October 7 Our Patronal Feast
Dear Friends,
Friday, October 7 is our Patronal Feast, Our Lady of the Rosary. Almost never is there a perfect time. Those in high school have sports commitments especially football and marching bands. A 7 p.m. Mass time is not a perfect time. Nevertheless, I am inviting everyone to participate in our 7 p.m. Mass on Friday, October 7. I am also inviting those who cannot make it to Mass, to be mindful of the Mass time and the Feast. One way to be mindful is to pray a Hail Mary.
I will repeat what I have said many times as your pastor. A parish has the grace of its patronal feast. May the rosary keep us united. It is the great lesson of the rosary to grasp the unity of diversity. Reflect again on the many parts of the Rosary, the Cross and creed, the five Our Fathers, the 53 Hail Marys, the five Glorys the many links that make the rosary a unity. The twenty mysteries bring us closer to Jesus and the Way of the Cross and moves us to carry our cross daily. (Luke 9:23)
Have we not learned to appreciate the uniqueness of each parishioner? Each of us has our particular characteristics. Is not the love of Mary that we all share what links us together? As we again celebrate the month of October, may we deepen our love for Mary, deepen our appreciation of our differences, deepen our unity. In this year of Mercy, may we encourage one another not to let personal faults and weaknesses and failings cause discouragement.
7 de octubre de Nuestra Fiesta Patronal
Queridos amigos,
El viernes, 7 de octubre es nuestra fiesta patronal, Nuestra Señora del Rosario. Casi nunca hay un momento perfecto. Los que están en la escuela secundaria tienen compromisos deportivos especialmente futbol bandas y de marcha. Una Misa a las 7 p.m. no es un momento perfecto. Sin embargo, estoy invitando a todos a participar en nuestra Misa a las 7 p.m. el viernes, 7 de octubre. También estoy invitando a aquellos que no pueden llegar a la Misa, al tener en cuenta el tiempo de la Misa y la fiesta. Una forma de tener en cuenta es rezar una Ave María.
Voy a repetir lo que he dicho muchas veces como su pastor. Una parroquia tiene la gracia de su fiesta patronal. Que el rosario nos mantenga unidos. Es la gran lección del rosario de captar la unidad de la diversidad. Volver a reflexionar sobre las muchas partes del Rosario, la Cruz y el credo, las cinco padrenuestros, las 53 Ave Marías de las 5 Glorias, los muchos eslabones que conforman el rosario una sola cosa, una unidad. Los veinte misterios nos acercan a Jesús y el camino de la cruz y nos nueva para llevar nuestra cruz de cada día. (Lucas 9:23)
¿No hemos aprendido a apreciar la singularidad de cada feligrés? Cada uno de nosotros tiene sus características particulares. ¿No es el amor de María que todos compartimos lo que nos une? A medida que celebramos de nuevo el mes de octubre que podemos profundizar nuestro amor a María, profundizar nuestra apreciación de nuestras diferencias, profundizar en nuestra unidad. En este año de la merced, podemos animarnos unos a otros con defectos personales y no lo dejen ni debilidades ni fallas causar desanimación.
If you are not a registered voter and what to vote, you can register here at Holy Rosary on October 1 and 2.
OCTOBER is the month we dedicated to Our Holy Mother. You are invited to a “Living Rosary” on Sunday, October 2 at 3:00pm. You are also invited to come and join the Legion of Mary in front of Our Lady of Fatima statue to recite the rosary on Mondays and Thursdays at 6:00pm; in Church in case of bad weather. Please try to recite the rosary with your family as many times as you can during this month.
ATTENTION PARISHIONERS! Holy Rosary’s “TURKEY BINGO” is just around the corner; it will be held on Friday, November 4. We are asking our Parishioners to help in selling the Bingo Tickets. If any of you would like to help, please call Pauline or Mary Ann at 433-3241.
HOLY ROSARY RELIGIOUS EDUCATION HAS STARTED FOR 2016-2017: Parents can register their children by contacting Brenda Sauceda for the Education Program at (C) 241-8334, (Office) 433-3241 or contact her by e-mail .
Parents, there is still time to register your children for the 2016 – 2017 RE Classes in the Church Office, please call Brenda Sauceda at the above phone numbers. DEADLINE FOR RELIGIOUS EDUCATION PROGRAM IS OCTOBER 31.
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is taking registration; any adults who need any of their Sacraments (Baptism, First Holy Communion, Confirmation) please register. If you are over 18 years and are interested in receiving these Sacraments or if you have any questions about this adult program, please contact Ann Rangel at (210) 685-8871 or by e-mail . RCIA Program is held on Sundays at 10:30am in the Conference Room. To register for RCIA, please arrival 15 minutes earlier.
ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE ARCHDIOCESE OF SAN ANTONIO! Registration is now open for Assembly 2016, taking place on Saturday, November 5, on the campus of St. Mary’s University. Keynote Speakers will be Eduardo Verástegui, Karyme Lozano and Fr. Thomas McCarthy. In the spirit of this year’s theme “United As Church” we are requiring all participants attending Assembly 2016 to carpool in groups of no less than three persons per vehicle and also accessible parking (vehicles must show handicapped placard). Vehicles with less than three persons will not be allowed to park on campus. To foster the spirit of unity, it is Archbishop Gustavo’s desire for all attendees to embrace this requirement as a sign of our communion with one another. Register for Assembly 2016 by visiting their website at www.asemblysa.org or call (210) 734-1911.
October 2016
This Week’s Calendar
SUNDAY, October 2 - 27th Week in Ordinary Time
10:00am RCIA CR
10:30am Religious Education Classes School Area
10:30am Family Faith Formation for Parents Rooms 13/14
2:00pm Baptism Instruction Class CR
3:00pm Living Rosary C
MONDAY, October 3
6:00pm Rosary (in front of Our Lady of Fatima) IFOOLOF
7:00pm Parish Council Mtg. CR
7:00pm Ultreya EC
TUESDAY, October 4 - Feast of St. Francis of Assisi
10:00am Bible Study CR
6pm – 8pm National Night Out Church Parking lot
6:30pm Blessing of the Animals Front of Church
7:00pm Divine Mercy Chaplet CH
7:30pm Voices of Holy Rosary Choir C
WEDNESDAY, October 5
10:00am Small Christian Community L
7:00pm God’s Girls CR
THURSDAY, October 6
5:15pm Legion of Mary EC
6:00pm Rosary (in front of Our Lady of Fatima) IFOLOOF
FRIDAY, October 7 - Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary
7:00pm Mass C
SATURDAY, October 8
8:00am Women / Men Prayer Community EC
5:00pm Baptisms during Mass C
SUNDAY, October 9 - 28th Week in Ordinary Time
10:00am RCIA CR
10:30am Religious Education Classes School Area
10:30am Family Faith Formation for Parents Rooms 13/14
12:00pm Baptism during Mass C
SCRIPTURE REFLECTIONS: After reflecting on today’s Scripture readings, consider how you would answer the following questions:
1. How do I dialogue with God about the state of the world?
2. What makes me afraid? What gives me courage?
3. Which “life causes” do you feel most passionate about? How do you contribute to them?
Children’s Corner
As a family pray the Rosary all this month (October).