August 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.11-09/0950r0

IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs

Teleconference Minutes
Date: 2009-08-27
Name / Affiliation / Address / Phone / email
Rich Kennedy / Research In Motion / 7305 Napier Trail
Austin, TX 78729 / +1-972-207-3554 /
Peter Ecclesine / Cisco Systems / 170 W. Tasman Dr., San Jose, CA 95134 / +1-408-527-0815 /


•  Call for a recording secretary

•  Administrative items

•  Introduction

•  The regulatory summaries

•  North America

•  European Union

•  Asia

•  FOCUS: Input to ERM TG11 on EN 300 328 v1.8.1


1.  Teleconference called to order at 12:03 pm, August 27th

2.  11-09/944r1 Agenda approved by unanimous consent

3.  Roll call

4.  The Chair went through the official rules of an ad hoc and the reason for the group (introductory slide)

5.  No misunderstandings of participation requirements were heard

6.  Regulatory Summary NA

a.  Nationwide Broadband Plan

7.  Regulatory Summary for EU

a.  Digital Dividend consultation

i.  Bruce asking about who’s responding – one week away from deadline

ii. Could we do a late response

iii.  Peter gave commentary we should consider

1.  Some of it should be unlicensed or lightly licensed.

2.  Initial effort to put a stake in the ground for this organization to be in control of this spectrum.

iv.  Unless we have more compelling words to send – we’re just saying “you’re doing a good job” Bruce

v. General Consensus to not respond, continue to influence Ofcom, and check with 802.18

b.  SE21 Wi-Fi response noted

c.  SE24 Finalized annex

d.  Proposal for TG11

i.  For operation under the rules of EN 300 328 peak tranmit power limits are unchanged – allowed to operate at 10 mW using EN 300 440.

ii. PeterE explains contribution

iii.  Vijay asked about the probability of this being accepted

8.  Regulatory Summary for Asia

a.  TVWS for Japan?


  1. Next call is scheduled for September 17th
  2. At 13:06 we adjourned

Attendance /
Name / Affiliation / Timezone /
Peter Ecclesine / Cisco Systems / -0700 UTC (PDT)
Rich Kennedy / Research In Motion / -0500 UTC (CDT)
Garth Hillman / OakTree Wireless / -0500 UTC (CDT)
Jim Raab / OakTree Wireless / -0500 UTC (CDT)
Dan Lubar / RelayServices / -0600 UTC (MDT)
Chuck Powers / Motorola / -0500 UTC (CDT)
Bruce Kraemer / Marvell / -0400 UTC (EDT)
Dorothy Stanley / Aruba Networks
Harry Worstell / AT&T / -0400 UTC (EDT)


§  11-09-0919-01-tvws-aug-4th-teleconferenc-plan

§  11-09-0749-03-0000-802.11-in-the-tvws

§  47 CFR Part 15 ( )

§  IEEE Std 802.11-2007 IEEE Standard for Information Technology— Telecommunications and information exchange between systems— Local and metropolitan area networks— Specific requirements Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications

§  802-11y-2008.pdf Amendment 3: 3650–3700 MHz Operation in USA

§  FCC 08-260 Second Report and Order and Memorandum and Order (

§  18-09-0091-00-0000-ofcom-update-on-the-digital-dividend-cognitive

§  18-09-0089-00-0000-ofcom-update-on-ddr-cleared-award

§  "Transforming the digital dividend opportunity into social benefits andeconomic growth in Europe“ ( )

Submission page 2 Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion