Español B, IBWFHS 2011-2012
Profe Czerwinski
Room: H-6
You will be acquiring Spanish this year in some fun but very effective ways. Our central goal is COMMUNICATION in the Spanish language. We will also explore Spanish-speaking and other world cultures and make cultural and linguistic comparisons with our own. Connections with other subjects will be made through the language throughout the year. We will also explore opportunities to use the Spanish language outside the classroom in a larger community. You need to review what you learned last year to be successful.
How will we learn in this class?
We will use many fun and interesting strategies to acquire the Spanish language. In the beginning I will often give you commands and you will respond by physically doing something. It's a lot like how you learned your native language when your parents told you what to do when you were very little: "Come here. Sit down. Eat your peas. Don't hit your sister.”
Research on how we learn has proven that we remember better and longer what we have actually experienced physically. Gesturing and acting out commands will help you acquire the language more quickly. Another very powerful way to acquire language (also supported by research) is through stories or narrative.
We will read and even act out situations or stories in class to work with new vocabulary. Often the stories will be silly, improbable, crazy or bizarre. This serves two purposes: 1) to maintain focus while communicating in the language & 2) to aid long-term memory. We use props and movement to make it easy for you to understand at all times. We are going to have fun!
Why isn't Spanish like some of my other high school classes?
Spanish, like any language, is a skill. This is not a class where you can learn material for a test and then forget it. Acquiring a language is like learning how to ride a bike or learning how to swim. It's a skill you build gradually, use and remember a long time. Because in order to communicate successfully in Spanish you will need to continually know vocabulary, you may be tested over any vocabulary acquired in class at any time during the year. Sometimes this class will resemble an elementary classroom. This is desirable since we are working on acquiring a new language. How did you ACQUIRE your first language? In a level I class it’s as though you are a “baby” in new the language but your vocabulary will grow quickly. For levels II & III you already have an extensive Spanish vocabulary. We’ll add to it.
Rules are set to manage the classroom and to ensure that every student receives a quality education:
Do NOT talk while I talk
Raise your hand
Respect others
Do not put your head down— I find this offensive.
Your grade will be affected.
Do not talk while I am talking. This is rude and your grade participation will be affected.
A positive attitude-- leave your negative attitude outside the classroom; come w/an open mind.
PARTICIPATION- Everyday! You need to be in class.
Textbook – good resource for vocab , culture and to clarify grammar.
Binder for Spanish only: Labeled sections, vocab, Stories, drawings, reading log, language/culture log and assessment. Buy dividers. There will be a notebook/binder check. Do not mix other subjects’ wk in my binder. Keep it organized. GET A DICTIONARY. Index cards 3x5.
Paper , writing tools and coloring tools (color pencils, markers, etc.)
*You will be graded down for not having supplies—it’s distracting to the class when you’re trying to borrow supplies. Come to class prepared!
Your final grade is derived from all these categories.
Participation—oral, group work, stories, etc
Story/reading testsHomework
Oral, written, and listening testsReading
On-Task Participation
Participate everyday. If you miss class you miss huge amounts of input in the language and practice. You must be engaged doing Spanish work while in class, not talking when you are not supposed to; having your supplies; book covered; etc. This is very easy to earn. Do what you are supposed to be doing and come prepared to class.
To have a great participation grade, work on the items in the positive column. If you do any of the things in the negative column, your participation grade will be lowered.
Positive Column
Use the Spanish language to communicate whenever possible
Have, organize and use binder/notebook effectively
Pay attention/follow directions
Listen when others talk
Do all the gestures
Act in the stories (and this means showing emotion!)
Contribute new ideas or vocabulary to a story
Volunteer for retells
Ask and answer questions
Help other students learn
Contribute ideas for mnemonic (memory) devices
Encourage and/or praise others
Demonstrate good sportsmanship
Put forth extra effort
Allow yourself to have fun and enjoy yourself in class!
Negative Column
Not pay attention/follow directions
Write or read something for another class
Pass notes (in English)
Not bring materials to class
Do not try
Use English language to communicate (when inappropriate)
Show disrespect to others
Interrupt when someone else is talking
Be off-task
Distract others
Not practice with a partner when time is given
Be too serious…no fun
Class Disruption/Talking
Students that disrupt the class are depriving others from their education. There will be consequences for those for those who have no self-control.
Work From Another Class
Do not work on anything other than Spanish while in class. When you think you are finish with an assignment study fro the next assessment. I will take away personal items, work or books from another class!
Do not cheat! You will earn a zero for that assignment. You may also be asked to re-take other previous tests as it is assumed that you cheated there, too. There will be additional consequences as well.
Wednesday after school. 30 minutes after the last bell. On WED by appointment. Let me know one day ahead that you will be staying for tutorial onWed.
Homework (TAREA)
HW is an essential part of the learning process. Do it! You willhave homework EVERYDAY. You may not turn in HW everyday but you should be studying for the next quiz, test, etc. Review your notes , stories, and activities. Often homework will involve reading. Sometimes you may be asked to write, draw, and occasionally even do oral homework. Turn in any homework assigned on time and completed. Late work will not be accepted.
The next time your parents ask you if you have any homework, you should reply “I always have homework for Spanish!”
What if I’m absent?
Exchange phone numbers and e-mail addresses with two other classmates. If you happen to miss class one day you can call to find out what we did and what new words/concepts were learned. You WILL be responsible for the new vocabulary the next time class meets.
Tardy and Absences
Do not be late to class. 1st Warning, 2nd 30 min, 3rd one hour, 4th referral. Follow WFHS policies. Must write a note saying you were tardy.
Take care of personal grooming at home. (ex. Use of lotion)
Food & Drinks
Not allowed.
My Philosophy:
Everyone can communicate in Spanish. The more you participate and are committed, the better your progress will be in acquiring the language which will be reflected in your grade.
(Some ideas borrowed from Mr. Fritze)