Donna Semar (U of A) has reported that she is not able to host the next meeting Jan. 5 from 10-12. Since we have agreed upon this date and time, can someone else offer to host. Let us all know by e-mail.

Arizona Simulation Network

Meeting: 11/03/06


Abrazzo: Terri Ruden, Eduardo Aliskevich

ASU: Ruth Brooks, Glenda Stump, Beatrice Kastenbaum, Dan Weberg

AZ Board of Nursing: Pam Randolph

GlendaleCommunity College: Sherry Dickinson

MesaCommunity College: Jessica Shapiro

NAU: Jean Anderson, Laura Croch, Ruthie Sieperman

NorthlandPioneerCollege: Debra McGinty

ScottsdaleCommunity College: Jennifer Quinn

SouthwestSkillCenter, EstrellaMountain—Max Bishop, Vici Goodrum, Judi Crume

UA: Donna Semar

Board of Nursing Simulation Survey Results--Pam Randolph

Pam noted difficulties with the definition of simulation. She thought that the heavy use in fundamentals courses indicated that these were not real simulations. She noted that faculty are highly involved in simulation and the debriefing is a crucial part of the learning experience.Negative aspects of use of simulation are faculty time investment, and student anxiety especially if simulations is graded. She also noted that if simulations are not graded, students may not take them seriously as a learning experience. Pam will be following up on the simulation survey.

The Board will be meeting November 15-17. At that time they will consider clinical criteria for evaluation of nurses referred to the board for problems in practice. The criteria will include technical skill, critical thinking with one complex patient, identifying multiple priorities with multiple patients, ethics, Policies &Procedures. After Board approval, she will share the document later this month. The Board is hoping to have simulation used as an evaluation of these nurses. There will be an application process to select evaluators. There will be a charge to the nurse (Pam thinks $500-$1,000/evaluation). A written summary of the findings will go to the Board for decision and prescribed remediation. This will be written into a probationary agreement for the nurse.

Goals/directions for the Arizona Simulation Network

Ruth Brooks (ASU) started the discussion by referring to a hand out “The Oregon Simulation Experience: A Statewide Simulation Network and Allianceby Michael Seropian describing the Oregon Simulation Alliance. He would be willing to consult (daily fee $2500) with us to help our Network make some major advances. His suggestion was 15-20 days year 1, 10 year 2 and 6 year 3. When calculated with travel expenses this might be approximately $100,000.

The group expressed the opinion that we could accomplish this more locally. After brainstorming and looking for themes organizing principles were identified.Ruth Brooks led a brain storming session to identify priorities for the group. Here is a summary of that session. The person responsible will facilitate input by e-mail to obtain the groups input and bring back the draft to the next meeting.

Priority Category / Characteristics / Responsible for Follow-up
Definitions / Definition of simulation and related terms / Bunny Kastenbaum (ASU) will start definition round robin by email
Time / Clinical time in simulation
% of sim vs clinical
Student preparation before simulation
Minutes in simulation
How many hours of simulation count toward clinical practice time? / Ruth Sieperman (NAU)
Documents / Student evaluations
Outcomes—tools that measure what happens in practice—Pam Randolph has studies related to this.
Gathering Data
Design a research project to look at outcomes / Laura Crouch
Levels / What is the optimal use of time for the student? What should be included in the experience?
What should be the number of students in simulation? Observers?Recorders?
Progression across semesters? Beginners do assessments on auto accident final semester manage a disaster which includes pregnant patients / Debra McGinty (Northand)
Jessica Shapiro (Mesa Comm)
Organization building / Does Az. Sim. Network need a formal organization--Like developing by-laws??
Structure and goals / Jean Anderson (NAU)
Operating a simulation center / Job descriptions
Roles—sim specialist, faculty, guidelines, what is required for training others,
Legal issues such as video release forms, FERPA, confidentiality statement for simulation, no taping using phone.
What is needed to be effective? Need information to add clout to how labs should be staffed. / Jennifer Quinn (Scottsdale)
AZ Sim Network Website / Yahoo—Determine common web site,
Do we want to continue to use Yahoo?
Is it confusing that the community colleges have a separate site?
What is the security of the site? Folks are invited to join.
Share scenarios—story and program
A good website can make every thing else we do work. / Dan Weberg (ASU)


LauraCrouch, NAU- Notes that students love MicroSim, It is possible to level the software to the student ability but it is “not fun to reprogram.” She uses it during the last med-surg course. It is expensive. She likes the debriefing, and that it gives students a score. She also uses it with EMT and paramedic students, and has sold CE’s to hospital folks. She sums it up with, “I hate doing stuff the students don’t like and they like this.”

Terri Ruden (Abrazzo) Use personnel at hospital to help develop scenarios, divide and conquer, standardize for research across units. Suggest using Standardized patients—retired attorneys and teachers—will follow the script. No contact until in the scenario.

Jennifer Quinn, Scottsdale Community CollegeHas written 6 “Block 2” scenarios to share this semester. She has 8-9 objectives. Group suggested this might be too many--don’t try to do too much. Less is more. Suggested breaking the scenarios into sections. She will be having students purchase and use as preparation for scenarios “Winningham & Preusser's Critical Thinking in Medical-Surgical Settings, 3rd Edition - A Case Study Approach” By Barbara A. Preusser, PhD, FNPc. 720 pages 10 ills, Copyright 2005. $34.95, Softcover

Donna Semar (UA) Will be working with the pre-nursing students in the chemistry course. The course is interdisciplinary, but divided into disciplines. She has reviewed posters, invited them to see SimMan™, and will set up a chart, and scenario during the Spring.

Max Bishop (EstrellaMountain) is recently from Ohio where he did 30-45 minute sims—including assessment and skill performance. He did this one on one for 90 students/semester. He had a lab assistant who was BSN prepared.

Jessica Shapiro (Mesa Comm): - has a confidentiality form that is signed to share.

NLN/Laerdal study information will be reported at NLN meeting.

Next Arizona Simulation Network Meeting will be—January 5, 10 AM-12 noon. Need a hosting organization. Let us know through Yahoo

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