Activity 2d
Path to Life
Effective practices and sources of evidence are indications of actions and practices that schools may have in place or may consider using and adapting to meet the needs of their own school community in order to address specific characteristics. Note examples of these in the table below.
Pathway 1: Leadership Commitment to Pastoral Care /Characteristics Examples of Effective Practices and Sources of Evidence /
1.1 Commitment to the spiritual dimensions of pastoral care and the responsibility of the Bishop and clergy as pastoral leaders within the Church
1.2 Acceptance of responsibility by the leadership team for the development and maintenance of pastoral care and wellbeing for all members of the school community
1.3 The development and communication of a clear vision that reflects the Catholic Education Office’s vision to develop the whole person through creating a safe, supportive and respectful school. This includes actions that encourage staff to commit to the school’s vision and to feel confident about their participation in its implementation
1.4 Planning for sustaining the vision
1.5 Regular evaluation and review of the school’s current capacity to enhance the safety, pastoral care and wellbeing of its staff and students and identification of areas that require enhancement
1.6 Facilitation of access to resources to support implementation of the school’s vision for pastoral care and wellbeing
1.7 Identification and support of key staff with specific responsibilities for student pastoral care and wellbeing
1.8 Ongoing data collection including incidence and frequency of affirmation and problem behaviours (including harassment, aggression, violence, bullying and substance abuse) to inform decision-making and evaluate effectiveness of policies, programs and procedures
1.9 School leaders show respect for human dignity through developing a comprehensive knowledge of the school community
1.10 An awareness of mandatory requirements and legal issues in relation to child maltreatment, harassment, aggression, violence and bullying and communication of these to staff
1.11 An awareness of the rights and responsibilities of school leadership in relation to safety issues occurring outside school hours and off school grounds involving or affecting students and staff
1.12 Leadership demonstrates subsidiarity by providing various opportunities for everyone to have a voice.
Pathway 2: /
Characteristics Examples of Effective Practices and Sources of Evidence /
2.1 Student connectedness to the school, parish and community
2.2 Staff promotion, modelling and teaching of Gospel values and expectations for behaviour in accordance with these values
2.3 Clear demonstration of respect and support for student individuality, uniqueness and diversity in the school’s inclusive actions and structures
2.4 Positive, caring and respectful student-peer relationships, student-teacher relationships, teacher-teacher relationships and parent/ carer-teacher relationships
2.5 Parent and carer connectedness to the school
2.6 Acknowledgement of the importance of staff wellbeing and safety
2.7 Working with the school community to encourage a positive stand against child maltreatment, harassment, aggression, violence and bullying
2.8 Appropriate monitoring of and response to child protection issues
2.9 Recognition of the distinctive needs of specific groups in the school community e.g. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, refugee and migrant families, people with disabilities, low socio-economic status families, families in crisis
2.10 Support for Catholic social teaching by providing opportunities for the school community to engage in faith-in-action initiatives.
Pathway 3: /
Characteristics Examples of Effective Practices and Sources of Evidence /
3.1 Striving for excellence through whole school, collaboratively developed and regularly evaluated policies, plans, procedures and structures that reflect Gospel values, support pastoral care and wellbeing and connect with parish and the broader works of the Diocese
3.2 Clear procedures that enable staff, parents, carers and students to respect human dignity through confidential reporting of any incidents or situations of child maltreatment, harassment, aggression, violence or bullying
3.3 Clearly communicated respectful procedures for staff to follow when responding to critical incidents and concerns
3.4 Agreements followed for responsible and respectful use of technology by staff and students
3.5 Regular risk assessments of the physical school environment and out of school activities are completed and effective risk management plans exist
3.6 Established and well-understood protocols about appropriate and inappropriate adult to student contact and interactions within the school context and online
3.7 Effective processes for communication and record keeping between appropriate staff about pastoral care and wellbeing issues
3.8 A representative group responsible for overseeing the school’s pastoral care and wellbeing initiatives
3.9 Protocols in place where casual staff, new staff and new students and families are introduced to the school’s pastoral care and wellbeing policies and procedures.
Pathway 4: /
Characteristics Examples of Effective Practices and Sources of Evidence /
4.1 Evaluation of the current level of staff knowledge and skills related to student pastoral care and wellbeing and their capacity to respond effectively and sensitively
4.2 Evaluation of the current level of staff knowledge and skills related to student pastoral care and wellbeing and their capacity to respond effectively and sensitively
4.2 Ongoing professional learning about emerging changes in research and technology related to pastoral care and wellbeing
4.3 The inclusion of non-teaching, casual, specialist and visiting staff as well as clergy in relevant professional learning opportunities
4.4 Staff serve the school community through their preparedness for ongoing professional learning and willingness to provide feedback.
Pathway 5: /
Characteristics Examples of Effective Practices and Sources of Evidence /
5.1 Careful selection of evidence-based positive behaviour support approaches that align with school community needs
5.2 The promotion and recognition of positive student behaviour that respects human dignity and is culturally relevant, just and equitable
5.3 A clear understanding and consistent implementation by all staff of the school’s selected positive behaviour support approaches within the school and classroom context
5.4 Effective risk prevention plans are implemented for playground organisation and supervision
5.5 Effective risk prevention plans for student behaviour support during off-campus and school-related out-of-hours activities
5.6 Socially just, compassionate, consistent and restorative approaches to student learning, student support and student behaviour are aligned with Church teachings on the dignity of the human person.
Pathway 6: /
Characteristics Examples of Effective Practices and Sources of Evidence /
6.1 Promoting connections to parish and spiritual formation as important attributes to health and wellbeing
6.2 Striving for excellence through a strong focus on the enhancement of student engagement with learning which links to the three dimensions of the Diocesan Learning and Teaching Framework
6.3 Provision of an equitable curriculum with differentiated learning opportunities that respectfully meet the individual needs of students
6.4 The extensive use of cooperative learning and other relational teaching strategies
6.5 Teaching of skills and understandings to promote cybersafety and for countering child maltreatment, harassment, aggression, violence and bullying e.g. self-confidence, conflict resolution
6.6 Teaching of skills and understandings related to personal safety and protective behaviours e.g. resilience
6.7 Explicit teaching of social and emotional skills and values (e.g. listening, negotiation, sharing, compassionate and empathic responding, ethical decision-making) in all subjects and across all year levels.
Pathway 7: Leadership Commitment to Pastoral Care /
Characteristics Examples of Effective Practices and Sources of Evidence /
7.1 Defined and effective structures and strategies for enhancing pastoral care and wellbeing
7.2 Opportunities for students to explore their Catholic spirituality and develop a sense of hope and confidence in their ability to influence the world for the common good
7.3 Adoption of strengths-based approaches to student learning and participation that respect individual differences and that provide opportunities to celebrate success
7.4 Provision of a range of opportunities to ensure all students have a voice and a sense of trust through student ownership, decision-making and peer teaching.
Pathway 8: /
Characteristics Examples of Effective Practices and Sources of Evidence /
8.1 Education about the sacredness of the body, positive body image and processes for ethical decision-making regarding high-risk activities
8.2 Encouragement, promotion and maintenance of a healthy and active lifestyle with a focus on improving health and wellbeing status and attention to the spiritual journey
8.3 Displaying courage and positive decision-making skills in relation to physical activity, mental health, drug use, sexual health, nutrition, relationships, anti-discrimination and personal safety
8.4 Celebrating sporting participation and success.
Pathway 9: /
Characteristics Examples of Effective Practices and Sources of Evidence /
9.1 Just, compassionate and respectful processes for the early identification of students and families who need, or could benefit from, additional support
9.2 Appropriate early intervention for students requiring support and skill development e.g. students who exhibit anti-social behaviour, experience peer difficulties or are dealing with family issues
9.3 Ongoing and periodically reviewed support to individual students and families in times of need
9.4 Regular communication between the school and clergy regarding particular student and family pastoral needs when appropriate.
Pathway 10: /
Characteristics Examples of Effective Practices and Sources of Evidence /
10.1 Working collaboratively with the local parish/parishes in presenting a unified message of care and concern for the spiritual, physical, intellectual and emotional wellbeing of staff and students
10.2 Working collaboratively with parents and carers by providing opportunities for education on issues related to pastoral care and wellbeing
10.3 Working with other Catholic and community organisations to provide a consistent message about pastoral care and wellbeing
10.4 Working with other Catholic and community organisations to extend support to students and families as needed e.g. grief, funerals, hospitalisation and mental health issues
10.5 Working with the justice system in relation to child maltreatment, harassment, aggression, violence, bullying and cybersafety issues at both a preventative and legal level
Catholic Education Office, Wollongong – RELS; Pastoral Care and Personal Growth Team 170811