Year 5 Curriculum Outline Autumn Term 2016

English – Brief overview / Mathematics – Brief overview
Narrative : The children will be reading the novels Varjak Paw and War Horse. They will be writing recounts and diary entries as well as developing their creative writing skills.
Non-fiction: The children will be writing newspaper reports and persuasivetexts.
Poetry: The children will be studying the narrative poem The Highwayman, looking at poetic style, and using itas a stimulus for other forms of writing.
- Speaking and listening is an integral part of all the English units.
- Information about spellings will be sent home separately.
- Learning of punctuation and grammar skills are taught throughout all the English units.
- Regular reading, both at home and school, is a daily feature of learning in English and children are encouraged to enjoy a range of books. Please help your child to fill in their Reading Journal and read with them at least 3 times a week. / In Maths the children will be covering the following topics
Mental addition and subtraction: add/subtract 1s, 10s, 1000s and 10,000s; compare and order numbers (including decimals); count on/back in steps of 0.1/0.01.
Written addition and subtraction:Use column addition to add; find the change from £20, £50 and £10 using counting up; find the difference using counting up; use column subtraction.
Written multiplication and division: Build on the the grid method to multiply HTU by U; introduce short multiplication to multiply HTU by U(including in money context);use the vertical layout of chunking to divide numbers.
Fractions: Convert between improper fractions and mixed numbers; add and subtract fractions with related denominators; find unit and non-unit fractions of amounts; find equivalent fractions and simplify fractions.
Shape: Describe and sort 3D shapes; visualise 3D shapes from 2D drawings; describe properties of prisms, pyramids, polygons and classify quadrilaterals.
Measures: Convert between some metric and imperial units; calculate time intervalsusing the 24-hour clock.
P.S.H.E. (Personal and Social Health Education) / Computing
Some of the key questions for the children in the units this term:
Beginning and Belonging
How do we make sure we feel safe in our class and school?
How do we build good relationships in our class?
Who can I talk to when I need help?
How can I help and support other people?
Anti-BullyingCan I define and understand bullying?
How can bullying affect people’s behaviour and well-being?
How can we prevent bullying in school and the wider community?
Family and FriendsWho is in my network of relationships?
What different kinds of families are there?
How can I develop new friendships and maintain existing ones?
How can I manage some of the pressures on my relationships?
Alongside the learning in Computing, the children will develop their knowledge and understanding of ‘e-safety’. / The children will be continuing to develop their understanding of E- safety. The children will learn to use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly and to recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour. The children will learn to design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals, including controlling or simulating physical systems. They will be developing their programming skills using ‘Crumbles’ to program a moving element on their cat enrichment toy.
The children will be creating branching databases. They will also be using Excel to interpret data based on our trip to Hinchingbrooke park
French / R.E. & Philosophy / Geography / Art
Each week the children will have a thirty minute French lesson. This is taught by Madame Monument, a trained teacher of modern foreign languages. The emphasis continues to be on learning through songs and actions. Written French is also introduced at Year 5.
/ The children will learn about Buddhism in this terms RE unit. Including lessons on the key events in the life of the Buddha and will become familiar with some stories surrounding the religion and its origins.
The children will also be learning about the practice of Buddhism here in Britain. This will have cross curricular links with British Values. / This unit is all about rivers
The children will be;
- locating major rivers around the world
- developing map and atlas skills
- finding out about the journey of a river from source to mouth
- looking at how the shape of a river changes and affects the surrounding land.
/ Linked to their work on rivers, the children will be looking at landscapes by Van Gough. They will experiment making a spectrum of colours using paint and building up texture using brush strokes and tools for mark making.
The children will be exploring The Carnival of the animals. They will explore what makes up an orchestra listen and compose their own pieces based around what they have learnt.
P.E. / Science: / DT / History
Athletics – running, jumping and throwing skills
Games – invasion games with a focus on football and netball skills
Gym – ‘Pair Composition’
Dance – Dance is taught by specialist Janette Norman. / The children will comparing and contrasting lifecycles in animals and plants.
They will be using keys to sort and classify different groups of animals
The children will explore the solar system and will develop a better understanding of how the movement of the Earth and moon affect life on Earth. / Linked to the story Varjak Paw, the children will design and create an enrichment toy for cats.
They will be creating structures that are strong using wood and card.

They will be developing their skills of measuring, cutting and joining using saws and glue guns. / The children will continue looking at the history of invaders in Britain, focusing on the Vikings.
They will be researching daily life, entertainment, the struggle between the different people living in Britain at the time and of course how it all ended.
Growth Mindsets
The children will continue to develop a positive attitude towards learning. They will explore the ideals of having a growth mindset and this will underpin their learning throughout the curriculum.

If you have any expertise or knowledge that could be shared with the children in our school to enhance their learning this term, please do get in touch with your child’s class teacher.

Year 5