The VIP2 study: Information to patients and care-givers: template

The VIP2 (POETIC2) study: Information to patients and care-givers

The admission of critically ill patients over the age of 80 is increasing all over Europe and at present, constitutes 1 out of 5 admissions.There is currently insufficient knowledge regarding this cohort of patients. Questions like: ‘Who will benefit most from admission to ICU and what happens after discharge from the ICUarejust as important for us clinicians as well as for you and your caregivers.

This is anon-interventional studythat aims to answer these questions. We will also study the relevance of increasing age on outcomes after discharge from the ICU. We will collect data frompatients over the age of 80 admitted to the ICU from many European countries during the same period in 2018. All data will be collected in the same structured way.

We will only collect routine data and no additional blood tests or investigations will be necessary. Information about your daily life before hospital admission will be collected from either yourself or from a member of your family/caregiver that knows you well. This will be performed by a member of staff from the ICU.

After discharge from the ICU,all the information will be collected and stored on a secure database situated at the University of Aarhus in Denmark. All data will be transported anonymously, with no identifiable information to reveal who you are (no name or date of birth, just a number the ICU needs to identify you later if necessary.

Typical data we will collect are:

  • Your age and sex
  • Reason of ICU admission
  • A geriatric assessment (Activity of daily life, frailty and cognitions)
  • How your vital organs functions (using a severity score)
  • What kind of treatment that was given to you in the ICU and if any treatment was withheld
  • Length of stay in the ICU
  • Outcome at ICU and hospital discharge
  • Outcome at 6 months (not all)

This study has been approved by ……… (name of the ethical committee) on …. (date)

On behalf of the VIP2 study

Hans Flaatten,

Principle Investigator

Bergen Norway


National coordinator


Local coordinator