BA English Program

BJTC Tutorial Plan[1]

English at Work

Unit 1 & Unit 2

l General Introduction:

Duration: / 4 hrs.
Place: / BeiwaiOnline live broadcast classroom, 5th floor of the English College
Tutor: / Wang Wei
TC: / Beijing Tutorial Centre
Participants: / BA Class 1/2/3
Class size: / 64

General purpose:

1. Focus on tutorial management (Ref. Activity 0)

2. Focus on language learning

a)  Unit 1 Vocabulary and structures for talking about jobs and experiences at work

b)  Unit 2 Vocabulary and structures for talking about formal education in schools

2. Focus on language functions

a)  Unit 1 Defining, describing, commenting on and expressing feelings about jobs

b)  Unit 2 Referring to and describing educational system and the courses, staff, buildings, etc.

3. Focus on language performance

a)  Being able /trying to use the correct term to refer to specific situations or people.

b)  Being able /trying to express ideas in a coherent way to “make a point”.

l Framework (Please see the next page):

ãWang Wei Institute of Online Education, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, China.


l Framework:

No. / Sections / Duration
(minutes) / Task Objectives / Types of tasks / Aids
0 / Introduction / 20 / v  Welcome Back!
v  Tutorial Overview / T talk
1 / Unit 1 in summary / 40 / ·  Vocabulary: some nouns and some adjectives / Word Bingo / pen & paper
·  Describing a job / Dictation (SD) / pen & paper
·  Describing the qualities required of a person doing the job / Monologue
·  Expressing feelings about a job / Pairwork / name cards
BREAK / 10
2 / Unit 1 in action / 40 / ·  “Career groups”: Employment and Professionalism -- Advice for a college graduate on career choices / Group/writing
BREAK / 10
3 / Unit 2 in summary / 40 / ·  Describing an educational system / Mindmap / whiteboard
·  Describing the infrastructure / Word Bingo / pen & paper
·  Describing the school administration system and responsibilities / Dictation (PD) / pen & paper
·  Describing a program/course / R. for gist
BREAK / 10
4 / Unit 2 in action / 50 / ·  Group discussion and presentation: What is a good English program for young children / middle school students / adult learners? / Group/Class
5 / Tutorial summary / 10 / ·  Suggestions for follow-up activities
·  AOB / T talk

ãWang Wei Institute of Online Education, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, China.


l Tutorial Plan:

¿ Activity Zero: Welcome-back! (20 minutes)

Greetings and an overview of today’s tutorial

This is the first tutorial of Semester 2 for distance BA students of BJTC 2001Fall classes.

Review of “rules” for learning:

a)  Getting to know each other better as classmates -- Promoting a learning community.

b)  Independent study and communication with classmates: Completing the required self-study tasks is the foundation for effective learning. Active participation, collaboration and mutual respect are the prerequisites for effective learning for everyone.

Rules of discipline when attending a tutorial:

1)  Come on time.

2)  Sign the attendance record.

3)  Hand in the Progress Record Cards and Assignment.

4)  Set the mobile phone or beeper to the silent mode.

5)  Always bring a notebook, a pen and some writing paper to a tutorial.

Reflections on self study in the past two weeks:

1)  Have I completed the self-study tasks?

-- Keep in mind that self-study is the major part of learning.

2)  Did I have time for both Units 1 & 2?

-- Avoid studying the first unit very carefully and leaving little time for the other.

3)  Did I manage to work on the exercises?

-- Work on the book instead of just reading through it.

4)  Do I have any part left undone? And why?

-- Learn to analyse your study problems or difficulties. Learn to ask good questions in clear words in order to get help from the tutors. Learn to overcome the difficulties in distance consultation, in which the negotiation of meaning is not always possible. Exploit this challenge caused by the distance to develop a direct and clear approach in asking questions.

5)  Did I use a good dictionary for my study?

-- It is required that all students use an English-English dictionary (with or without the Chinese translations) for studying: Longman, Oxford, Chambers, Webster – just to mention a few publishers who publishes good dictionaries for learners. Never expect to learn English well only by associating every English word with a Chinese word. Make sure you learn to associate an English word with other English words, by being able to pronounce it correctly, explain its meaning(s) in English, notice how it is used with other words (i.e. grammar and expressions), and finally its Chinese counterparts, if necessary.

6)  Should I adjust my plan or my approach for self study? And how?

-- Review the study plan you made after reading “Guide to Success 1” and adjust your plans if necessary.

Instructions for making a name card for use in the tutorial:

1)  Take a sheet of A4- size paper.

2)  Hold it straight, bend the top edge down to fold the paper in halves.

3)  Open it, bend the top edge down again to meet the central line. The upper half is now folded in halves.

4)  Lift the bottom edge up to meet the central line. The lower half is now folded in halves, too. Now your sheet is divided into four equal sections.

5)  Open the sheet again and face the side of your paper with all the folding lines pointing outward. In the third space from the top, PRINT your name. Use the name you would like others to use during the tutorials.

6)  Fold the sheet again so that the two spaces at the top and bottom ends meet. You should now have a name card which can stand on your desk.

7)  Do not scribble on your name cards. The other spaces may be used to put in other information.

8)  Hand in the name cards at the end of the tutorial to your tutor.

Tutorial overview (Ref. Tutorial Framework)

¿ Activity One: Unit 1 in summary (40 minutes)

Task 1 Word Bingo: Vocabulary -- some nouns and some adjectives (10 minutes)

Review the words which appear in the tasks on page 7, page 15, page 33 and pages 44-47.

Word Bingo:

1)  Draw a box of 9 spaces.

2)  Copy 9 words (page7 for Game 1, page 15 for Game 2, etc.)

3)  T. reads aloud the words.

4)  S. crosses out a word when it’s read aloud.

5)  The students who first crosses out all 9 say “Bingo” and win the game.

6)  T. checks the spelling of the winner’s wordlist.

Task 2 Sentence Dictation (SD): Describing a job (15 minutes)

1)  T reads aloud 5 job definitions, each twice. Ss. listen and write down every word with the punctuations.

2)  Peer marking.

Structure guide: Type A, B, C & D on pages 10-11.

Note for the tutors:

The students should check especially

1)  the key words: Did I write the new and difficult words correctly?

2)  the small words: Did I hear them and did I write them?

3)  the punctuations

Task 3 Monologue: Describing the qualities required of a person doing the job (5 minutes)

1)  Each S talks about one job, or one type of job, in a monologue.

2)  Ts assesses by random name call and volunteers.

Task 4 Pairwork: Expressing feelings about a job (10 minutes)

1)  Write the job you do, or a job you would like to do, on ….

2)  Walk around the classroom freely and look for someone who is doing/would like to do the same job, or a similar job.

3)  Talk to this person about how you feel about the job.

¿ Activity Two: Unit 1 in action (40 minutes)


Employment and Professionalism -- Advice for a college graduate on career choices

Step one Group discussion (40 minutes)

Step two Discussion journal writing: Each student writes a journal (10 minutes)

Step three (After the tutorial) Share your ideas by publishing in the course “Forum” in the ELP.

¿ Activity Three: Unit 2 in summary (40)

Task 1 Mindmap: Describing an educational system

Diagrams on the whiteboard showing systems of education.

Task 2 Word Bingo: Describing the infrastructure

Review the words which appear in the tasks on page 59 and page 61.

Task 3 Paragraph Dictation (PD): Describing the school administration system and responsibilities

1)  T. reads one short paragraph. Students listen.

2)  T. reads the paragraph again, sentence by sentence, each twice.

3)  T. reads the paragraph again. Students check the dictation.

4)  Peer marking.

Review on vocabulary and structure in Unit 2 Activity 2.

Task 4 Reading for gist

Review of key terms and concepts in talking about an program/course in formal education.

¿ Activity Four: Unit 2 in action (50)

Topic for discussion:

What is a good English program for young children / middle school students / adult learners?

Choose one group of learners. Do not try to talk about all of them.

Step One: Group discussion, with role responsibilities (20 minutes)

Elect a spokesperson before discussion.

Step Two: Presentations (5 minutes *6 groups)

Allow two or three volunteers to speak for his/her group.

Appoint two or three spokespersons to speak for his/her group.

¿ Activity Five Tutorial summary

Suggestions for follow-up activities




ã2001 Wang Wei Institute of Online Education, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, China.

[1] This tutorial plan and related materials have been prepared especially for use in a face-to-face tutorial with the distance students registered on the relevant course in the Beijing TC of the Institute of Online Education (BeiwaiOnline), Beijing Foreign Studies University. Any other BeiwaiOnline tutors or students may use these materials in tutoring or studying the BeiwaiOnline course concerned. For reprints to be used for any other purposes, please write to: Teaching Department, Institute of Online Education, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, China 100089.
