Mrs. Thude’s

Falcon’s Flier

Welcome to

Middle School!

This course will provide you with opportunities for expanding and refining your reading and writing skills through the use of various forms of literature including young adult novels, short stories, essays, poems, folk tales and fables. Skills practice will emphasize comprehension, vocabulary development, grammar, six-traits writing and critical thinking skills. This class aligns to the Common Core Standards (


Be Prepared: You will need to bring all of your materials to class each day. You MUST carry your LA binderwith you EVERYday.

Be Responsible: When homework is given, it is due at the beginning of each class.

Be Respectful: Good manners are important. Be polite to other students and to the teacher and treat everyone with respect.

Be Seated and Ready:

Students must in their seats when the bell rings or they will be sent to sweep.

Be On Your Best Behavior: Be considerate of others’ feelings. Talking back to the teacher, rudeness to others, failure to follow classroom rules and other disruptive behaviors make learning impossible. If astudent’s behavior repeatedly interferes with the teacher’s ability to communicate or is unruly, disruptive, or abusive, disciplinary action by the teacher will be taken.

Be Honest: Honesty is expected. Copying or allowing others to copy your work will earn you zero points and disciplinary action. Cheating or talking during any test or quiz will earn you zero points or disciplinary action.

The HMS School-Wide Prevention Program


The Response To Intervention – Behavior process is a multi-tiered approach to providing support to all learners at increasing levels of interventions. Hillcrest will use a school wide system of support that includes proactive strategies for defining, teaching, and supporting appropriate student behavior to create a positive school environment.


The following discipline procedures will be implemented consistently across campus.

Step 1: Redirection

Step 2: Minor Incident Report with Interventions

Step 3: Minor Incident Report with Interventions and Parent Contact

Step 4: Minor Incident Report with Interventions and Parent Phone Call

Step 5: Major Behavior Referral

Consequences for inappropriate behavior will be given according to the DVUSD discipline guidelines as outlined in the Student Rights and Responsibility (SRR) Handbook.

"Once you learn to read, you will forever be free."
— Frederick Douglass

Suggested Materials

1.1 in. binder used solely for Language Arts and Math
2.College ruled loose leaf paper.
4.Red pens for grading
5. Page Protectors (about 25)
6. Highlighter
7.Colored Pencils
9.Clorox Wipes

“Arizona law requires that public schools provide supplies required for academic success. This list represents optional, supplemental items, which you may supply, at your own discretion. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your school.”

Grading Policy:

A= 100%-90%

B= 89%-80%

C= 79%-70%

D= 69%- 60%

F= 59%- 0%

All grades are weighted into the following categories:

Homework and Classwork: 10%

Projects and Activities: 30%

Writing: 30%

Tests and Quizzes: 30%

Class Procedures:

  1. You are to line up along the wall outside of the classroom.
  1. You are not permitted to enter a classroom without the teacher present.
  1. The teacher, not the bell, will dismiss the class.
  1. You must have a reading book with you at all times.

5. Please leave the classroom neat and clean. Throw out all garbage and take your papers with you.

Homework and Daily Assignments:

If you do not have your assignment, you will be required to fill out a No Homework Form. The form will be kept on file in the classroom.

You are given a homework quiz after every homework assignment. If you do not complete the homework or it is not accurate, you are ineligible for the quiz. You may show the teacher the completed and corrected homework the next day for partial credit. Homework quizzes are created for the sole purpose of grading homework and the knowledge you gained from completing it. The grades are placed in the homework category and are your grade over the given homework assignment. Real quizzes are a separate grade.

Make up work:

If you are absentwhen an assignment or notes are given, follow the guidelines for make-up work in the school handbook. Absent work will be kept in a file in the classroom for you to pick up. It is the student’s responsibility to pick up and turn in their absent work. Failure to do so will result in loss of credit.

Class Binder:

All handouts, assignments, responses and notes belong in your binder. Notebooks will be graded on completeness and organization. Please see the table of contents listed in the classroom or on my website. If you have Mrs. Larkins for math, you may use the same binder for both classes. A tabbed divider will need to be in the binder to separate the two classes.


All student grades are available on the internet for parents to view at any time. If you are coming from another DeerValleySchool, the password and login information remains the same. If you are new to DeerValleySchool District, please visit the counselor’s office to obtain your login information.

Need to Contact Me?

If you need help or just need to talk to the teacher, please let me know as soon as possible using the following information. Email will provide the quickest response.



Please visit my website for classroom information, assignments, copies of notes, review games, etc.

If you would like extra credit, please turn in this syllabus signed along as well as write Mrs. Thude in the comment section. Let's see who actually reads this :)

Let’s have a great year!

Please sign and return this entire syllabus by August 16th. If you would like a copy for your records, please visit my website.

We have read through the information and understand the information and the class expectations

Student Name: ______

Student Signature:


Parent Name:

Parent Signature: ______

Date: ______

