Annex 1. Data input on biomass (B), P/B ratio, Q/B ratio, and non-assimilated food (UF, % feces and DOM excretion) for the different groups that represent the pelagic subweb of the Inner Sea of Chiloé (ISCh) and Moraleda Channel (MC). Final P/B values were obtained by averaging the “A” (from physiological and growth rate data) and “B” (from life histories and life span data) P/B column.
B (mgC/m2) / P/B(year-1) / Q/B
(year-1) / UF / Non assimilated food
Nº / Group / MCh / ISCh / A
(ISCh) / B
(ISCh) / MCh / ISCh
% Feces / %
1 / Otariidae / 24.671 / 36.981 / 0.6537 / 0.0559 / 16.1990 / 0.100110 / 0.999120 / 0.001120
2 / Aves / 11.262 / 7.672 / 0.0938 / 0.0760 / 65.0991 / 0.200111 / 0.999120 / 0.001120
3 / Orcinus orca / 0.173 / 0.013 / 0.0239 / 0.0461 / 8.2792 / 0.100112 / 0.999120 / 0.001120
4 / Mysticeti / 3.073 / 0.293 / 0.0540 / 0.0362 / 7.7793 / 0.100113 / 0.999120 / 0.001120
5 / Delphinidae / 0.293 / 0.033 / 0.0439 / 0.0763 / 15.9494 / 0.100113 / 0.999120 / 0.001120
6 / Gempylidae / 0.104 / 0.594 / 0.8441 / 0.0964 / 8.3195 / 0.200114 / 0.999120 / 0.001120
7 / Sciaenidae / -- / 1.554 / -- (0.72 41) / 0.0865 / -- / 7.9695 / 0.999120 / 0.999120 / 0.001120
8 / Atherinopsidae / 24.604 / 43.044 / 1.9841 (2.4641) / 0.3366 / 16.8395 / 0.200114 / 0.999120 / 0.001120
9 / Ophidiiformes / 21.714 / 7.414 / 1.7942 / 0.0767 / 11.2496 / 0.200114 / 0.999120 / 0.001120
10 / Gadiformes (A) / 1026.475 / 950.045 / 1.2742 / 0.0768 / 15.2197 / 0.200114 / 0.999120 / 0.001120
11 / Gadifomes (J-L)
12 / Carangidae / 8.434 / 5.174 / 1.0543 / 0.0969 / 12.0598 / 0.200114 / 0.999120 / 0.001120
13 / Clupeiformes (J-A) / 273.566 / 2283.546 / 5.0644 / 0.4070 / 43.8099 / 0.200114 / 0.999120 / 0.001120
14 / Clupeiformes (L) / 486.687 / 10173.678 / 67.9845 / 1.0071 / 35.41100 / 0.410115 / 0.999120 / 0.001120
15 / Ichthyoplankton (L) / 13393.467 / 12509.578 / 44.7345 / 1.0071 / 6.78101 / 9.91101 / 0.185115 / 0.999120 / 0.001120
16 / Scyphomedusae / 107.369 / 174.0510 / 73.0046 / 9.1372 / 474.50102 / 0.095116 / 0.79121 / 0.21121
17 / Hydromedusae / 34.0611 / 23.7512 / 46.2346 / 18.2573 / 1182.85103 / 2253.78103 / 0.178117 / 0.70122 / 0.30122
18 / Ctenophora / 0.1113 / 0.9914 / 110.9647 / 4.0674 / 178.0699 / 1390.6399 / 0.260118 / 0.62123 / 0.38123
19 / Appendicularia / 0.2213 / 2.8714 / 280.7247 / 36.2975 / 455.21104 / 0.233119 / 0.76123 / 0.24123
20 / Siphonophore / 35.8715 / 58.1516 / 109.5046 / 12.1776 / 2148.44105 / 1708.69105 / 0.095116 / 0.79121 / 0.21121
21 / Salpida / 0.0517 / 0.0818 / 61.4147 / 17.3077 / 780.4799 / 0.130119 / 0.96123 / 0.04123
22 / Decapoda (L) / 19.6519 / 39.5920 / 7.6148 / 2.4378 / 37.39106 / 0.119119 / 0.38124 / 0.62124
23 / Euphausiacea / 307.3821 / 559.9422 / 10.1249 / 0.6179 / 70.10107 / 2.86107 / 0.174119 / 0.49123 / 0.51123
24 / Chaetognatha / 0.8623 / 11.3824 / 22.0650 / 1.4180 / 144.81107 / 274.38107 / 0.190119 / 0.86123 / 0.14123
25 / Cladocera / 0.0123 / 2.0325 / 95.1251 / 9.6781 / 864.62108 / 864.62108 / 0.119119 / 0.40125 / 0.60125
26 / Copepoda calanoida / 109.8826 / 281.8127 / 48.1852 / 9.4982 / 13.3399 / 33.0399 / 0.111119 / 0.38123 / 0.62123
27 / Copepoda cyclopoida / 34.2226 / 61.8527 / 73.2452 / 12.6483 / 71.4399 / 177.0899 / 0.126119 / 0.41123 / 0.59123
28 / Copepoda Nauplii (L) / 86.6328 / 33.0229 / 81.2153 / 10.8484 / 72.98109 / 0.119119 / 0.40125 / 0.60125
29 / Ciliophora / 7.0530 / 22.6631 / 520.4654 / 547.5085 / 5.2199 / 128.2699 / 0.048119 / 0.00123 / 1.00123
30 / Micro Phytoplankton / 403.3032 / 997.3733 / 1126.1655
(621.4356) / 461.0586 / -- / -- / 0.048119 / 0.52123 / 0.48123
31 / Micro Flagellates / 19.5532 / 43.9033 / 824.3954 / 493.2487 / 6.0699 / 2167.4599 / 0.048119 / 0.52126 / 0.48126
32 / HNF / 93.6632 / 206.3833 / 824.3954 / 597.2788 / 373.1099 / 4657.5399 / 0.048119 / 0.00123 / 1.00123
33 / ANF / 70.8532 / 127.0933 / 824.3954 / 597.2788 / -- / -- / -- / -- / --
34 / Bacteria / 225.5032 / 453.3233 / 34.2257
(129.1458) / 1460.0089 / 1268.8899 / 861.3699 / 0.050119 / 0.00123 / 1.00123
35 / DOM / 24330.4834 / 34503.4534 / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / 1.00123
36 / Detritus / 4055.0835 / 5750.5836 / -- / -- / -- / -- / -- / 1.00123 / --
A) Biomass:
1 = BOtariidae = ∑Bsex /Area (AreaMch = 8,263.0x106 m2; or, AreaISCh = 9,675.0x106 m2); Where, Bsex = SP * Ab * Ww * CCF / Area; Where, SP = Sex proportion (Oporto et al., 1999); Ab = Abundance (Oporto et al., 1999); Ww = wet weight (Palomares Pauly, 2011); CCF = Carbon Conversion Factor, 1g ww = 0.114 gC indiv-1 (Cauffopé & Heymans, 2005); Area = Area (AreaMch or AreaISCh);
2 = BAves = Ab * Ww * CCF / Area; Where, Ab = Abundance (Hucke-Gaete et al., 2010); Ww = wet weight (Palomares & Pauly, 2011); CCF = Carbón Conversion Factor, 1g ww = 0.114 gC indiv -1 (Cauffopé & Heymans, 2005); Area = Area (AreaMch or AreaISCh);
3 = Bi = Ab * Ww * CCF / Area; Where, Ab = Abundance (Aguayo et al., 2006; Hucke-Gaete et al., 2010; Viddi et al., 2010; Zamorano-Abramson et al., 2010), Ww = wet weight (Kenney et al., 1997; Palomares & Daniel Pauly, 2011), CCF = Carbon Conversion Factor, 1g ww = 0.114 gC indiv -1 (Cauffopé & Heymans, 2005), Area = Area (AreaMch or AreaISCh);
4 = Bi = (Ti * CCF ) / Area; Where, Ti = ton specie “i”; CCF = Carbon Conversion Factor, 0.06 gC indiv -1 (Walsh, 1981); Area = Area (AreaMch or AreaISCh); Ti = (Bclup * %Li) / %Lclup; Where, Ti = ton specie “i”; Bclup = Clupeiformes Biomass; %Li = Percentage of specie “i” in the landing for MCh or ISCh (SERNAPESCA, 2003; SERNAPESCA, 2006; SERNAPESCA, 2007; SERNAPESCA, 2008; SERNAPESCA, 2009); %Lclup = Percentage of Clupeiformes species in the landing for MCh or ISCh (SERNAPESCA, 2003; SERNAPESCA, 2006; SERNAPESCA, 2007; SERNAPESCA, 2008; SERNAPESCA, 2009);
5 = Bi = ( SEi * CFC ) / Area; Where, For Gadiformes Biomass, SEi = biomass from stock assessments (Lillo et al., 2004, et al., 2006, et al., 2008); CCF = Carbón Conversion Factor, 0.06 gC indiv -1 (Walsh, 1981); Area (AreaMch or AreaISCh); For Gadiformes (J-L) were estimated from EwE;
6 = SEi = biomass from stock assessments (Niklitschek et al., 2009); CCF = Carbon Conversion Factor, 0.06 gC indiv -1 (Walsh, 1981); Area (AreaMch or AreaISCh);
7 = Biomass = larval number m-3 (Landaeta & Castro, 2006) * 50m * larval wet weight (Bustos et al., 2008, Niklitschek et al., 2009) * 0.06 gC indiv -1 (Walsh, 1981);
8 = Biomass = larval number m-3 (Bustos et al., 2008) * 50m * larval wet weight (Bustos et al., 2008; Niklitschek et al., 2009) * 0.06 gC indiv -1 (Walsh, 1981);
9 = Estimated from relationship BScypho/BSiphono obtained for ISCh;
10 = Biomass = N° indiv. m-3 (Palma et al., 2011) * 50m * 1265.8 mgC indiv -1 (Shenker, 1985);
11 = Biomass = N° indiv. m-3 (Palma et al., 2007) * 50m * 165.60 µgrC indiv -1 (assumed);
12 = Biomass = N° indiv. m-3 (Villenas et al., 2009; Palma et al., 2011) * 50m * 165.60 µgrC indiv -1 (assumed);
13 = Abundance m2 from unpublished zooplankton data from 13 stations and 2 depths during CIMAR 13; Ctenophora = 128.4 µgC ind-1 (Hirst et al., 2003); Appendicularia = 4.39 µgC ind-1 (Hirst et al., 2003);
14 = Abundance m2 from unpublished zooplankton data from 9 stations and 2 depths during CIMAR 12; Ctenophora = 128.4 µgC ind-1 (Hirst et al., 2003); Appendicularia = 4.39 µgC ind-1 (Hirst et al., 2003);
15 = Biomass = N° indiv. m-3 (Palma et al., 2007) * 50m * 180.30 µgrC indiv -1 (Purcell & Kremer, 1983);
16 = Biomass =N° indiv. m-3 (Villenas et al., 2009; Palma et al., 2011) *50m * 180.30 µgrC indiv -1 (Purcell & Kremer, 1983);
17 = Abundance m2 from unpublished zooplankton data from 13 stations and 2 depths during CIMAR 13; Salpida = 188.47 µgC ind-1 (González et al., 2000);
18 = Abundance m2 from unpublished zooplankton data from 9 stations and 2 depths during CIMAR 12; Salpida = 188.47 µgC ind-1 (González et al., 2000);
19 = Biomass = N° indiv. m-3 (Mujica, 2008) * 50m * 0.25 annually (Pérez-Barros et al., 2007) * 159.25 µgrC indiv -1 (Uye, 1982);
20 = Biomass = N° indiv. m-3 (Mujica & Nava, 2010; Mujica et al., 2011) * 50m * 0.33 annually (Pérez-Barros et al., 2007) * 159.25 µgrC indiv -1 (Uye, 1982);
21 = Abundance m2 from unpublished zooplankton data from 13 stations and 2 depths during CIMAR 13 (González et al., 2011); Euphausiacea = 649-5353 µgC ind-1 (González et al., 2000; Hirst et al., 2003; González et al., 2011);
22 = Abundance m2 from unpublished zooplankton data from 9 stations and 2 depths during CIMAR 12 (H. E. González et al., 2010); Euphausiacea = 649-5353 µgC ind-1 (González et al., 2000; Hirst et al., 2003, González et al., 2011);
23 = Abundance m2 from unpublished zooplankton data from 13 stations and 2 depths during CIMAR 13; Chaetognatha = 107.69 µgC ind-1 (Pearre, 1992; González et al., 2000; Hirst et al., 2003); Cladocera =1.93 µgC ind-1 (Sánchez et al., 2011);
24 = Biomass = N° indiv. m-3 (Villenas et al., 2009) * 50m * 107.69 µgC ind-1(Pearre, 1992; González et al., 2000; Hirst et al., 2003);
25 = Abundance m2 from unpublished zooplankton data from 13 stations and 2 depths during CIMAR 13; Cladocera =1.93 µgC ind-1 (Sánchez et al., 2011);
26 = Abundance m2 from unpublished zooplankton data from 13 stations and 2 depths during CIMAR 13; calanoida = 91.04 µgC ind-1; cyclopoida = 6.37 µgC ind-1 (González et al., 2000; González et al., 2010; González et al., 2011);
27 = Abundance m2 from unpublished zooplankton data from 11 stations and 2 depths during CIMAR 12; calanoida = 91.04 µgC ind-1; cyclopoida = 6.37 µgC ind-1 (González et al., 2000, et al., 2010, et al., 2011);
28 = Nauplii Biomass (González et al., 2011), where 11 samples stations were considered in the present study;
29 = Nauplii Biomass (González et al., 2010), where 9 samples stations were considered in the present study;
30 = Biomass = biomass (González et al., 2011) * 1.56 CF (Stoecker et al., 1994), where 26 samples stations were considered in the present study);
31 = Biomass = biomass obtained (González et al., 2010) * 1.56 CF (Stoecker et al., 1994), where 26 samples stations were considered in the present study;
32 = Biomass (González et al., 2011), where 11 samples stations were considered in the present study;
33 = Biomass (González et al., 2010), where 13 samples stations were considered in the present study;
34 = Biomass DOM = Detritus * 6 (Pavés et al. submitted);
35 = POC – Biomass functional Groups 29-34 (González et al., 2011), where 11 samples stations were considered in the present study;
36 = POC – Biomass functional Groups 29-34 (González et al., 2010), where 13 samples stations were considered in the present study.
B) Production/Biomass ration (P/Bi) P/B in days * 365, or, in year;
37 = P/Bi = P/B mean obtained from other models (Neira & Arancibia, 2004; Neira et al., 2004);
38 = P/B mean obtained from other models (Sidi & Guénette, 2004; Medina et al., 2007; Melgo et al., 2009; Morissette et al., 2010);
39 = P/B mean obtained from other models (Sidi & Guénette, 2004; Melgo et al., 2009; Morissette et al., 2010);
40 = P/B mean obtained from other models (Melgo et al., 2009; Morissette et al., 2010);
41 = P/B mean obtained from other models (Sidi & Guénette, 2004; Melgo et al., 2009);
42 = P/B mean obtained from other models (Neira et al., 2004; Sidi & Guénette, 2004; Morissette et al., 2010);
43 = P/B mean obtained from other models (Neira et al., 2004; Sidi & Guénette, 2004; Medina et al., 2007; Melgo et al., 2009; Morissette et al., 2010);
44 = P/B obtained from relationship P/B = Z (Cubillos et al., 2007);
45 = P/B from growth rates (Houde, 1989);
46 = P/B from growth rates (Larson, 1986);
47 = P/B from growth rates (Hirst et al., 2003; Sato et al., 2008);
48 = P/B from P/B Euphausiacea (Annex 1) and P/B Amphipoda (Ikeda & Shiga, 1999);
49 = P/B from growth rates (Hirst et al., 2003; Pinchuk & Hopcroft, 2006; Shaw et al., 2010);
50 = P/B from growth rates (Newbury, 1978; Hirst et al., 2003);
51 = P/B from growth rates, P = daily growth rate (Preuss et al., 2009), B = Bi (Annex 1).
52 = P/B from growth rates (Hirst et al., 2003);
53 = P/B from growth rates (Uye & Sano, 1998; Hirst et al., 2003);
54 = P/B obtained from other model (Pavés & González, 2008);
55 = P/B from PP value (PP = 1244 mg C m-2 d-1; González et al., 2011) and relationship with Micro Phytoplankton Biomass
56 = P/B from PP value (PP = 1698 mg C m-2 d-1; González et al., 2010) and relationship with Micro Phytoplankton Biomass
57 = P/B from PBS value (González et al., 2011) and relationship with Bacteria Biomass
58 = P/B from PBS value (González et al., 2010) and relationship with Bacteria Biomass
B) Production/Biomass ration, P/Bi = 1/MLS; MLS = mean life span; P/Best in days * 365, or, in year;
59 = MLS = mean life span, 20 years (Sielfeld et al., 1997; Palomares & Pauly, 2011);
60 = MLS = 15 years (Palomares & Pauly, 2011);
61 = MLS = 25 years (Palomares & Pauly, 2011);
62 = MLS = 40 years (Palomares & Pauly, 2011);
63 = MLS = 15 years (Palomares & Pauly, 2011);
64 = MLS = 11.5 years (Horn, 2002; Acuña et al., 2007);
65 = MLS = 13 years (Oyarzún et al., 1999);
66 = MLS = 3 years (Pavez et al., 2008);
67 = MLS = 14.5 years (Withell & Wankowski, 1989; Wiff et al., 2007);
68 = MLS = 15 years (Aguayo & Ojeda, 1987; Lillo et al., 2005; Chong et al., 2007; Aguayo et al., 2010; Cerna, 2003);