Office of Faculty Affairs and Undergraduate Enrichment (OFAUE)
Strategic Plan
February 1, 2012
Goal / Objective / Action Steps / Timeline / Performance Measures / Who- (Faculty Affairs): Provideassistance, services, and information to faculty and academic administrators.
1.2Promote, encourage, and recognize faculty excellence through awards programs and special appreciation events.
1.3Provide effective leadership in the development, revision, review, and interpretation of academic policies, guidelines, templates, and forms that support faculty processes.
1.4Communicate effectively with constituencies by sharing information in a wide variety of ways; serving as a liaison between the Provost’s office and internal and external groups; bringing faculty and administrators together on committees, tasks forces, etc.; leading the AD/ASG on the Denver Campus and coordination with ASAL at AMC and sponsoring workshops and symposia, as appropriate. / 1.1Create guidelines, templates, forms, etc., for all faculty processes.
1.2Continue all existing awards and appreciation events, and add new ones as appropriate.
1.3Develop, review and revise academic policies, as needed.
1.4Continue existing communica-tion strategies, and develop new ones as needed. / Ongoing / Levels of satisfaction among faculty and administration, advice, and materials provided; with opportunities for input as policies and procedures are developed, reviewed, and revised; with the type and amount of communication between the FAUE and internal and external constituencies; and with the quantity and quality of awards programs and special recognition efforts and events.
Extent to which faculty processes flow smoothly, completely, and accurately at Provost level. Awards programs and recognition events occur at the appropriate times throughout the year; other ways of recognizing faculty occur via a variety of methods. / Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (FAUE), with support and assistance from others, as needed
- (Faculty Affairs): Develop and support programs and services to enhance the academic experiences of faculty and students.
New programs and services are developed to meet needs of the university and in accordance with the university’s Strategic Plan; extent to which evaluations of the programs and services indicate that they are effective, relevant, and timely. / Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (FAUE), with assistance and support from others, as needed
- Maymester and Summer Coordination
3.2 Work with others to create and develop new summer programs such as Summer Bridge and others to boost enrollment among current students and attract new students; manage the processed needed to bring them to fruition. / Ongoing / Expectations for development and coordination of new summers offerings and programs are met or exceeded.
Extent to which the participants and constituents are satisfied with program offerings and coordination.
Summer offerings are developed in accordance with the university’s strategic plan. / Summer programs coordinator.
- (Undergraduate Experiences):
4.2Increase the local, regional, national and international reputation of undergraduate and graduate programs through development of selective signature programs and implementation of interdisciplinary and collaborative programs across the campuses and throughout the world.
4.3Substantially increase experiential learning opportunities outside the classroom through internships, research, community service, co-curricular activities, and international programs. / 4.1 Maintain Foundations of Student Success Committee to prioritize campus initiatives.
4.2 Continue Quality Undergraduate Education (QUE) Steering Committee to bridge academic and student affairs programs.
4.3 Maintain travel funds to support regional, national and international conference presentations by CU Denver faculty and staff.
4.4 Add undergraduate research coordinator staff position to the Experiential Learning Center (ELC
4.5 Expand UROP and Early Alert to Anschutz Campus College of Nursing. / 1-3 years / Extent to which UC Denver is viewed as a first-choice institution by students (and possibly parents) evaluated during a redesigned new student orientation, through an annual student “climate” survey, or incorporated in NSSE evaluation of student engagement.
Evaluation of student enrollment growth patterns in non-resident student population, and in international student population.
Assessment of undergraduate students involved with undergraduate research, internships and service learning – in terms of numbers of students involved as well as the quality of the experiences.
Performance measures that relate to objective 4.3.are under development. / Assistant Vice Chancellor for Under-
graduate Experiences, with support and assistance from others, as needed
5. (Undergraduate Experiences): Develop and implement programs of excellence, including University Honors and Leadership and First-Year Seminars, that recruit and retain the best local, national, and international students a CU Denver. / 5.1Develop academic programs that increase the student persistence and graduation rates of undergraduate students.
5.2Develop and implement student support programs that lead to presentations and publications at the regional, national, and international levels.
5.3Attain the highest quality academic and support programs that lead to presentations at the regional, national and international levels. / 5.1 Increase systematic assessment of first-year student programs.
5.2 Utilize UE Symposium for internal prioritization of undergraduate recommendations over last 5-7 years.
Utilize Foundations of Student Success to prioritize and implement recommendations for increased student success.
5.3 Maintain travel funds to support regional, national and international conference presentations by CU Denver faculty and staff. / 1-3 years / Extent to which Foundations of Excellence planning recommendations are incorporated into UC Denver strategic plan.
Assessment of trends in enrolled undergraduate student quality through a combination of CDHE index scores; ACT/SAT scores; high school GPA; annual persistence rates; 5-year graduation rates; and number of new freshman remediation in reading, writing, or mathematics.
Complete 5-yr assessment reports for Early Alert, First-Year Seminar, and University Honors and Leadership programs. / Assistant Vice Chancellor for Under-
graduate Experiences, with support and assistance from others, as needed
6.(Faculty Development): Enhance faculty success. / 6.1Present workshops, seminars and programs that promote excellence in scholarship/creativity and teaching/learning.
6.2 Consult with faculty on teaching and aspects of the tenure and promotion processes (e.g., dossier preparation).
6.3Provide leadership for, and initiate special UC Denver initiatives (e.g. the Junior Faculty Mentoring Program).
6.4Circulate print publications and electronic resources on a wide range of topics related to teaching, scholarship, and creative activities.
6.5Working with others, enhance faculty capacity to teach cross-culturally. / 6.1 Continue offering programs designed to promote excellence in scholarship/
creativity and teaching/learning.
6.2 Continue to consult with faculty on teaching and aspects of the tenure and promotion processes.
6.3 Respond as appropriate and initiate new programs as needed.
6.4 Continue existing publications, and develop new ones as needed.
6.5 Develop capacity to teach cross-culturally. / Ongoing / Levels of satisfaction among faculty who use the CFD services and resources (e.g., workshops, consultations) based both on evaluations completed immediately and an annual satisfaction survey.
Comparison of needs assessment data over several years to determine any changes in trends.
Extent to which faculty and units perceive the CFD as responsive to individual and collective needs (e.g., new programs and services are developed, launched, and evaluated); extent to which faculty report accessing print and electronic resources. / Director of the Center for Faculty Develop-
ment (CFD), with support and assistance from others, as needed
7.(Assessment): Enhance a culture of assessment to advance student learning, teaching effectiveness, program quality, and university accreditation. / 7.1Support individual faculty and academic programs in designing and implementing effective data-driven outcomes assessment systems that advance student learning through consultations, workshops, and resources.
7.2Provide guidance and feedback to academic programs on their assessment reports for professional and university accreditation.
7.3Strengthen the assessment of general education (core) learning.
7.4Inform the university administration on assessment-related issues.
7.5Act as a liaison on assessment-related issues with relevant organizations, such as the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association, companies providing testing and assessment services, and higher education organizations. / 7.1 Conduct workshops and consultations on assessment systems and techniques, and provide report templates and assessment resources.
7.2 Prepare written feedback for programs on their assessment plans and results reports.7.3 Working with other units, the Office of Assessment will guide the refinement of the general education (core) learning outcomes, oversee the assessment of learning in the core areas, and support faculty in improving their instruction and advancing student learning in general education.
7.4 Prepare documents and reports to guide university administration on assessment issues; make presentations or lead discussions for administration and university groups on assessment issues.
7.5 Coordinate university’s assessment initiatives with accrediting organizations, testing companies, and higher education organizations, and attend annual meetings, training workshops, and information sessions as appropriate. / Ongoing / Extent to which faculty and program assessment needs are addressed, as measured by number of consultations and workshops and satisfaction levels.
Extent to which programs find report feedback useful.
Extent to which assessment-
related information to administration is timely and valuable in guiding decisions.
Amount and type of support provided to campus organizations.
Number and type of contacts on assessment-related issues with outside organizations, including HLC.
Ongoing assessment of undergraduate learning through the administration of a standardized test (i.e., ETS Proficiency Profile) and the provost-funded project to assess student learning in the general education curriculum.
Number of scholarly publications and grants with center colleagues and faculty clients. / Director of Assessment, with support and assistance from others, as needed