Kansas State University Chapter


for Academic Year 2016-2017

APPLICATION PERIOD: April – early May 2016 DEADLINE: May 12, 2016


1  Eligibility. To be considered for a $750.00 scholarship, the applicant must:

·  be a member of Phi Kappa Phi

·  be enrolled full-time

·  have a minimum of one semester of undergraduate study remaining

Deadline and address. Submit all application materials to Alfred Cochran by May 12, 2016

Alfred Cochran

Professor of Music

309 McCain Auditorium

Kansas State University


To be considered, application materials must include:

·  The completed application form with honors, activities and essay (no handwritten applications accepted),

·  A current K-State transcript,

·  Two letters of recommendation (see last page of this application form)

Recommendations may be submitted in print or electronically by the applicant with the form, or as separate letters to Alfred Cochran. The letters of recommendation should be completed by two university professors or others having direct knowledge of candidate’s academic achievement and potential. They should be signed or received as an e-mail directly from the reference’s k-state account.

Applications may be submitted either electronically or in print.

4  Recipients will be notified in early June and receive the award at August enrollment.

5  Recipients will be honored at the fall semester initiation ceremony and are expected to attend. The fall banquet and ceremony typically held in late November or early December.


Section I – Applicant Information

Name (full name)

Current mailing address:

Current telephone number:

June/summer 2016 mailing address if different from above:

Summer telephone number:

Fall 2016 mailing address if different from above:

Fall telephone number

Permanent mailing address:

Permanent telephone number:

E-mail address:

Year initiated into Phi Kappa Phi:

Major(s)/ Field(s) of Study:

Date Degree Expected:

Section II – Applicant Educational Background

Summary of Educational Background (post-high school information only)

1.  Institutions attended:

Name and location Degrees completed/expected Dates

2.  Grade point averages:

K-State grade point average:

Other GPA’s: on a point scale at:

Section III – Applicant Honors and Activities

1.  List scholastic honors received, emphasizing your college career.

2.  List university and community activities, including cultural, social, athletic, employment, or other activities. Indicate any offices you have held, and any honors or awards received related to these activities.

Section IV - Essay on Education and Career Objectives

Describe your career objectives and explain how your education and experiences at Kansas State University support those objectives (length 3 pages maximum).


Signature of applicant

or personal e-mail address if submitting electronically (submission from k-state.edu account preferred)

Kansas State University Chapter

Undergraduate Scholarship Program

(Two recommendations required)

Recommendation for [name of applicant]:


Please evaluate the person named above regarding his/her qualifications to receive a Phi Kappa Phi undergraduate scholarship. Please give your opinions of (1) the applicant’s academic achievements and potential, and (2) his/her character and personality, particularly regarding qualities of leadership, initiative, enthusiasm, adaptability, seriousness of purpose, and potential for success, including the context in which you developed these opinions. Since the letters of recommendation play a key role in determining the winners, please provide as much detail as possible.

The recommendation may be submitted to Alfred Cochran by e-mail from the reference’s k-state.edu account or as a letter on letterhead stationery.

Alfred Cochran

Professor of Music

309 McCain Auditorium

Kansas State University


Deadline: May 12, 2016