Campus Leadership Team

November 18, 2013


  1. Attendance
  2. Present: Jon Blumhardt, Keala Chock, KaradeenKam-Kalani, Emily Kukulies, Femar Lee, Alapaki Luke, Irene Mesina, Lianne Nagano, James Niino, Elton Ogoso, Jim Poole, Kristy Ringor (recorder), Marcia Robert-Deutsch, Bert Shimabukuro, Jeff Stearns, Wayne Sunahara, Russell Uyeno
  3. Absent/Excused:Ka’iulaniAkamine, Erica Balbag-Gerard, Mike Barros, Douglas Boettner (excused), Kayla Fox, Katy Ho, Monir Hodges, Billie Leuder, Mike Meyer (excused), Jolene Suda, Lara Sugimoto
  4. Approval of Meeting Minutes (November 4)
  5. No objections. Minutes approved
  6. Updates and Announcements
  7. Kristy: Scholarship Aha: December 5: 6pm – 8pm
  8. Kristy: UH System Scholarship Workshop, November 26: 10 am at NHC
  9. Emily: Upcoming Events
  10. Annual Kalihi Business Association Christmas Parade (11/29/13, 6:30 p starts, arrive a little earlier)
  11. Meet at Kalihi Union Church
  12. Open Mic (11/21/13, 11:30 a – 1:00 pm)
  13. Human Chess (11/27/13, 10:00 a -1:00 pm)
  14. Adopt a Tree
  15. Sign up at SLD by Nov 22
  16. Jeff: Persian Cultural Day
  17. November 21; Student Lounge, 2:30 – 4:00 pm
  18. Working with UHM to sync programs
  19. Event to learn about Persian culture and to generate interest in culture.
  20. Smoking Policy
  21. Russell:
  22. Smoking policy on campus forum by students, he reported that out of that forum the existing policy could be better disseminated on campus. Doug B. will be putting together an event to help to make campus aware of existing policy.
  23. E-cigarettes are also counted as a smoking product. HonCC hasn’t been as strict. In this regard, there doesn’t seem to be consensus either way.
  24. Kara K.: No enforcement in any case. But if disturbing others must address.
  25. Russell: Tricky policy b/c no penalties involved in enforcement. Need to address with security, esp. if there are escalating complaints. Problem not necessarily with students, but also with employees; and raises issues not only with student discipline but also employee discipline.
  26. Irene: Asked about designated smoking areas
  27. Russell: yes it’s come up. But issue with that becomes an issue with employees mainly.
  28. Russell: Make known policy for students and widely disseminate.
  29. Food Service Policy
  30. Russell: Main complaints: unsanitary and low quality.
  31. New chef hired and they are hoping that with new person that quality and other sanitary issues will be dealt with.
  32. Complaints and Issues box will be handled better and work with issues students bring up. Willing to have more dialogue with the campus. Will take suggestions but asked them to be more specific.
  33. Will change the mini/regular container so it’s clearer.
  34. Suggestions will be addressed and responses will be publicly posted.
  35. Kristy likes this and believes it will be effective.
  36. Campus Lockdown Policy (re: recent emergency)
  37. Russell: Situation unique b/c happened simultaneously with a previously scheduled drill. Timing meant there was some confusion. But lockdown confusion stemmed from miscommunication between system safety people and campus. System asked that message be sent that people off campus should not come to campus. This caused confusion for people already on campus.
  38. Russell: Doug B. will be leading a campus debrief on the situation. To clarify what had happened and address policy and processes in place.
  39. Emergency policy should be posted on the intranet.
  40. Marcia: Asked about debriefing the drill (unrelated) and if feedback would be given.
  41. Keala: Chu Lee submitted her report and gave to Doug.
  42. Kristy: Asked if drill happens, if rest of campus can know so as not to cause confusion for surrounding buildings.
  43. Alapaki: At beginning of every semester, make sure to go over with students the fire drill policy, etc. Asked to make sure that new modulars have emergency posters and/or fire extinguishers.
  44. Anything else?
  45. Kara: Shred Day?
  46. Marcia emailed Doug but hasn’t heard back yet.
  47. Marcia:
  48. Brian indicated before he left, shredder would be set up.
  49. Bldg 7 – 72 switch scheduled during exam week. She was wondering if there was some flexibility in that b/c of exam week.
  50. Irene
  51. Asked if non-students in classroom/non-instructional areas can be addressed.
  52. Also asked about campus closure during Winter Break. Campus not closed.