Meeting Place: Bert J. Harris Agri-Civic Center, Conference Room 3
4509 George Blvd., Sebring, FL 33875
Meeting Time: 4:00 PM
Curtis DeYoung, Chair Dr. Hilary Swain Michelle Tauchen Sarah Childs
Jimmy Wohl, Vice Chair Dr. Reed Bowman Mike McMillian
County Staff
Corine Burgess Ginger Svendsen Susan Buchans Sarah Perch
Ray Royce Erin McCarta
I. Meeting was called to order by Curtis DeYoung at 4:01 pm. Curtis DeYoung read the public notice and introductions were made.
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Chair asked for a motion to approve the minutes on September 28, 2011 meeting. Jimmy Wohl made a motion to approve the minutes/second by Sarah Childs. With no corrections the motion carried unanimously.
IV. Members reviewed the large scale maps and plans for the Mining Permit for Sebring Farms Peat Mine. There were discussions on reading the map; why it is plotted for 5 acre plots and how many straps there are. Ray Royce questioned that since the application does not need environmental clearance why was this committee reviewing it. After reviewing the application, Jimmy Wohl thought that since it has been cleared, farm and permits will come from DEP and Water Management District that it would be out of the committee’s jurisdiction. Susan Buchans explained that it was permitted at one time and that it is presently expired and with no improvements. Sebring Farms had a special exception to mine in the agricultural area, so they will have to go through the mining permitting process with the engineering department. The Planning Department would then review it for the special exception which means it would have to go before the Board of Adjustments. It is the consensus of the committee that the minutes show it was reviewed and there is no action to be taken. Dr. Hilary Swain noted for the record that the area is between a sand hill plant community and a bay head. And there is big bear movement based on Archbold’s tracking.
V. Updates:
A. USFWS Grant – Dr. Hillary Swain spoke to Mr. Chillemi this week and he is willing to sell. There were 35 acres we put into the proposal, 20 on the north parcel and 15 on the south. Earlier this year, he had sold the 15 acres on the south end, but still has the 20 he would sell at appraised value. Corine asked if NRAC would like to go forward with the appraisal once the grant has been awarded. The County will need to sub-contract to do the appraisal. Jimmy Wohl suggested String Appraisal Services, Inc. Hillary Swain motioned to proceed to the BCC to provide an appraisal for this land, Mike McMillian seconded the motion. Discussion on whether the county has authorized funds to be spent on appraisals. It was suggested that the committee needs to make a recommendation to the BCC to expend the funds from the Conservation Trust Fund dollars to get the appraisal. Dr. Hillary Swain amended her first motion to include the funds for the appraisal to come from the Conservation Trust Fund. Mike McMillian amended his second. It was suggested that Corine send the maps to String Appraisal Services, Inc. to get an estimate of how much it may cost for the appraisal. If it does not exceed $3,000 then the Chairman could approve it without reporting back to NRAC first. It was suggested that staff bring the item before the BCC. Jimmy Wohl disagreed. He feels that an NRAC member should present to the BCC with a PowerPoint and maps, so they would have a better understanding of the area. Motion stands for an NRAC member to go before the BCC to request approval of funds from the Conservation Trust Fund for up to $3,000. Vote: unanimous approval
B. Review of the properties for future land for the USFSWS grant with a deadline of January 27th. Members discussed and reviewed parcels from Hendri, Highlands Hammock, Highlands Ridge, Rafter T, Tracy Robinson, Silver Lake, Holmes Ave, Sandy Gully, Janet Troche’ and Sun N’ Lake. To date Hendri, Sandy Gulley, Janet Troche’ and Tracy Robinson are the land owners that hold properties of most interest to NRAC. Buffering of the Bombing Range and partnerships were discussed. Members will contact Tracy Robinson and Keith Fountain of The Nature Conservancy and will report back to the committee at the next meeting. Corine will invite Mr. Elrod re: Sandy Gulley Dairy, to the next meeting if he is interested.
Mike McMillian asked about an HCP update. Ray Royce gave an update he received from June Fisher three days earlier. Jimmy Wohl spoke to Fish & Wildlife Commission about the development of phase two and if it will help the grant move forward. Dr. Bowman suggested having a meeting of stakeholders to talk about what needs to be accomplished regarding the HCP. Dr. Bowman plans to the lead to attempt to move the plan forward.
Conservation Trust Fund. Corine reported that there is a balance of $1,031,071.03 in the Conservation Trust Fund report and it does not include interest because Highlands County Clerk of Courts changed banks. Interest received amounted to $64.83. The Trust fund is in CD’s so the committee will not see that interest until they mature.
Citizens not on the agenda. Ray Royce asked if the comp plan specifies who the staff liaison is to NRAC. With four county staff present, he encouraged the commission to find out who that person is. Jimmy Wohl asked if there is a Natural Resource Department. Corine clarified that Natural Resources is part of Parks and Natural Resources Department and officially Corine is the liaison. Ray Royce is concerned that there are too many county employees attending the meeting and advised members that unless they are coming to provide a specific function, county commissioners may frown upon so many employees attending. Erin McCarta explained that liaison is not listed in the comp plan and it is actually a service of administrative oversight. June Fisher moved the NRAC over from the Planning Department to the Natural Resources Department. Ray Royce suggested that the committee invite June Fisher and find out what employee duties are. Jimmy Wohl asked Corine to put Soil & Water on the next agenda to report about what they are doing. Ray Royce also suggested the committee invite Commissioner Handley to the next meeting so he understands what the committee does.
Next meeting for November 30, 2011 and Corine will invite Commissioner Handley to the next meeting.
Meeting adjourned at 5:43 p.m.