here to enter text.
Please make a photocopy of your driver’s license and attach to this form.