Buss Farm, Pluckley Road, Bethersden, Ashford, Kent, TN26 3EQ


10.00 am to 4.00 pm

Gates open at 6.30am for traders

Please note, stallholders will be allocated a pitch on arrival

An early arrival is advised

Stall Prices & Size

£50 18’ x 25’

Please send a cheque, payable to The Rover P5 Alive Club, with completed form to:

Paul Mill, Bower Place, Maidstone, Kent. ME16 8BG. Bacs Payment: HSBC A/C 91384937 Sort Code 40-46-20

Area and location maps will follow with an entry pass.

Trade Hotline 01622 751000

2014s charity donation from the show was £13,350 which was shared between the Kent Air Ambulance Trust and Demelza House, bringing our grand total to an amazing £103,788.

Thank you for your continued support.

------Please cut along dotted line & send as above------

Trade Entry Form | Sunday July 5th 2015


Company Name ……………………………….………………………...... Address………………………………......

E.Mail………………………………...... Postcode………………….….

Tel………………………………………Vehicle Reg.……………………………......

Description of goods being sold or demonstrated…………………......

Please be specific.No commercial fairground sideshows, rides or games of chance accepted.

I confirm I have read and agree to abide and comply with the regulations enclosed.


Please return before June 22nd 2015 Thank you.


SUNDAY 5th JULY 2015


  1. All vehicles are accepted into the show field on condition that the show organisers cannot beheld responsible for exhibitors’/traders’ negligence which may cause damage or injury to vehicles,persons or property. Similar for loss or theft of vehicles, contents and equipment.

Traders must ensure they have public liability insurance cover.

  1. Exhibitors are responsible for their risk assessment and implementing suitable and sufficient control measures.
  1. It is the responsibility of the Exhibitors/Traders to ensure that all vehicles being driven on the showground have as minimum third party insurance cover. Road Traffic act rules apply on site.
  1. Vehicles entering and leaving the showground are restricted to maximum of 10 mphand no unauthorised movement of vehicles is permitted during show time until after 4:30 pm.
  1. Any emergency vehicles needing to leave earlier must contact a show marshal before moving. You will then be escorted from the showground.
  1. Dogs are allowed on site but must be kept under control and on a leash at all times.

Pets are the direct responsibility of their handlers. No dogs are to be left in cars.

  1. The riding of cycles, motorcycles, quad bikes etc. on the showground is strictly forbidden at any time.
  1. The sale of any form of weaponry, knives is strictly forbidden.
  1. The organisers and marshals reserve the right to remove anyone from the showgroundwho is considered to have contravened the regulations and could result in a banfor the individual/club/trader from future shows.
  1. All generators must have residual circuit breakers and earth rods and be sited not tocause injury or disturbance to adjacent exhibitors or visitors.
  1. To comply with health and safety regulations, all portable appliances and extension leads must have a current annual test certificate of safety.
  1. Traders selling food must comply with all relevant Environmental Health Food Regulations
  1. Completion of the application form does not guarantee acceptance due to space limitations.

All entries are at the discretion of the organisers.

  1. All Traders are responsible for leaving their pitch clean & litter free please use the skip in the Arena Field.