California Department of Education


Fiscal Year 2016-17

Updated: 8/16/17

Project Title: / California Career Technical Education Incentive Grant (CTEIG) / Funding Source: / CTEIG
LEA Name (no acronyms, please):
CTEIG Coordinator Name:
Funding Terms: / 7/1/15-6/30/19
7/1/16-6/30/19 / Due Date: / October 1, 2017


I certify that the expenditures reported on pages two and three of this form have been made, that all obligations have been liquidated, and that this project has been conducted in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. The approved application for this project, including any approved amendments, and full records of receipts and expenditures have been maintained and are available for audit.
Printed Name and Title of Superintendent or Designee:
Signature of Superintendent/Designee: / Date:

Email the completed form to . Please put CTEIG Fiscal Report in the subject line. Failure to submit this report by the due date will put the grantee at-risk of losing current and future CTEIG funding.

For California Department of Education USE ONLY
All grant requirements have been met.
Reviewed By: ______Date: ______

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California Department of Education


Fiscal Year 2016-17


Summarize expenditures from each round of CTEIG funding for the fiscal year 7/1/2016-6/30/2017.

If all grant expenditures are zero, the district MUST still report matching funds. Matching funds can be from any of the following: Perkins, CA Partnership Academies, Ag Incentive Grant, Local Control Funding Formula, or any other CTE dedicated funding. CA Career Pathways Trust Funding cannot be used as matching funds.

If the LEA was a new grantee in 2016-17, only report grant expenditures for Round 2.

STEP 1: Complete the table below for Round 1 funding (Start date July 1, 2015, End date June 30, 2019). The table will automatically total numbers entered into the table. Fiscal year 2015-16 expenditures should match the fiscal report completed in October 2016.

Round 1 / Round 1 Matching Funds / Round 1 / Round 1 Matching Funds
Year 1 / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 2
2015-16 / 2015-16 / 2016-17 / 2016-17
Expenditures / All matching funds must be goal coded 3800 or 6000 / Expenditures / All matching funds must be goal coded 3800 or 6000
Object Code / Object Code Title
1000 / Certified Personnel Salaries
2000 / Classified Personnel Salaries
3000 / Employee Benefits
4000 / Books and Supplies
5000 / Services and Other Operating Expenditures
6000 / Capital Outlay
7000 / Indirect Costs*
TOTAL SPENT: / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00 / $0.00

STEP 2: Complete the Expenditure Narrative describing how Round 1 funding was spent.

A sample narrative can be found on the last page. DO NOT submit this page with your report.

Round 1 EXPENDITURE NARRATIVE: Write a brief description for each of the line item grant expenditures describing specifically how these funds were spent. REQUIRED: Indicate the source of the matching funds; no further details are needed for matching funds.

Code / Narrative Examples of CTEIG Expenditures for Round 1
1000 / Certified Salaries:
Source(s) of Matching Funds:
2000 / Classified Salaries:
Source(s) of Matching Funds:
3000 / Employee Benefits:
Source(s) of Matching Funds:
4000 / Books and Supplies:
Source(s) of Matching Funds:
5000 / Services and Other Operating Expenses:
Source(s) of Matching Funds:
6000 / Capital Outlay:
Source(s) of Matching Funds:
7000 / Indirect Cost (not to exceed CDE approved rate):
Source(s) of Matching Funds:

Email the completed form to . Please put CTEIG Fiscal Report in the subject line. Failure to submit this report by the due date will put the grantee at-risk of losing current and future CTEIG funding.

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California Department of Education


Fiscal Year 2016-17


Summarize expenditures from each round of CTEIG funding for the fiscal year 7/1/2016-6/30/2017.

If all grant expenditures are zero, the district MUST still report matching funds. Matching funds can be from any of the following: Perkins, CA Partnership Academies, Ag Incentive Grant, Local Control Funding Formula, or any other CTE dedicated funding. CA Career Pathways Trust Funding cannot be used as matching funds.

If the LEA was a new grantee in 2016-17, only report grant expenditures for Round 2.

STEP 1: Complete the table below for Round 2 funding (Start date July 1, 2016, End date June 30, 2019).

Round 2 / Round 2 Matching Funds
Year 1 / Year 1
2016-17 / 2016-17
Expenditures / All matching funds must be goal coded 3800 or 6000
Object Code / Object Code Title
1000 / Certified Personnel Salaries
2000 / Classified Personnel Salaries
3000 / Employee Benefits
4000 / Books and Supplies
5000 / Services and Other Operating Expenditures
6000 / Capital Outlay
7000 / Indirect Costs*
TOTAL SPENT: / $0.00 / $0.00

STEP 2: Complete the Expenditure Narrative describing how Round 2 funding was spent. Matching funds must be reported even if TOTAL SPENT = $0.

A sample narrative can be found on the last page. DO NOT submit this page with your report.

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California Department of Education


Fiscal Year 2016-17

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California Department of Education


Fiscal Year 2016-17

Round 2 EXPENDITURE NARRATIVE: Write a brief description for each of the line item grant expenditures describing specifically how these funds were spent. REQUIRED: Indicate the source of the matching funds; no further details are needed for matching funds.

Code / Narrative Examples of CTEIG Expenditures for Round 2
1000 / Certified Salaries:
Source(s) of Matching Funds:
2000 / Classified Salaries:
Source(s) of Matching Funds:
3000 / Employee Benefits:
Source(s) of Matching Funds:
4000 / Books and Supplies:
Source(s) of Matching Funds:
5000 / Services and Other Operating Expenses:
Source(s) of Matching Funds:
6000 / Capital Outlay:
Source(s) of Matching Funds:
7000 / Indirect Cost (not to exceed CDE approved rate):
Source(s) of Matching Funds:

Email the completed form to . Please put CTEIG Fiscal Report in the subject line. Failure to submit this report by the due date will put the grantee at-risk of losing current and future CTEIG funding.

C. Carryover Funding Plan

Please describe plans to spend carryover funds prior to the June 30, 2019 funding deadline. Provide enough detail as needed to demonstrate a clear plan for spending down grant dollars such as timelines, proposed purchases and professional development activities.

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California Department of Education


Fiscal Year 2016-17

Sample Expenditure Narrative – Do not include this page in final report.

Code / SAMPLE Narrative Examples of CTEIG Expenditures for Round 1
1000 / Certified Salaries: / Teacher stipends to obtain teacher credentials, course outlines updates, summer CTE workshops to develop/improve pathways.
Source(s) of Matching Funds: / 36 CTE Teacher Salaries - LCAP
2000 / Classified Salaries: / Half-time fiscal clerk.
Source(s) of Matching Funds: / CTE dedicated Career Center Technicians- LCAP
3000 / Employee Benefits: / Benefits for above salaries, rate = 20% of salary.
Source(s) of Matching Funds: / Benefits for CTE Teachers - LCAP
4000 / Books and Supplies: / Upgraded computers and equipment for all ICT, AME Engineering courses. Upgraded equipment in Auto program. Purchased consumable products for Agriculture, Hospitality, AME, ICT, Construction, and Energy pathways.
Source(s) of Matching Funds: / Perkins, CPA, Ag Incentive, LCAP
5000 / Services and Other Operating Expenses: / Professional Development Conference – HETEC, CATA, ACTE, Educating for Careers, CUE
Students to State/National CTSO conferences – must include copy of approved waiver for 2016-17 for out of state travel.
Source(s) of Matching Funds: / Perkins, CPA, AG Incentive, LCAP
6000 / Capital Outlay: / Capital Equipment for Manufacturing, AME, Auto, Construction. Site improvements for Auto shop, Culinary classroom.
Source(s) of Matching Funds: / Perkins, CPA, AG Incentive, LCAP
7000 / Indirect Cost (not to exceed CDE approved rate): / Indirect charged at state approved rate of 4.5% (This will differ with each district).
Source(s) of Matching Funds:

Email the completed form to . Please put CTEIG Fiscal Report in the subject line. Failure to submit this report by the due date will put the grantee at-risk of losing current and future CTEIG funding.

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