RCK Ski & Snowboard CLUB


Date Mountain Ticket price

1/ 7 /17 Jiminy Peak, MA $48.00

1/ 21 /17 Gore, NY $50.00

2/ 4/ 17 Windham, NY $50.00

2/ 18/ 17 Mount Snow, VT $64.00

The cost of the buses will be $40.00 per trip. The total for all 4 bus trips will be will be $160.00 payable at the after school Ski Club Meeting.

Checks should be made payable to RCK Ski Club (Bus cost only-$160)

Please note- ALL Bus payments are nonrefundable. Once Leprechaun Lines receives payment from the RCK Ski & Snowboard Club, students cannot be reimbursed if they don’t attend the trip. Sorry no exceptions.

Cash will be collected for all ski/snowboard lift tickets and lessons (if needed) 2 weeks prior to the ski trip date. Dates to pay for each trip will be announced 1 week ahead of time and members of the Ski & Snowboard club will need to attend MANDATORY meetings after school.

NO CHECKS will be accepted for lift tickets, CASH only. Please- only exact dollar amount!

*Remember, you must be academically eligible to participate in the Ski & Snowboard Club. Sign up for the bus trips will be December 14th- @ 2pm in the Cafeteria. Students need to bring

a copy of their 5 week progress report to show they have met the academic requirements to participate in the Ski & Snowboard Club. Students will only be paying for the bus fees at the December 14th meeting.

* Our 1st day of bus signups will be (December 14th) for students going on all 4 Ski trips.

Please bring a check for $160 (payable to RCK Ski Club) a copy of your 5 week progress report, accident release, and code of conduct forms all signed by both students and parents.

Students wishing to participate in fewer than 4 trips will sign up at a later date to be determined.

Please give us time to sort through the paper work to ensure an accurate count of

available seats on the buses.

Please note any students who are Skiing or Snowboarding for the 1st time will be required to take a lesson at the mountain. See Mrs. O’Connell for details if needed.

RCK Ski & Snowboard Club

Student Information Sheet

Please print neatly.

Student name: ______ID#______

Student’s cell phone#______Parent’s cell phone #______

Home phone #______Parent email:______

Please circle the trip dates that you are paying for:

(Bus trips are $40.00 each or $160.00 for all 4 trips)

1/7/17 Jiminy Peak, MA

1/21/17 Gore Mountain, NY

2/4/17 Windham, NY

2/25/17 Mount Snow, VT

Amount of check: $______Check#______

I understand that the bus check is nonrefundable even when the trip has been

rescheduled due to weather restrictions.

I also understand that my child needs to provide a copy of their latest report card to join the RCK Ski& Snowboard Club. This report card needs to be printed outside of school or sent electronically to Ms. O’Connell. The guidance office does not print report cards for Ski Club purposes. Thank you for your cooperation!

Parent Signature Date:



There are elements of risk in skiing that common sense and personal awareness

can help reduce. The code applies to alpine and snowboard skiing.

1.  Ski under control in such a manner that you can stop or avoid other skiers or objects.

2.  When skiing downhill or overtaking another skier, avoid the skier below you.

3.  You must not stop where you obstruct a trail or are not visible from above.

4.  When entering a trail or starting downhill, yield to other skiers. All skiers shall use devices to prevent runaway skis.

5.  You shall keep off closed trails and posted areas and observe all posted signs.

6.  Skiing is a positive environmental experience. All skiers should extend every effort to care for the environment while enjoying the slopes.

7.  All skiers must use proper etiquette in all lift lines. Cutting in line or pushing others while in line is prohibited. Any ski club member who has his/her ticket taken by the ski patrol shall be suspended from the ski club.

Behavior on Buses/ Boarding/ Disembarking

1. Smoking is not permitted on school grounds or on any bus. Any student smoking shall be suspended from the ski club.

2. Proper behavior on a bus in transit is imperative for safety. Loud noise, improper seating, projectiles, and other hazards deemed such by the chaperones are not permitted. At the chaperone’s discretion, a club member may be warned with a written report filed on any group or individual. A second warning shall result in suspension from ski club.

3. Ski club is an activity which allows young adults to deal with some social conditions not encountered before. Ski club chaperones have a responsibility to monitor proper social conduct. ALL CLUB MEMBERS SHALL RESPOND IN A POSITIVE MANNER TO ANY DIRECTION GIVEN BY A CHAPERONE! Repeated correction shall result in a written warning. The next incident shall result in suspension from ski club.

4. All ski club members are expected to show respect to everyone around them. This includes resort area employees, chaperones, bus drivers, and other club members. Anyone who displays discourteous and/or aggressive behavior toward others may be suspended from ski club.

5. A club member who returns to the bus later than requested shall be suspended from the next trip

6. Each ski club member must return on the same bus they took on the way to the mountain.

Behavior at the slopes

1. No ski club member shall leave the slope/ski lodge area. Example: While at Mt.

Snow, no one shall take the shuttle to Haystack or Snow Lake Lodge.

2. All students are advised to wear a helmet to prevent serious injury.

3. Theft is a reality at the slopes. Lock up ski gear and belongings to keep them

safe. In summary, your membership in the RCK Ski & Snowboard Club is a privilege, not a right!

Be responsible and you’ll have a great time!!!



Please sign and return the Skier’s Responsibility Code of Conduct to Mrs. O’Connell- RCK Ski Advisor.

I have read the above and agree to adhere to the attached RCK Ski & Snowboard Club Responsibility Code of Conduct

Student’s Name (print):______

Student’s Signature: ______

Parent’s Signature: ______




Student Name (please print)______

Student ID # ______

Student Grade level: ______

Check your child’s level of skiing/snowboarding ____Beginner ___Intermediate ___Expert

To Parents of RCK Ski & Snowboard Club Members:

Our goal is to try to expose our students to as many lifetime sports as possible. Skiing is a great family sport, but parents must realize it is a “High Risk Sport.”

Please sign the form below if you approve of your child skiing/snowboarding with the ski club this year. This completed form needs to be signed only once to be valid all season. Please note: any student dropped from the club for disciplinary reasons may be permanently excluded from the RCK Ski & Snowboard club.

I have read the above and fully understand that skiing is a “High Risk Sport.”

I hereby give permission for my child______

(Print full legal name of child)

to join the RCK Ski & Snowboard Club, and to attend the ski trips scheduled by the club. I authorize medical treatment necessary for the care of the above named student if the student is injured while on a ski club trip.

PARENT NAME (print):______



Parent cell phone: ______

Home phone: ______

Date: ______

Name of Medical Insurance Company: ______

Insurance ID # ______Group #______

Is your child presently taking any medication? ___ If yes, list them______

Is your child allergic to any medications? ___ If yes, list them______

**Do you have any health concerns you want us to be aware of should your child become injured on a ski trip? If yes, please list here:



Ski& Snowboard club members may be any 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grade RCK student who is interested in skiing or snowboarding and is academically eligibleto participate.

A.  Transportation

1. Transportation to and from the slopes will be on chartered buses. Adult

supervision will be provided by WCSD chaperones.

2. All students are required to bring a check for $160.00 to cover

transportation expenses. This guarantees him/her a seat on the bus for all 4 trips.

Checks are to be made payable to: Roy C. Ketcham High School Ski Club.

3. There will be no refunds unless a trip is canceled due to weather and not rescheduled.

B. Lift and Lesson Fees

1. Money for lift tickets and lessons will be collected 1 week prior to each trip to ensure an adequate head count.

2. Please bring the exact amount for each trip. CASH ONLY!!!


C. Departure and Arrival

1. All trips will originate at the RCK High School parking lot. Buses will leave the

parking lot at 5:30 am. We will not wait for late arrivals. Please be at the school by

5:15 am to load your equipment on the buses.

2. We will leave the ski areas at approx. 4:15 pm and will not be stopping for dinner.

Approximate arrival back at the RCK parking lot is 7:30pm. Students will be asked to text their parents about our arrival time once we are getting closer to the high school. Times may vary according to which mountain the ski club is visiting.

D. Ski Instruction

1. Private and group lessons at the ski slopes will be arranged for the students

taking lessons.

2. Beginners must take a lesson on the 1st trip. If a student does not succeed in

learning to ski for his/her own safety after 1 lesson, he/she will be expected to continue

taking additional lessons. More lessons will be at the recommendation of the area ski school.

3. The advisors or chaperones will give no instruction.

E. Parent Permission and Accident Release Form

Parents must sign a parent permission and accident release form allowing their

child to attend the ski club trips. One solid form is valid all season.

F. Equipment Rental

Equipment must be rented from one of our local ski shops prior to our ski

trip. It may be advisable to rent equipment for the entire season since last year many

students waited last minute to rent and the ski shops had no more rentals available. Equipment

CANNOT be rented at the mountain due to the need for credit cards unless a parent rents the equipment prior to the ski trip.

RCK Ski & Snowboard Club
