Russian Online Visa Application Form Questionnaire
Questions marked with * are only for UK, US, Canadian and Australian nationals:
Nationality:Type of Visa / Choose an item.
Number of entries required / Choose an item.
Tourist visas – single or double only
Media-Sport – single only
Travel dates: / From: / To:
First and Middle Names:
Other/Previous Name:
Date of Birth
Country and place of birth:
Marital status*: / Married / Single / Divorced / Separated / Widowed
If other than single, spouse’s*: / Full Name:
Date of birth:
Country and place of birth:
Passport Number:
Passport Validity: / Issue date: / Expire:
Passport Issued by
Name of inviting organisation:
Skip this question, if we are arranging your invitation.
Address of inviting organisation:
Skip this question, if we are arranging your invitation.
Cities in Russia to be visited:
Travel insurance provider:
Who will cover travel expenses*:
Place of stay in Russia* / Hotel name:
Hotel address:
Hotel phone number:
Have you ever been arrested or convicted for any offence*?
Have you ever been refused a Russian visa?*
Has your Russian visa ever been cancelled?*
Have you ever tried to obtain a Russian visa, including with assistance or third persons, or enter Russia by providing misleading or false information?*
Have you ever overstayed your Russian visa or stayed unlawfully in Russia?*
Have you ever been deported from Russia?*
Do you have any special skills, training or experience related to fire-arms and explosives or to nuclear matters, biological or chemical substance?; if yes, please specify*:
Have you ever performed military service?* / Country: / Service:
Rank: / Occupation:
Were a member of professional, civil or charity organization; if yes, please state name of the organisation*
Have you ever been involved in armed conflict, either as a combatant or a victim?* / Name of conflict:
Education Background*
- University/college name
Course of study
Years of study / Started (mm/yy): / Finished (mm/yy):
Past employment*:
- Company name
Company address
Position held
Chief’s full name
Dates of employment / Started (mm/yy): / Finished (mm/yy):
- Company name
Company address
Position held
Chief’s full name
Dates of employment / Started (mm/yy): / Finished (mm/yy):
Security statement*:
Past Russian visas (if any): / Date of Issue:
Place of Issue:
Has your passport ever been lost or stolen?
List of countries you visited in the last 10 years and dates of entry*:
Please indicate in the following format - Country and date of entry in DDMMYY
It is critical that you state every single entry stamp in your passport for the past 10 yearsas otherwise your application will not be accepted by the consulate
Have you been issued with a passport by any other country? If yes, which country*:
Father’s full name*:
Mother’s full name*:
Your home address:
Your contact phone number:
Contact email address:
Employer name:
Your position:
Employer address:
Online visa application form will be completed by us on your behalf and emailed to you in PDF for signature.
Information in this form, as well as resulting application form, will be kept on your profile to be reused in the future. With every new visa application we will email you a copy of this questionnaire to be updated, so you don’t need to complete the entire form again.
Your personal information is safe with us - we do not share it with third parties apart from when required by UK law or for actual visa applications to the relevant embassy or consulate. Please see our T&C for more details.