Mole Valley Event Safety Advice Guidelines

JULY 2014

There are many different types of public events that take place; these can range from sporting events to musical concerts, some taking place indoors, some outdoors, some are large and some small. It is important to remember that when large groups of people gather together a wide range of dangerous situations can occur. There are also many different factors that can influence crowds.

As an event organiser you are responsible for the health, safety and welfare of the people attending your event, as well as that of the employees, contractors and sub-contractors working there.

The Safety Advisory Group (SAG) provides a forum for local authorities and the emergency services to discuss ways in which those events not covered by existing legal arrangements for registration or licensing, can take place in a safe manner. The group also encourages event organisers to take advantage of the safety advice available and make sure that public safety at their event is always a major priority.

The aims and objectives of the SAG are to foster good working relationships with event organisers, to compile a comprehensive list of events occurring within Mole Valley, promote best practice, encourage co-operation between members and to make sure that public safety is always in the minds of event organisers.

This document is a brief guide explaining what to do if you are organising a public event – the guidance is applicable to a wide range of events. The guidance can be applied equally to both licensed and non-licensed events. It is not a substitute for existing technical guidance documents.

Example of Event Plan:

1.  Title of Event, Date and Location

2.  Description

3.  Aims

4.  Objective

5.  Organiser

6.  Management Structure

7.  Insurance

8.  Schedule and programme

9.  Safety Advisory Group members

10.  Event Control

11.  Communications

12.  Emergency Management Procedures

13.  Stewarding

14.  Crowd Control

15.  Site Plan

16.  Disabled Access

17.  Contractors Responsibilities

18.  Medical Provision

19.  Lost Children

20.  Traffic Control

21.  Noise

22.  Catering and site clearance

Step 1 – Why submit an Event Notification Form?

In order to ensure a notification to hold an event in Mole Valley is quickly processed, all Event Organisers are required to submit an Event Notification Form. If the event is being held on council land then permission in principle must also be obtained from the relevant Land Manager.

The Event Notification Form must be submitted at least 3 months prior to the event taking place.

Submitting an early Event Notification Form gives officers time to understand the basic details of the event and areas of planning that require additional advice from the SAG.

Once the Event Notification Form has been submitted the Event Organiser may be invited to attend a SAG meeting to discuss the plans in more detail.

In addition, the Event Organiser may need to have further discussions with the Fire Safety Officer, Highways Officers, Licensing Team, Food Safety Team, Noise Pollution Team and Building Control when appropriate.

Step 2 – Defining the Role of the Event Organiser

It is the responsibility of the Event Organiser to submit an Event Notification Form to the Safety Advisory Group, at least 3 months prior to the date of the Event.

The responsibility for the safety of all persons working at or attending an event rests with the Event Organiser.

It is the duty of this person to exercise overall control of the event, and to ensure all reasonable precautions, as agreed by the Safety Advisory Group are taken to maintain the safety of the people at the event.

This person must be able to demonstrate to the agencies an understanding of these roles and responsibilities and commitment to public safety.

The Event Organiser shall:

·  Submit an Event Application for consent to perform licensable activities on public land form where appropriate. This form is only required if the event is licensable. (See Step 4) within acceptable time limits;

·  Prepare an Event Plan (See Step 5) in consultation with the key Agencies;

·  If required, attend an initial Safety Advisory Group Meeting, and additional Safety Advisory Group Meetings if necessary;

·  Keep written records of issues/action points discussed at these meetings for future reference;

·  Submit all risk assessments for the event;

·  Appoint an Event Safety Officer who can demonstrate competency throughout the planning and the actual event;

·  Provide site plans/event route indicating all relevant details;

·  Provide all other relevant information as deemed necessary;

·  Comply with the safety requirements of the Safety Advisory Group;

·  Seek Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks on any staff working directly with children or vulnerable adults.

Step 3 - Where is the event taking place ?

Safety at events where members of the public attend is the responsibility of The Event Organiser who should always check who owns the land and obtain permission to use it.

The event organiser must ensure that they have carried out the relevant safety checks to ensure that the site is suitable for the events planned and the numbers of people attending.

Agreement (in principle) must be obtained from the relevant Land Owner before proceeding with the rest of the process.

If you are intending to hold your event on a public road please contact the Partnerships and Communities team at Mole Valley District Council.

The Land License requires the Event Organiser to return the land to the Council after the event in the same condition they acquired it.

Please note: An additional permit is required if the event contains activities which now come under The Licensing Act 2003 (See Step 4)

Step 4 - Does your event's activities come under the Licensing Act 2003?

It is the responsibility of the event organiser to ensure that they have the relevant licensing in place for their event

Under The Licensing Act 2003 the following activities require a permit from Mole Valley District Council.

Any activity involves:

·  The supply of alcohol

·  The provision of late night refreshment

·  The provision of regulated entertainment (plays, films, indoor sporting events, boxing or wrestling, playing of recorded music, live music or performances of dance)

It is important that you check with Mole Valley District Council whether your event requires a permit. If the event requires a permit covering any of the above activities you will need to complete the application process with Mole Valley District Council. If your application is successful, you will receive a permit to hold your event's activities from the Licensing Officer.

Step 5 - Producing an Event Plan

An Event Plan is a vital document which outlines all the elements of the event.

Events Plans can take many formats. The Safety Advisory Group would like all event organisers to consider including the suggested headings below in their event plan.

It is important that a first draft of the Event Plan is made available prior to the initial Safety Advisory Group (SAG) meeting, should one be necessary.

Below are the suggested areas the Event Plan should cover. A more detailed list of headings can be found above. (Event Plan contents headings).

The Event Plan should give positive consideration to matters such as:

·  event safety policy statement which would detail the structure of safety responsibility;

·  event risk assessment;

·  details of the event;

·  site safety plan;

·  crowd management plan;

·  traffic management plan;

·  welfare plan;

·  emergency plan

·  medical plan;

·  communications plan.

Pre-event - Site inspections by members of the Safety Advisory group may be necessary leading up to the event.

During event - Some events may require an event control, housing key personnel from all relevant agencies, to allow those personnel to monitor and co-ordinate safety and respond as appropriate to any incident, which may impact upon safety at the event. The Event Organiser will clarify the requirement for and the location of an event control.

Post event - A debrief meeting may be required involving all contributors as soon as possible following the event. The purpose of the de-brief will be to examine and address any problems encountered. It is fundamental that any experiences either good or bad are shared between all involved so that future events of a similar nature can benefit from the experience.

EVENT Plan (version 1) Each time an event manual is updated change version number to ensure everyone is using the current version)

Name of Event

Date of Event


Event organiser

Telephone number

Description of event

Time, date and location.

Description of main activities

Audience numbers and profile


The aim of the plan is to ensure, as far as reasonably practicable, the safety of spectators in their enjoyment of the event, and promote a unified, co-ordinated response to any emergency arising.


To identify roles, duties and responsibilities for each organisation

To identify lines of communication and control

To identify safety measures and their implementation


The event is being organised by

The event organiser is

The event safety officer is .

Management structure

Event organiser is

Event safety officer is

Medical cover is

Police cover (if applicable) is

Head steward is (Name of company and contact)

Lost children officers are (There should always be more than one DBS checked person present with any lost child)


A copy of the Public Liability cover must be provided by the Event Organiser. All contractors and suppliers must carry their own insurance and have certificates available for inspection.

Proposed schedule and programme

Itemise all times and duties taking place throughout the day along with the name of the person(s) responsible for each task.

Contacts for planning advice

Event safety officer

Venue representative (e.g. park manager)

Surrey Fire and Rescue

Surrey Police

Medical provision

Steward/Marshalling Company

Event Control (if applicable)

This will be located in (give a location)

Event control will be open from (time) and closed at (time)


How will event staff/volunteers communicate with each other and Event Control (if applicable)

Emergency Management Procedures

Fire, Hazards, Bomb Threats, Suspicious Packages / Vehicles

The site plan

A scaled site plan must be attached to the event manual. The plan must show where the stewards are positioned. Any stages, fun fairs, catering units, toilets and any other structures must be shown on the plan. The lost children area (if not in event control), event control, medical area (if not in event control) must be shown on the plan. A designated area for disabled viewing should be clearly shown on the plan, along with a designated access route especially for wheelchairs. All main evacuation routes must be identified. All main entry points should be identified along with any designated car parking. Emergency vehicle access must be identified clearly on the plan. The area designated for the public must be clearly identified on the plan and any barriers or cordoned off areas clearly shown. It will be necessary to calculate the area available to ensure that the expected numbers can fit in.

Any designated area for fireworks detonation must be clearly identified on the plan along with the “fall out” area.

Disabled access

Remember that the Disability Discrimination Act requires all events to be accessible. Ensure that consideration is given to viewing areas and access routes throughout the site.

Contractors responsibilities

To ensure safe working practice, all suppliers contracted to provide equipment on hire or professional services must be competent in the management of their own Health & Safety responsibilities whilst on site and must provide copies of Risk Assessments prior to the day.

All temporary structures and equipment installations relating to the event must be designed and built/installed/fit for purpose by a competent, qualified contractors.

All electrical installations and equipment used will comply with the general requirements of the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989.

Medical provision

South East Coast Ambulance Service must be consulted on the level of medical provision required for the event.

They may recommend that further medical cover is required and will give you an indication of the number of first aide staff required at the event. Identify where the medical centre will be located. Make sure all staff especially stewards are aware of the location of the medical centre. Make sure all stewards are aware of the radio frequency or mobile number of the medical contacts in case of emergency.

Lost children

A ‘lost children’ area must be identified (this may be within event control). Any lost child should be taken to the lost children area and handed over to the lost children officer. Another suitably qualified person must be present with the lost children officer at all times.

Lost children procedure and forms should appear as an appendix at the end of the plan.

Traffic Control

Always be aware of the potential traffic issues which might arise. If the event takes place at a location near to a residential area then measures must be put in place to ensure local residents are not inconvenienced.

If there is a large number of people expected to attend the event encourage them to use public transport. If a large number of people will be bringing cars then identify where the nearest car parks are and put this information on any publicity information.

Any traffic management on the highway must be done by a professional company. Volunteer stewards must not be used to direct traffic on the highways. They can direct traffic once it enters the site.


It is important that any local residents are informed before the event takes place. This can be done by distributing a leaflet which indicates the date, time and duration of the event. It should also contain the contact details of someone in charge, so that if they want to make a complaint action can be taken straight away.


Any food provided (free or for sale) must be provided by a competent person or organisation with recognised certification in food safety. It is the responsibility of the Event Organiser to give details of any individual or company providing food at the event to Safety Advisory Group for inspection.

Site Clearance

Ensure that there are an adequate number of bins on site for litter.