Directorate F: Social Statistics and Information Society
Unit F-4: Education, culture and science statistics /
Doc. ESTAT/F4/2010-CS-07-EN
Version 7.05.2010
Meeting of the
Cultural Statistics Working Group
20-21 May 2010
Point 5.b) of the agenda:
Proposal of the pocketbook - cultural employment
As the matrix of cultural employment used in 2004-2006 should be revised (updated framework for cultural statistics, new NACE and ISCO), in this transistory period we propose to present data only on some cultural sectors and occupations.
Data come from the EU-LFS 2008, breakdowns are presented only by some variables: sex, age and educational attainment. Other analysis: e.g. by occupational status, nationality, degree of urbanisation, etc. will be carried out while 2009 data will be extracted. Because of the small sample size some aggregations would be needed (eg. NACE 59 and 60) and only some tables/graphs, the most interesting and robust, will be included in the pocketbook.
Suggestions are welcome!



The following sectors in NACE Rev.2 are considered as cultural:

·  NACE 58 – Publishing activities

·  NACE 59 - Motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publishing activities

·  NACE 60 – Programming and broadcasting

·  NACE 90 - Creative arts and entertainment activities

·  NACE 91 - Libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activities

1.1.  Cultural sectors as a percentage of employment in Services and in total employment

Source: LFS; u: data not reliable. Due to reduced sample size, the data for some sectors and some countries cannot be published.

·  The cultural sectors measured individually as a % of employment in services account for small shares ranging from 0.2% to maximum 3.2%.

·  At the EU level, Publishing activities sector accounts for the biggest shares in services (1.6%) and is followed by Creative arts and entertainment activities (1.4%), Libraries, archives and museums (0.8%), Motion picture, video and television (0.6%) and Programming and broadcasting (0.4%).

·  In Denmark, Germany, Slovenia, Sweden and Finland more than 2% out of persons employed in services are employed in Publishing activities.

·  Motion picture, video and television sector represents higher than the EU average in UK, SE, FI, ES and NL

·  The biggest shares of Programming and broadcasting are registered in CY, SI, BG, RO and EL.

·  5 top countries with recorded highest shares of Creative arts and entertainment in services are: LV, HU, FI, NL and BG.

·  Baltic countries: EE, LT, LV, DK and SI register the highest proportion of the Libraries, archives and museum sector in the employment in services.

Source: LFS; u – data not reliable

1.2.  Share of women in cultural sectors

Number of female workers by NACE Rev.2 sectors, 2008
Publishing activities, NACE 58 / Motion picture, video and television, NACE 59 / Programming and broadcasting, NACE 60 / Creative arts and entertainment activities, NACE 90 / Libraries, archives and museums, NACE 91
EU-27 / 1177.5 / 316.8 / 243.1 / 889.3 / 787.3
BE / 16.6 / 4.4 / 4.7 / 14.0 / 13.8
BG / 11.5 / 3.7 / 10.9 / 13.7 / 11.8
CZ / 16.8 / 3.9 / 7.8 / 24.8 / 31.0
DK / 19.1 / 4.4 / 5.9 / 10.9 / 23.2
DE / 397.0 / 76.3 / 57.6 / 166.7 / 91.3
EE / 4.9 / :u / 1.6 / 1.5 / 6.8
IE / 4.4 / :u / 4.1 / 13.2 / 5.2
EL / 7.6 / :u / 9.7 / 9.8 / 13.3
ES / 74.9 / 29.7 / 35.5 / 22.7 / 53.2
FR / 112.7 / 26.1 / 29.4 / 150.0 / 60.2
IT / 80.1 / 21.7 / 8.4 / 64.7 / 53.5
CY / 0.6 / :u / 1.6 / 0.8 / :u
LV / 7.5 / 1.7 / 2.8 / 8.0 / 14.8
LT / 9.2 / :u / :u / 8.2 / 15.0
LU / :u / :u / 0.6 / 0.6 / :u
HU / 17.0 / 3.6 / 4.4 / 21.4 / 22.5
MT / :u / :u / :u / :u / :u
NL / 56.7 / 16.3 / :u / 57.9 / 34.4
AT / 16.7 / 7.6 / 8.2 / 17.7 / 11.2
PL / 52.8 / 12.1 / 16.0 / 62.5 / 99.0
PT / 14.5 / :u / 6.4 / 10.8 / 10.2
RO / 21.6 / :u / 10.9 / 9.3 / 18.4
SI / 7.7 / :u / 2.5 / 4.5 / 5.6
SK / 5.6 / :u / 2.7 / 5.1 / 6.6
FI / 19.6 / 6.4 / 3.7 / 15.8 / 14.3
SE / 34.4 / 7.1 / 6.1 / 26.2 / 29.8
UK / 167.5 / 80.1 / :u / 148.0 / 141.0
IS / 1.1 / :u / :u / 1.8 / 1.3
NO / 21.6 / :u / 5.6 / 11.8 / 14.5
CH / 13.9 / 7.4 / 8.2 / 9.1 / 15.5
HR / 6.9 / :u / 6.5 / 5.1 / 7.1

·  Regarding female participation in cultural sectors, the situation varies significantly from country to another and from sector to another.

·  At average at the EU level, in the sector Libraries, archives and museums (91) females account for higher shares. All the countries register the higher participation of females in this sector.

·  In the four remaining cultural sectors at EU level the women account for lower shares.

·  In publishing activities (58) sector, 10 out of 31 observed countries register higher proportion of women with the exceptional rate of 80% in LV.

·  In Motion picture, video and television (59), the higher female participation is observed in DE, LV, AT and FI. LV records the exceptional rate of 83%.

·  In Programming and broadcasting (60) and Creative arts and entertainment activities (91) there are only three to four countries with bigger female participation: DE, IE, LV in NACE 60 and FR, LV, LT and NO in NACE 90.

·  The percentage of females in Publishing sector ranges from 36% in SK to 80% in LV.

·  In 11 countries: FI, RO, UK, BG, PL, CY, SI, LT, EE, AT, LV the females are more numerous than males (more than 50%)

·  In general the female participation in this sectors is lower compared to all Services excepting 6 countries: LV, AT, EE, SI, CY, BG.

·  In the Motion picture, video and television sector, the data for the majority of countries cannot be published due to the reduces sample size.

·  Analysing the available data, higher than 50% female participation can be observed in AT, FI, DE and LV.

·  Only in two countries, DE and LV, the percentage of female is higher than in all Services.

·  As seen on the figures Programming and broadcasting seems to remain a male’s domain since only 3 countries EE, LV and IE report higher female shares. And in those three countries the female participation is higher than in all Services.

·  The female participation in Programming and broadcasting ranges from 30% in HU to 70% in LV.

·  Creative arts and entertainments sector remains as well men’s domain excepting four countries LT, FR, LV and NO.

·  Females shares range from 20% in Spain to 60% in LT.

·  The sector Libraries, archives and museums register very high female participation in all countries.

1.3.  Employment in cultural sectors by age

·  Due to reduces sample size data for some countries cannot be published.

·  Based on the comparison of the parts of the age group 50 and more in Publishing activities and in Total employment, it can be stated that the population working in Publishing is relatively younger than the population in total employment.

·  Based on the comparison of the available data, it can be stated that persons employed in the sector of Motion picture, video and television are relatively younger than in total employment.

·  Based on the comparison of the available data in the age groups 50 and more, it can be stated that in general persons employed in the sector of Programming and braodcasting are relatively younger than in total employment.

·  At the EU level the age group more than 50 years old accounts for 17% in Programming sectors and for 25% in total employment. This share in Programing sectors is higher than EU average and higher than its proportion in total employment in four countries: CZ, EE, LV and SI. In EE the oldest age group accounts for 58% of persons working in Programming sector.

·  The age structure of the persons working in Creative arts and entertainment sector is older than the age structure of Publishing, Motion picture and Programming but reamains close to the age structure of total employment.

·  The differences can be observed among countries and for example in SI the age group 50 years old and more represent only 13% of the employed persons in this sectors while in Croatia this group represents 42%. In EE, CY and FI, this group accounts for high share of more than 36%.

·  Compared to other cultual sectors Libraries, archives and museums sector has the biggest part of persons aged 50 and more. At the EU level its proportion reaches 35% and is higher than in total employment.

·  The age structure of the persons working in Libraries sector is older than the structure of the total employment.

·  In BE, EE, EL, FR and AT the shares of the oldest age group 50 years and more are lower than EU average.

1.4.  Employment in cultural sectors by educational attainment (aggregated ISCED levels)

·  In 15 out of 31 observed countries half of the persons employed in publishing has a higher level of education. At EU level, tertiary educated persons represent 48% of the persons employed in Publishing.

·  The highest shares are observed in CY (87%), BE (75%), ES (72%) and FR (69%).

·  The lowest proportion of tertiary educated is observed in AT (26%), SI (30%), NL (36%) and DE (37%)

·  In Motion picture sector, number of data cannot be published due to reduced sample size, but at the EU level, the proportion of persons with higher education (48%) is bigger than in total services (33%).

·  In BE, ES, LV, UK and HR tertiary educated represent more than 60% of employment.

·  Programming and broadcasting sector has a highest proportion of tertiary educated persons compared to remaining cultural sectors (51%).

·  This sectors records as well the highest number of countries where the proportion of tertiary educated is bigger than 60%. These countries are: BE, IE, ES, FR, LV, PL, SK, UK, NO. In BE this share reaches 81%. The lowest level is recorded in HR with 20%.

·  In all the cases excepting EL and HR, the share of tertiary educated in Programming sector is higher than in all Services.

·  Creative arts and entertainments remains also a sector presenting a high proportion of tertiary educated persons. The shares ranges from 25% in SK to 68% in NO.

·  The share of tertiary educated persons in Libraries, archives and museums sector differs from country to another and ranges from 30% in CZ to 74% in FI.


The following ISCO-88 groups can be considered as cultural

·  ISCO 243 - Archivists, librarians, and related information profession

·  ISCO 245 - Writers and creative or performing artists

·  830 thousands persons work in the EU in the profession of archivists and librarians what represents 0.4% of total employment in the EU.

·  The lowest shares of Archivists of 0.1% of total national employment are recorded in CY, AT and RO.

·  On the other side of the scale the highest rate of three times of the EU average was registered in IS (1.2%). The important shares are as well observed in SI, FI and SE (about 0.9%)

·  4.4 millions persons work as writers and creative or performing artists what accounts for 2% of the employment in the EU.

·  The rates of writers and creative or performing artists differ from country to another and ranges from 0.4% in RO to 6% in IS. The high rates are as well recorded in SE (4.5%), FI (3.9%), NL (3.7%) and NO (3.1%).

2.1. Share of women in cultural occupations and in total employment, 2008

·  At the EU level, females represent 45% of employment in profession of Writers and creative or performing artists and over 73% in profession of Archivists and librarians.

·  Females outnumber males in the profession of Writers and creative or performing artists in LV and FI only.

·  The lowest female participation lower than 40% can be observed in HR, IS, ES and DK.

·  In general there are no significant differences of female participation in profession of Writers and artists and in total employment but still in 17 out of 30 observed countries the share of females is higher than in total employment.