The Dock

What is the Dock

The basics of the Dock are quite straightforward. Icons in the Dock represent the applications, documents, and folders on your drive. By convention, the Dock is divided into two parts. If your Dock is positioned on the bottom of your screen, applications appear on the left side and folders, documents, etc. appear on the right. If the Dock is on the left or right of your screen, applications appear on the top and folders, documents, etc. appear on the bottom.


All items on the Dock represent shortcuts to the original application or item.

To launch an application or open a document, simply click it.

·  The icon will bounce like a ball until the application opens.

·  Applications requiring attention will also bounce until action is taken.

·  When an application is open a light appears below its icon. This light will stay on until you close the application.

·  Clicking an already-opened item makes it the front-most window, and other active windows are positioned behind the current window.

·  As you move your pointer over a Dock icon of each application, document, folder, etc., the name will appear in text above the icon.

Add an item to the Dock

·  To add an item to the Dock, simply drag its icon from an area (Desktop, folder, volume) to the Dock.

o  Applications on left-side of Dock

o  Folders, documents, etc. appear on the right-side of Dock

·  You can rearrange the order of icons by dragging the icons within their designated areas of the Dock.

·  When you open an application that is not on the Dock, it will be temporary installed on the Dock until you quit the application; then the icon will disappear.

Remove an Item from the Dock

·  Drag the icon from the Dock

·  Deleting the icon doesn’t remove the program or file from the computer system; only the shortcut icon is removed.

·  An icon on the Dock serves as a pointer to the actual program or file.

·  All nonpermanent items are removed from the Dock when you logout, restart or shutdown.

·  You cannot remove an item from the Dock unless it is close

Dock Menus

If you click on an item in the Dock and hold down the mouse button (touchpad) or right mouse button (external mouse) a pop-up menu will appear with options.

*Idle Applications:

·  Remove from Dock

·  Open at Login

·  Show in Finder

·  Open

*Active application:

·  Active work (document, spreadsheet etc.)

·  Open Recent

·  Remove from Dock

·  Open at Login

·  Show in Finder

·  Hide

·  Quit


·  Sort By

o  Name

o  Date Added

o  Date Modified

o  Date Created

o  Kind

·  Display As

o  Folder

o  Stack

·  View Content

o  Fan

o  Grid

o  List

o  Automatic

·  Remove from Dock

·  Show in Finder

·  Open Applications

*Note: there may be additional options depending on applications.

The Trash allows you to view contents and can restore the date from the Trash or delete. Simply, you just drag the item out of the Trash and place in appropriate area.

Hierarchical Menus – If you drag a folder icon, or even a volume icon, to the Dock, you create a Dock item for that folder/volume. The main benefit is if you click the Dock item icon of the volume and hold down the mouse button, you will get a hierarchical pop-up menu of all the folders and files in the folder/volume.

Dock Preferences

You can change the appearance of the Dock and how the features work two ways:

·  Click on Apple icon (upper left corner) and select Dock


·  Right click (external mouse) the divider bar on the Dock with the arrows you will get viewing features and preferences of the Dock

o  Turn Hiding On/Off – the Dock will vanish from the screen until you move the pointer to the area where Dock is located.

o  Turn Magnification On/Off – when the point passes over the icon or the Dock, the item gets larger.

o  Positions on the Screen – left, right or bottom

o  Minimize Using – Genie Effect or Scaling

§  The Genie Effect causes the window to shrink down to the Dock, as if it's been sucked into a genie's lamp.

§  The Scale Effect collapses the window until it fits within the Dock.

o  Dock Preferences – adjustments to the Dock such as slider for adjusting the magnification effect.

o  When you move your pointer over the line separating the left and right sides of the Dock, you will get a bar with an arrows above and below. If you click and drag the pointer up or down the Dock will respectively increase and decrease in size.