Algebra I
Instructor – Mr. Matthew Mills
(e-mail address)
Courses Description: Algebra I introduces and explores elementary functions including linear, quadratic, polynomial, exponential, logarithmic, rational and radical. These functions wills be used to model real-world situations.
Sequence of Topics:
- Equations and Inequalities
- Functions
- Special Functions
- Quadratics
- Polynomial Functions
- Rational Functions
- Radical Functions
- Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
- Data Analysis
- Maintain a notebook with class notes, class work, handouts, and homework.
- Bring a calculator to class daily. When needed a graphing calculator will be available during class. You may wish to consider purchasing a TI-84+ or a TI-83+ or the silver editions of these calculators.
- Participate in class, volunteer for board work, and work cooperatively with your peers.
- Complete all homework assignments, in-class assignments, on-line assignments, quizzes, examinations, and projects.
- All homework assignments are listed on-line in the calendar in One-Note. Long-term assignments will be sent out on Remind 101.
- If you misplace your assignment, do not ask for an additional copy. Access the file in OneNote.
- Although homework will not be checked for credit every day, it will occasionally be checked. Additionally, on-line assignments will be assigned and scored for credit based on completeness and/or accuracy. Students are encouraged to complete every homework assignment, in preparation for more formal assessments.
- Marking period grades will be composed of the following:
- In-class Assignments, Take-home Assignments and On-line Assignments– will occur weekly these may be graded for completion or accuracy
- Quizzes, and Projects – quizzes will occur at least weekly, and may occur in class, or on-line outside of class.
- Examinations – will occur at the end of each unit. A unit may be split into smaller sections, and will therefore have additional exams. The examination may contain previously learned material. On test days electronic devices will be collected. If you choose not to turn in your device, and are found in possession of one, while the devices are still collected, you will receive a zero on your exam, even if your exam has been turned in.
- Marking period percentage breakdown of material for grade
- Tests are worth 50% of overall grade
- Quizzes are worth 30% of overall grade
- Demonstration of Knowledge (Examples: In-class Assignments, Projects, TAPS, Take-home Assignments, On-line Assignments etc…) are worth 20%
- The course grade is determined as:
- 20% for each quarter
- 10% for Mid-Term
- 10% for Final Exam
- Grade Scale:
- A - 90% - 100%
- B - 80% - 89%
- C - 70% - 79%
- D - 60% - 69%
- F - 0% - 59%
- Failure to complete a project or examination may result in an incomplete for the marking period in which it occurs. Students will have no more than two weeks from the completion of a marking period to make up any work owed.
- INCOMPLETE MATERIAL: any work that is considered INCOMPLETE will be marked as a zero after 10 school days have passes and it is not made up.
Attendance Procedures:
- You are expected to be in school, unless you have an excused absence. If your absence is unexcused, you will not be permitted to make-up any missed work (homework, quizzes, tests, projects, etc).
- You are RESPONSIBLE for any items you miss due to an excused absence. If you are present during the week of a long-term assignment, you will be responsible for that assignment on the appropriate due date. On-line/electronic assignments do not allow for extensions.
- If you know you will not be in school, please ask the teacher if you can be provided the lesson before the day you will miss.
- If you are absent, your make-up work will be available in the bin designated for your class. Your name and assignments will be marked. You will be responsible for retrieving, making-up and/or turning in this work. Please do not ask me for an additional copy. You may access the list of your missing assignments by checking your grade. You may access any papers you have misplaced within OneNote.
- It is your responsibility to make up the work and show the teacher the missing assignments.
- You have 5 days to make up the work, unless there is an extreme circumstance. Then please discuss this with your teacher.
Daily Procedures: Our class is written according to the Pennsylvania Core Standards for Algebra I. If you are behind, or feel as if you are falling behind, please plan to seek extra help. AAP is available on Mon, Tues & Thur after school. A late bus is provided. Striving for Excellence is available on Tues & Thur in the evenings. You must provide your own transportation. I will provide you the opportunity to correct your homework, and ask questions concerning any difficulty you may have encountered. I will not provide you time to copy the answers, or reteach the lesson because you were absent, or did not put forth a reasonable effort on the homework.