The Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) is an international professional society with members in more than 90 countries. ITE is headquartered in Washington, D.C., and includes a worldwide network of almost 17,000 transportation engineers, planners, and others responsible for safe and efficient movement of people and goods on streets, highways, and transit systems. Since 1930, ITE has been providing transportation professionals with programs and resources for increased knowledge and advancement. ITE programs and resources include professional development seminars; technical reports; a monthly journal; local, regional, and international conferences; publication of technical manuals; and exchange of opinions, ideas, techniques, and research.

ITE members are employees of government agencies, regional planning offices, consulting firms, educational institutions, product manufacturers, university students and other transportation-related disciplines.

If you're engaged in planning, designing, operating, managing, or maintaining surface transportation systems and equipment, or studying or researching transportation, ITE can meet your needs for ongoing professional development. Through monthly journals and technical reports, you will be apprised of research, applications, and innovations in the field. Annual meetings, conferences, seminars and local section meetings offer top notch technical presentations and speakers, along with social gatherings for informal sharing of ideas. ITE technical committees and specialty councils provide the opportunity to participate in shaping policies, developing recommended practices and establishing standards.

There are two ways for joining the Georgia Section of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, Inc.

1.  You can join as an International Member of ITE through the International office in Washington, D.C. (see for information about joining International ITE). If you are an International Member, you are automatically a Georgia Section Member and part of your International Dues will go to the Georgia Section.

2.  It is also possible to join the Georgia Section as a “Section Affiliate” without belonging to the International Organization. The application is the first step in that process.

Some of the benefits of joining ITE are:

Ø  Weekly e-blasts to keep the membership updated on current and upcoming activities.

Ø  Reduced registration for monthly luncheon programs presented by transportation professionals (normally held on the second Thursday of the month);

Ø  Networking with fellow professionals;

Ø  Technical committees that provide input to local policy decisions;

Ø  Increased awareness of the current and future trends in worldwide transportation technology;

Ø  Increased awareness of local trends in transportation;

Ø  Opportunities to participate in local conferences and learn of various aspects of the profession;

Ø  Opportunities to participate in regional and international conferences to keep abreast of the latest innovations in transportation technology

Committees serve a vital function for the Section. There are over 15 committees that help GAITE accomplish our strategic goals and objectives. Please review some of the committee descriptions below to determine where your interests lie:

Host – welcomes member to meetings and assists with registration

Activities – develops and sponsors activities to better engage younger members

Technical – develops technical programs for the section through three subcommittees: safety, technicalexchanges, webinars

Student Chapter Liaisons – coordinates with student chapters at Georgia Tech, KSU Marietta, and Georgia Southern, and supports their participation in ITE activities

Winter Workshop – organizes and hosts a 1 ½ day technical workshop in February; this is a co-sponsored event with ASHE

Summer Seminar – organizes and hosts a 3-day technical seminar program in July

Engineering Outreach – organizes outreach events that encourage students to pursue careers in transportation

Safety Outreach – coordinates with schools and public agencies to help teens become safer drivers

Audio/Visual – provides A/V equipment for section events

Historian – maintains section’s history and takes photos at events

Membership – recruits new members to the section and works to retain members

GA Engineer Magazine – serves as a liaison between the section and editorial board

Marketing (Website and Newsletter) – keeps the website vibrant, interactive, and current

Scholarship – awards annual scholarships to deserving transportation engineering students

Legislative Affairs– provides updates to the section on pending legislation relevant to transportation; coordinates Legislative Reception in February

Annual Meeting – makes arrangements for the December annual meeting

Mentor Program – provides a 6-session program pairing experienced members with young members

February 16 Lunch Mtg. – Mary Mac’s

February 26-27 Winter Wkshp - Columbus, GA

March 10 Lunch Mtg. - Maggiano’s

April 14 Lunch Mtg. - Georgia Tech

May 11 Lunch Mtg. – Park Tavern

June 8 Lunch Mtg. – Suntrust Park

July 16-19 Summer Seminar – St. Simons

August 10 Lunch Mtg. – GA State

September 14 Lunch Mtg. – KSU

October 12 Lunch Mtg. – Park Tavern

November 9 Lunch Mtg. – Mary Mac’s

December 13 Annual Awards Mtg – Maggiano’s

2017 Board of Directors

President Marco Friend


Vice-President France Campbell


Secretary/ Jody Peace

Treasurer 770-547-4343

Past President Sean Coleman


Southern Dist Rep Paul Slone


Southern Dist Rep Alan Davis


Southern Dist Rep Scott Zehngraff


Affiliate Director Holly Painter


Please remit $35.00 Application Fee

Payable to Georgia Section ITE



Business Firm or Agency:


City: State: Zip:

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City: State: Zip:

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Preferred Mailing Address:  (home)  (Bus.)

References: Please list three references in the transportation field with at least two members of the Georgia Section ITE.


Name Agency Day Phone


Name Agency Day Phone


Name Agency Day Phone

Registered Professional Engineer?  Yes  No

State(s) Registered:

Engineer-In-Training?  Yes  No

Referred by:______

Mail to:

TY Lin International

Attn: Holly Painter

GAITE Affiliate Director

2160 Satellite Blvd, Suite 130

Duluth, GA 30097

Georgia Section Institute of

Transportation Engineers

1939 Kentland Place

Snellville, Georgia 30078


404-521-0283 Fax

For International ITE Information:

+1 202.289.0222

+1 202.289.7722 Fax