Submit proposals at least two weeks prior to regional meetings. See meeting dates at If the item is deemed by a region to have merit, that region will forward the item to NCWM for national consideration. See for more information on the Form 15 process. Submit in Microsoft Word Format to the NCWM Executive Director via email at for review and dispersal to selected regions.

General Information
1. Date: / 2. Regional Association(s): (Not applicable for proposals to the Board of Directors or NTEP Committee)
2/22/2017 / X Central (CWMA) X Northeastern (NEWMA) X Southern (SWMA) X Western (WWMA)
3. Standing Committee:
_X_Laws & Regulations __ Specifications & Tolerances __Professional Development __Board of Directors __NTEP Committee
4. Submitter’s Name: Chuck Corr / Submitter’s Organization: Archer Daniels Midland Company
5. Address:
1251 Beaver Channel Parkway
6. City: / 7. State: / 8. Zip Code: / 9. Country:
Clinton / Iowa / 52732 / USA
10. Phone Number: / 11. Fax Number: / 12. Email Address:
563-244-5208 / 563-244-5222 /
Proposal Information
13. Purpose: Concise statement as to the intent or purpose of this proposal, such as problem being fixed. (Do not include justification here.)
This proposal is to harmonize the MOS information for LPG in Sections B and G.
14. Document to be Amended:
NIST Handbook 44 X NIST Handbook 130 NIST Handbook 133 __ NCWM Guidance Document
__ NCWM Bylaws __NTEP Administrative Policy
15. Cite portion to be Amended:
Section: Uniform Regulation for the Method of Sale of Commodities
Paragraph: 2.21
16. Proposal: Please use strikeout to show words to be deleted and underline to show new words.
Section B - Uniform Regulation for the Method of Sale of Commodities
2.21. Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG).
2.21.1. How LPG is to be Identified. – Liquefied petroleum gases shall be identified by grades Commercial Propane, Commercial Butane, Commercial PB Mixtures or Special-Duty Propane (HD5).
2.21. 2.21.2. Liquefied Petroleum Gas. – All liquefied petroleum gas, including, but not limited to propane, butane, and mixtures thereof, shall be kept, offered, exposed for sale, or sold by the pound, metered cubic foot [NOTE 7, page 125] of vapor (defined as 1 ft3 at 60 ºF [15.6 °C]), or the gallon (defined as 231 in3 at 60 ºF [15.6 °C]). All metered sales by the gallon, except those using meters with a maximum rated capacity of 20 gal/min or less, shall be accomplished by use of a meter and device that automatically compensates for temperature.
(Added 1986)
NOTE 7: Sources: American National Standards Institute, Inc., “American National Standard for Gas Displacement Meters (500 Cubic Feet per Hour Capacity and Under),” First edition, 1974, and NIST Handbook 44, “Specifications, Tolerances, and Other Technical Requirements for Weighing and Measuring Devices.”
2.21.3. Retail Dispenser Labeling. – Each retail dispenser of LPGs shall be labeled as “Commercial Propane,” “Commercial Butane,” “Commercial PB Mixtures,” or “Special-Duty Propane (HD5).”
2.21.4. Additional Labeling Requirements. – LPG shall be labeled with its automotive fuel rating in accordance with 16 CFR Part 306.
2.21.5. NFPA Labeling Requirements Also Apply. (Refer to the most recent edition of NFPA 58.)
(See also companion item for Section G 3.10)
17. Justification: Please include national importance, background on the issue, and reference to supporting data or documents.
Section B and G have different information on the MOS for LPG. This proposal is to integrate the information from both sections to create identical MOS language in the two sections.
18. Possible Opposing Argument’s: Please demonstrate that you are aware and have considered possible opposition.
19. Requested Action if Considered for NCWM Agenda:
Voting Item X Developing Item Informational Item Other (Please Describe):
20. List of Attachments:

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