Tapping the Matrix Academy
EFT Practice Session LogPractitioner: Marcella Friel

Number of Sessions:27

Number of Clients: 19

Date / C I / Length of
session / IC? / I P S* / S#S#S# / Brief Description of Issues / Challenges/Successes / Questions/Comments for Consultation
Jan 23 2014 / MJ / 45 min / Y / S / 33333333333 / Feeling pressure to “get things done, cross things off her list” / Great session: 45 minutes long. Client was very tuned in, willing to follow, we were able to trace feeling back to a memory of feeling pressured raising children; client had very sweet, big release. Yay!
Jan 24 2014 / RS / 60 min / Y / I / 11111 / Feeling “deficient”; chronic compulsive caregiving; not being able to say no to others.
(60 min) / Tough session: client rambled, bounced all over the place. Lots of turbo tapping; really hard to pin issues down. The good news is I tried much less than before; let client talk more. This kind of client is perhaps the hardest for me. I began to wonder if this woman might be bipolar and beyond my league. She enjoyed the session, wants to refer other people to me, and expressed interest in Matrix, we’ll see. / How do you handle it when people really, honestly, don’t stop talking at all?
Jan 28 2014 / SD / 60 min / Y / I / 1n11 / Fear, groundlessness re livelihood taking shape / Good session. Client was new to EFT, very open to it, willing to go to painful places, honest with her responses. Visible, tangible relief at the end of the session.
Jan 31 2014 / RR / 30 min / Y / I / 1
1 / Angry at boyfriend who becomes “a zombie” when he’s overtired / Client had previous “neutral to negative” experiences w/EFT. Her SUD went from a 9 to 5 to 2, so she was happy w/the result. She stated that her resistance was due in part to “looking and sounding so fucking stupid” while tapping, then disclosed that she doesn’t feel very connected to her body, and it’s uncomfortable to her to tune into it. / This was a pretty straightforward session. I stuck to her own words very closely. Also let her be where she was at with her resistance—injected some humor during the tapping, which helped.
Jan. 28, 2014 / LJ / 60 min / Y / S / 7 / Stress over needing to move & having to “compromise” w/boyfriend / Stress on move SUD went from 5 to 3; Compromise SUD from 5 to 9 to 0. Tapping on “not getting my way bugs me”; deeper aspect of anxiety being w/1 person for 3 years / So funny—every time I feel like I didn’t do a good session—maybe I was too directive and not letting client take lead—she sent me e-mail next day re how much better she felt.
Feb. 12, 2014 / LJ / 60 min. / Y / S / 8888 / Money rollercoaster: Making so much, then almost nothing. / SUD from 7 to 3. Client had history of making lots of money in a bar; $ was literally dirty (wet, etc.). Explored messages of money being dirty, “the friends you make when you’re poor matter,” etc.
Feb. 7, 2014 / CE / 30 min. / Y / I / 1 / Finding her voice at work / Quick session: led to memory of being oldest daughter, “good girl,” super responsible, never making a fuss / Great session!
Feb. 17,
2014 / CE / 60 min. / Y / I / 2 / Having affair w/married man; feeling abandoned, he’s unavailable—part of an old pattern / I suggested Matrix work to client; she didn’t feel ready; I asked her instead to tune into younger self and tap: “Even though I have this younger part of me that feels abandoned. . . . .” SUD plummeted from 10 to 0 over course of session / At one point I was at a loss for what to do; client distress was acute. Tried to work w/affirmation method; client reported 80% belief in her capacity to have healthy relationship; when we opened up the 20% that didn’t, big spike occurred. Again, I felt pushy, but client e-mailed me a wonderful spontaneous testimonial afterward.
Mar. 6, 2014 / RR / 90 / Y / I / 2 / Traumatic memory of Dad mocking her when she was emotionally vulnerable. / Traumatic memory triggered by argument w/boyfriend. We started with tell the story EFT and then went into Matrix. Client had tough time with SUD scale b/c she doesn’t feel feelings; I asked her to use her hands instead, which she liked better. / Her reimprinting wasn’t dramatic, but her relief after the session was huge. She wrote me a two-page testimonial.
Mar. 10, 2014 / BB / 45 / Y / I / 1 / Fear of marketing and packaging her yoga business, even though she knows she’s good / Client new to EFT. Started with explaining the basic recipe. She didn’t have lots of words; we meandered around a bit. Hard to go too deep in 45 minutes. / Her voice sounded like she was about to cry the whole time—anxiety. I want to get better at reflecting to client what I observe.
Mar. 12, 2014 / RR / 90 / Y / I / 1 / Her son and her family viciously scapegoated by a mom at son’s school. Trauma / This is a different “RR” than above. Client did EFT a few years ago and now is renewing connection. I explained basic recipe; we did tell the story with the trauma. Toward the end I called her on being too nice and not expressing her anger, so we did some angry “mama bear” tapping, which relieved her greatly. We finished up w/choices method. / Good session. I can feel myself trusting my intuition more with this practice.
Mar. 13, 2014 / FF / 45 / Y / I / 1 / Stress/burnout at work. / Good session. Client was willing, followed closely. We linked her feelings of overresponsibility to childhood experience of taking care of younger siblings and cousins. SUD plummeted from 7-8 to 0. / I think I might be getting the hang of this practice. I’m starting to feel like I’m channelling when I’m doing it.
Mar. 14, 2014 / KB / 105 min / Y / I / 1 / Afraid of her own anger—led to memory of brother’s death / Really great session. Presenting issue was fight with boyfriend—fear of how angry/destructive she can get. We went into Matrix session of memory of brother’s sudden death. Client was very willing, powerful reimprint
Mar. 17, 2014 / TF / 45 min / Y / S / 1 / Ambivalence in her relationship; grief over not having a family / Presented with ambivalence over relationship: 90% great but no romantic passion. We tapped on that, then on fear of leaving b/c he’s the only family she has. Tapped into deep grief re loss of family; finished with affirming “there’s more love around e than me than I know.” SUDs went from 9 to 3 / Difficult Skype connection. Client was in Starbucks; lots of noise, later went to her car—better. I need to tell people to make sure they are in a quiet place with no interruption.
Despite obstacles, client felt strong relief by end of session.
Mar. 17, 2014 / JG / 45 min / N / S/P / 1 / Referrred by other client. High anxiety over memory of mother, current family situation / We did one round of tapping on memory of mother—client reported feeling immediately better, then went all over the place: issues with mother, brother, husband, etc. I tried once to bring her back to focus; she tried, then went off again. Not enough time to address properly / I keep running into this issue with clients—their anxiety spirals out of control, big spike. Really need to study how to manage overwhelm. Client reported later feeling worse than when she started. Ugh.
Mar. 19, 2014 / SW / 30 min / Y / S / 1 / Didn’t want to specify issue. Wanted to tap on “frustration and irritation.” I asked her if she had a situation in mind; she did. Suggested that she focus on it while tapping. / Client is a Peter Levine practitioner, so she kept drawing comparisons during session. A little tough to focus her; but she did report feeling better. / She didn’t want to talk while tapping, b/c husband was right on the other side of the wall. I assured her that not repeating my words was ok.
Mar. 19, 2014 / HM / 45 min / Y / S / 1 / Depression. Lots of aspects: feeling low self-worth; financial troubles; not wanting to get out of bed in the morning. We focused on latter. / Client very willing, followed easily. By end of session we were able to pop the lid on some of his anger, in a positive way. SUD went from 6 to 3.78 / He did demonstrate relief by the end of the session and liked the technique.
Mar. 19, 2014 / TR / 90 min. / Y / S / 1 / Underearning. Not living up to potential. Expecting to fail at livelihood. / Client has been doing lots of therapy and had a very specific memory of first feeling of expecting to fail; so we did Matrix work. Seemed to have very positive resolution in Matrix but went right back into his head when he came out. Not sure of depth of impact, though he said he felt fine. / Client was following along reluctantly. Tapping and rubbing simultaneously around the points rather than on them; I think b/c he was in therapy he might have been too much in his head and unable to get into body feelings. We also might have gone into Matrix too soon and could have tapped more.
Mar. / RR / 90 min. / Y / I / 2 / Continuing stress about son being scapegoated at school; client ran into perpetrator and had trauma response / Used “tell-the-story” to tap down trauma of encountering perpetrator. Traced roots of feeling back to being bullied by her sister, did Matrix session. / Client visibly relieved at end of session. Tested memory of sister, then tested experience of running into perp. Both were neutralized.
Apr. 4, 2014 / DC / 60 min. / Y / S / 1 / Client feeling bullied by teacher in yoga certification program; also had angry fight w/mother, who also is a bully / Client new to EFT. I taught basic recipe, constrictive breathing exercise. At first dealt w/anger over yoga teacher bullying; lots of laughter, cussing, big releases. When delving into deeper roots of pattern, client expressed anger at himself for not standing up. Core issue. Client is Ayurvedic doc; took his own pulses between rounds of tapping instead of using SUDs. Reported pulses smoothing out with each round. / Client booked a matrix session w/me at end of month; very eager to get to roots of pattern.
I misunderstood something he said in session and felt bad about that toward the end.
Apr. 9, 2014 / RR / 90 mins. / Y / I / 3 / Client witnessed son being bullied by baseball coaches. Client “crushed,” feeling powerless, fears this is her son’s karma for life. / Again used “tell the story” to describe the moment she saw coaches. Since client was already tuned in from last session re dynamic w/sister, we went again into Matrix on the issue. Very hard for client to stay detached from ECHO in Matrix; had to pull her out once. Also, client couldn’t get clear instructions from ECHO re what she needed/wanted. I stepped in and tapped on ECHO not feeling safe to have needs/wants. Client very relieved. Reimprinting not a big “wow,” but was sufficient to bring relief to client. Testing on memory was clear; testing on coaches bullying son still had residue; client wants to work w/that on her own. / I got the intuitive hit early on in the session that this client doesn’t like her son, is projecting that onto other adults. I brought it up with her; she could cop to it somewhat; we tapped on it.
Apr 11 2014 / TF / 90 min / Y / P / 2 / Sex molested by cousin when 7 years old / First session in Spanish! Fantastic session: client was ready and willing; had done lots of clearing work on this before coming to session. Deep generational healing. / End of session led to other memory of mother yelling at client for masturbating at age 5. We agreed to work on this at a future session.
Apr 17 2014 / TP / 90 min / Y / S / 1 / Memory of being kidnapped by father / Client is experienced EFT/Matrix practitioner; had very specific ideas of how to do session; was very much in charge of her ECHO.
Exploration of early memory opened up a “bomb” around father’s nervous breakdown; client wasn’t prepared for this; a little unstable when she came out.
Seemed like she was in her head for most of the session; mark of success was to feel that traumatic event never happened. / I asked her about present-time stress of feeling threatened and mistrustful; did she want to tap on this before entering Matrix? She resisted this, wanted just to go right in.
Takeaway lesson: trust my instinct on this.
May 2, 2014 / SL / 90 min. / I / Y / 1 / Weight loss/body image issues / Client had familiarity with tapping (Jessica Ortner); did Matrix session around feeling starved for human touch
Residual sadness after reimprint—we did quick round of tapping on sadness; client left feeling relieved. / ECHO was little baby in crib wanting to be picked up and held. ECHO’s mother didn’t want to hold her—too much loss in her life. I suggested that mother send beam of light to baby ECHO, which ECHO liked.
Apr. 30, 2014 / JL / 60 min. / S / Y / 1 / Grief re having “half a mother.” Mom not emotionally available / Wild rollercoaster of a session, but good. Lots of turbo tapping, starting out with a script then client diverged. We entered Matrix, did lots of tapping on in-utero ECHO and ECHO’s mom. / Long debrief session w/client after it was over. She felt I was meeting her on “that level of sensitivity and emotion” where she was at. I didn’t feel like I was guiding the session; but she did and felt held and supported. Interesting.
May 5, 2014 / DS / 90 mins / S / Y / 1 / Procrastination, anger re taxes; “I don’t want to grow up.” / Started w/testing VOC on client’s voiced belief, “If I’m in control of my life, I’m not gonna make it.” Initial VOC 70%; 32.5% by end of session. Lots of laughing during tapping; client had “oh wow” revelation that digging out core beliefs didn’t have to be all drudgery. / Client yawned lots throughout whole session. We entered Matrix and found 5-year-old ECHO angry at Mom for being depressed. ECHO’s relief was fantasy excursion w/Wonder Woman (childhood heroine)—flying around in an airplane, eating ice cream, etc. Client reluctant to resolve w/Mom, didn’t want to deal.
May 8, 2014 / SL / 60 min. / Y / P / 1 / Inherited belief from family of origin: externals are bullshit; what’s inside is what counts. Negative body image issues. / Client is also a practitioner, so we did tag-team on the scripting. Client very discursive, lots of talking, very directive in the Matrix, very conceptual w/her ECHO. / I notice in this session and in session w/DL that the relief for the ECHOs was more about fantasy than actual resolution. I didn’t intervene or insist on resolution, just an interesting observation re how much they really wanted to deal w/what was going on.

C I = Client’s Initials IC= Informed Consent form obtained? (Y/N) I = In Person P = Phone S = Skype S# = Session number (how many with this client)