9th Grade Female PE/Health Syllabus 2017.2018

Instructors: Mrs. Caplinger (Mr. Fuemmeler) Class: Physical Education & Health

Objective: In this health and physical education class, you will have the opportunity to participate and learn about a variety of physical activities. You will learn about the rules, etiquette, strategies, and skills related to that activity. We will be working on health related physical fitness (cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength/endurance, flexibility, and body composition). During the Health Section of this class we will be in a classroom setting covering multiple physical, emotional, and social health topics.

Student Expectations:

●Be on time – In respective locker room (or classroom) when the bell sounds

●Come prepared for both classes – lesson plans can change at last moment, always come prepared for both health class as well as PE class. During cold weather, come prepared with warm clothes in case the class must walk to the weight room.

●No Food, Candy, Gum, or Drink (except water) out in gym, locker room, or weight room.

●Students must get permission from teacher if leaving class, have their agenda signed, and must sign out.

●Respect teachers, peers, themselves, and all equipment!

Proper Gym Suit:

In order to receive all points/day for dressing out the student must wear:

● Athletic shorts or sweatpants. NO jean shorts or tight fitting spandex shorts

● T-Shirt/Hoodie-- NO CUT-OFFS ALLOWED!

● Towel for showering

● Closed toe non-marking sole athletic shoes (NO skater style shoes) and socks. No street shoes are allowed on the gym floor. Students will need a pair of “Gym-shoes” that are used exclusively for indoor gym class.

● No headwear may be worn.

*instructors may request that jewelry be removed if deemed “unsafe” by instructors

Medical Excuse: WE MUST HAVE A NOTE FROM YOUR PARENT OR DOCTOR to excuse you from any activity. If you do not have a note you will be required to participate. A parental note will excuse you from only 2 consecutive PE classes. You will need a medical excuse from a doctor to be excused from participation for three or more consecutive classes. The student will still be expected to make up daily points with an alternate activity.

Opt-in/Opt-out form: Opt-in/Opt-out form will need to be completed by each student’s parent/guardian and turned into Mrs. Caplinger. Forms may be obtained from Mrs. Caplinger..

Tardiness:A student will be tardy if they are not in the gym by the time the tardy bell rings. Tardiness will be reported to the office and then school policy will be followed depending on how many tardies a student may have.

Locker Room: The student will be given 5-7 minutes to dress before and after class. Once the student is dressed for class they are to remain in the locker room until dismissed by the teacher. Same goes for after class. When done dressing either before or after class you must lock all of your possessions in your PE locker. If your stuff is locked up then it cannot be stolen or damaged. Absolutely no Ipads, Chromebooks, nor cell phones may be turned on nor used while in the locker room! This is considered a Level III violation which may result in 3 days ISS or OSS.

Grading in PE: Health and PE grades are a combined grade. Each day of class there will be a TOTAL of 10 participation points.

* 5 will be given for proper gym suit (all or nothing)

*5 will be given for demonstration of good sportsmanship, good effort, respect for the instructors, and understanding of game rules.

*Occasionally students may be given a quiz, or a grade may be given based on skills testing and/or improvement of skills.

*The Final for PE will comprise of the following tests and will be graded as follows for a total of 105 points:

Improvement Shown -- 5 points each

Muscular Strength--Push ups

Muscular Endurance--Sit-ups, Pull-ups, Pacer

Flexibility--Single Leg Sit and Reach

Agility--Box Drill, Pro-Agility (3 cone), Dot Drill

Speed--40 yard dash

Power--Vertical Jump, Standing Broad Jump

Grading for the Cardiovascular Endurance Mile -- 50 points

10 points per lap = 40 points (10 pts = run/jog, 8 pts if run/walk, 5 pts if walk)

10 points for improvement unless less than 6:30 minutes(m)/7:30 minutes(f)

*Poor effort (as determined by the instructor) in the pretesting phase will result in loss of participation points for the day and may result in repeat testing.

Grading in Health: Health and PE classes are a combined grade. Grades will be on a percentage scale of total points earned. We will have homework assignments, projects, and quizzes. Finals will be given at the end of each semester. Students must come prepared for class (have Chromebooks, pencil, and paper). Student who are habitually unprepared for class may receive a detention. A warning to the student and an attempt to notify parent/guardian will occur before the detention is assigned. Health assignments not turned in 5 school days past due date will result in a zero.

Chromebooks in Health: Health textbooks are on our chromebooks so students will need to bring them to class. Chromebooks must be closed when not in use. There will be no playing of games nor use of social media during Health Class. Consequences for not following these policies will result in: 1st time=warning, 2nd time=removal of Chromebook until the end of class, 3rd time=Chromebook being turned into the office.

Agendas: Students will not be allowed to leave the classroom/gym/locker room without a pass, preferably the student’s agenda and signing out of class.

Make-Up Opportunity:

Health Class--In the event of a missed health class, the student will be expected to make up the points to receive credit for that particular day. It is the student’s responsibility to find out what assignments were missed. Students will be given 5 school days to complete missing health assignment or will receive no credit for that assignment.

Physical Education Class--In the event of a missed PE class, the student will be given 3 “free days” (per semester) before being required to make-up points. Subsequent absences will be made-up by extra 10 laps of warm-up and 10 push-ups. Absences for school activities will be excused.

If a student is in attendance, but unable to participate due to a medical reason, it will be expected that the student fills out a 10 point research worksheet in order to make-up participation points.

Additional Notes: Listening to headphones will not be allowed during class time.

Plagiarism: See student handbook for definition and examples of plagiarism. 1st offense--a grade of zero and administration will be notified. After the first offense the student will receive a zero as well as be subject to administrative disciplinary consequences, such as ISS or OSS.

*All requirements and grading policies are subject to change upon instructors’ discretion. Students will be informed if this occurs and major changes would only happen at the change of quarter or semester.



This certifies that my parents/guardians and I have read the procedures, understand them, and will abide by the rules, regulations, and grading system for this class.

Student Signature ______Date ______Class Hour: ____

Parent/Guardian Signature ______Date ______