The Astronomical Society of India presents

‘Rajasthan Astrophotography Competition’

Entry Registration Form

Please fill in the details below and then email this file with the relevant JPEG file to

1.  Name :

2.  Age :

3.  Email address * :

4.  Telephone * :

5.  Address :

6.  City :

7.  State :

8.  Pin Code :

9.  Submitted Image File name * :

10.  Contest Category (delete the ones not chosen) :

Ø  Glory of Rajasthan (forts, palaces, monuments, Jantar Mantar etc. with the sky)

Ø  Natural beauty of Rajasthan (deserts, mountains, lakes etc with the sky)

Ø  A child's view (all images taken by contestants of age below 15 years as of 9 March, 2017)

11.  Date of Image being taken (dd/mm/yy) * :

12.  Image Location :

13.  Camera / Phone make and model :

14.  Suggested title for the image (short is sweet):

15.  Explain the astronomical content of the image (250 words max):

16.  What is special about this contest entry? (100 words max):

* Very important details. Double check before submitting.

I have read all contest rules & regulations and agree to abide by them.

Submission process :

1.  Only jpegs images will be accepted. Number of pixels on the longer side should be between 2000 and 3000. The image should have been saved in the highest quality JPEG.

2.  Images should not have any watermark or other identifying feature with your name etc.

3.  Steps to submit your images

a.  Get your JPEG file ready with proper file name. The file should have the exif data intact within.

b.  Download the Entry Form doc file from, and fill it up fully.

c.  Attach and email the jpeg file and the filled up form to

4.  A separate email must be sent for each image, if you are submitting more than one entry.

5.  Your email must be sent before the midnight of Sunday, 6th March, 2017.