Hans Cappelle

Freelance J2EE Software Developer with +5 years experience

Address: Aubecq 2, 7880 Flobecq

Telephone: 0032 486 909 741 (0032486909741)


Date of birth: 21 januari 1983

LinkedIn: http://be.linkedin.com/in/hanscappelle


Java, OOAD, XP, RUP, UML, Eclipse (WTP & TPTP), JDBC, Hibernate, JTA, EJB, SQL, Oracle/PLSQL, SAP (JCO), DB2, Annotations, AOP, Tomcat, GlassFish, Weblogic, XML, XSLT, SAX, DOM, Maven, Ant, SVN, CVS, Dimensions, Spring MVC, Struts, JSP, JSTL, EL, (X)HTML, CSS, Javascript, Dojo, Prototype, Ajax, SOAP, log4j, JUnit, RMI, Swing, Google Web Toolkit (GWT), SWT, JSF, RichFaces, XPlanner, Trac, Redmine, Hudson, Android.


Software Engineer @ BNP Paribas Fortis, Brussel

August 2010 – current (1y/9m)

Working on the migration of an Eclipse/SWT based rich client portal. This is a generic java layer for wrapping different transactions (cross country, cross platform, ...) into a uniform user interface towards employees. Configuration is XML based.

The goal is to minimize the functionality of the Portal itself giving more control to the separate web applications. In the end the rich client would no longer be needed and be replaced by a web browser.

Keywords: SWT, Eclipse, IBM Rational Application Developer (RAD), Harvest, Clarity, HP ServiceCenter (OpenView), Mercury Quality Center, XML, XSD, HTML, CSS, Jetty, WebSphere, JavaScript, UML, JUnit.

An extra project at this client is the complete analysis and development of a service responsible for the registration of callbacks. A broker application is running in the background looking at a database and queue for new callback requests. Based on that information XML requests are generated to register callbacks on the proprietary phone system.

Keywords: Oracle, SQL, MQ Series, Solaris, Eclipse, XML, XSD, XSLT, UML, MS Visual Source Safe, Linux, JUnit.

Android Developer & Project Manager, Independent

January 2010 – current (2y/4m)

I’m active on the Android Market (now Google Play) since the beginning of 2010 providing several multifunctional tools for a specific domain.
The first application released by hcpl mobile was the original Photo Tools application for Android. When it reached a milestone of 250.000 downloads I decided a paid/ad free version should be available.

Redmine is used for project management. Redmine is a web based project management solution with support for tickets, planning, time tracking, subversion (and other versioning systems), wiki and has many project overlapping possibilities.

Keywords: Eclipse, Android, Redmine, Subversion, XML, Apache, Linux, SQL, UML.

Software Engineer @ Swift, Brussel

August 2011 (1m)

Refactoring functionality and finishing presentation layer of 4 demo applications showing possibilities of a proprietary encryption framework.
The business was already implemented so I only had to fix some issues and improve parts of the logic (eclipse, refactoring, junit, ...). The main goal of this project was to split the existing application in 4 specific demos with distinct graphical interfaces (jsf, html, css, js, ...).

Keywords: JSP, Servlets, Tomcat, Eclipse, JSF, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Refactoring, JUnit.

Software Engineer @ Fonds Arbeidsongevallen (FAO), Brussel

January 2009 – August 2010 (1y/8)

I started working on a frontend with JSF and RichFaces. Connection with IBM DB2 backend is implemented using hibernate annotations and deployed as ejb's on a glassfish server. Other technologies used are maven, eclipse and CVS.
Eventually the scope of this project changed towards improvements/refactoring of the business layer. A message driven system using IBM MQSeries for communication between insurers about accidents. XML messages are fetched from MQ, validated against XSD and routed according to configuration from IBM DB2. All this is handled within a transaction (jta) aware Spring context. Other technologies used are: log4j, Hibernate and AspectJ.
Tests are implemented using JUnit and EasyMock and executed on building with Maven.

Keywords: Eclipse, JSF, RichFaces, IBM DB2, IBM MQ-series, Spring Framework, EJB, GlassFish, XML, XSD, XSLT, JTA, log4j, Hibernate, SQL, AspectJ, Maven, CVS, UML, JUnit, EasyMock, Subversion.

Application Developer @ Language & Computing, Gent

September 2007 – January 2009 (1y/5m)

I worked on several projects related to a client and server framework that connects over RMI. The client is a graphical interface (Google Web Toolkit, GWT) to linguistics and ontologists to maintain a medical ontology. One of the many applications of this medical ontology combined with natural language processing is the automated processing of text of medical reports.
We worked in small teams and short iterations, very agile development. Supported by several tools and methods like scrum meetings, xplanner, version control, automated regression tests and building (hudson, junit), ...

Keywords: Scrum, Eclipse, Hudson, Trac, Subversion, Maven, JUnit, Tomcat, UML, Google Web Toolkit (GWT), XPlanner, Agile Development, Hibernate, SQL.

Application Developer @ Securex, Gent

September 2006 – September 2007 (1y)

After my studies I started working at Securex. My initial task was maintenance of several web applications (struts, ejb, jsp, ant, weblogic and intellij).
Once I was familiar with the existing projects and internal frameworks I was allowed to develop new applications. Both autonomous as in small teams of 2 to 3 developers. I/we developed web based applications using spring, hibernate, jsp, eclipse, weblogic, maven and subversion.
Besides hibernate I also have experience with SAP-JCO for connecting to SAP within Java (& Lotus Notes).

Keywords; Struts, JSP, JSF, Servlets, Spring MVC Framework, Eclipse, IntelliJ, Subversion, Maven, Ant, Dimensions, EJB, Tomcat, WebLogic, SAP JCO, UML, Hibernate, SQL, JUnit.

Internship @ IBS Belgium, Gent

March 2007 – May 2007 (3m)

For my Internship at IBS Belgium my colleague and I reviewed an existing IBM AS400 based web catalog. The goal was a platform independent, web based application. Stored procedures were ported to java (Java Stored Procedures) and moved into a Derby database for prototyping. The front-end was mainly JSP based.
The actual logic was deployed separately on a Tomcat application server and consumed using SOAP (XML, axis).
We received a price for one of the 3 best internships that year from KBC, a Belgian Banking Company.

Keywords: SOAP, XML, Axis, UML, Derby, SQL, Stored Procedures, Tomcat, JSP, Maven, JUnit, Eclipse, Subversion.


Hogeschool Gent

Bachelor Toegepaste Informatica (Java/J2EE)

2003 – 2006

I graduated with honors and received a price for one of the three best internships.


SCJP: Sun Certified Programmer for the Java Platform (Sun/Oracle)

Brown Belt @ The Java Black Belt Community


I’m a yearly visitor of Devoxx and a member of the bejug organisation. Some recent courses: HTML5 + CSS3, Pex & Moles (.NET), SLF4J & Spring Roo, Maven & Hudson. I have presented workshops about the following subjects myself: GWT, Android, Maven and Photography.


Dutch, English, French.

Other Interests

Photography, sailing, robotics.


See linkedin profile.

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