Governance Committee Meeting Agenda

April 12, 2017

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Executive Committee Meeting 9/25/2017

DRAFT Minutes

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Executive Committee Meeting

DRAFT Minutes

September 25, 2017

1.  Call to Order at 1:32pm

2.  Introductions

Joseph Cody, SILC Chair

Peter Mendoza, SILC Vice Chair

Ardis Bazyn, Governance Committee Chair

Jacqueline Jackson, SPIL Committee Chair

Lisa Hayes, Communication and Collaboration Committee Chair

Carrie England, Department of Rehabilitation Staff

Liz Pazdral, SILC Staff

Cheryl Kasai, SILC Staff

3.  Public Comment – None

4.  Review and approve minutes from July 24, 2017 Committee Meeting

Motion made by Ms. Jackson, Second by Mr. Mendoza.

Roll Call vote – Ayes: Mr. Cody, Mr. Mendoza, Ms. Jackson and Ms. Hayes. Noes: None. Abstention: Ms. Bazyn.

5.  Committee Updates and Rubric reviews

a. Executive Committee Rubric

i. Fund development sub-committee

1. Problem Statement letter to CSUMB Dean Kamath – follow up at next

meeting with Ms. Schaedle to report.


There was good participation at the September 18, 2017 meeting. Staff reviewed the SPIL evaluation tool with the committee – the tool may need some modifications. Discussion was held on the DOR Youth RFA update and how to calculate the SPIL tier funds. An AB 763 ILC funding update – the bill was held in the Appropriations Committee. The legislature is in recess until January 2018, when the bill may be acted upon in its second year. Bill failure would affect the 18-19 funding, not the 17-18 funding for the ILC base grant.

More committee discussion is needed on IL needs assessment – there is conflicting feedback from ILCs on this. SILC staff will host a booth for the Abilities Expo in San Mateo, end of October 2017 – Ms. Hinze and Mr. Mendoza have volunteered to be available at this event on behalf of the SILC and assist to create the survey to non-ILC consumers. Discussion was held on spending down the carry-forward amount, estimated at $1.8 million. There is consideration for having the next SPIL development meetings with a facilitator, to be more mindful of not creating a need for future amendments.

i.  DOR updates

No updates to timeline for the Systems Change RFA re-score. (see also

comments above)

c. Governance

i. Draft SILC Internal Operations – members reviewed the document that

was provided by Ms. Hess. It was suggested to share the FAQ document with the new incoming Chair - document will be approved by the committee. Ms. Pazdral stated that Bob Hand has done some work on this document and will provide feedback when he returns from traveling at the end of September.

d. Communication and Collaboration

Ms. Kasai mentioned that legislative updates are posted to the SILC webpage 48 hours prior to the monthly meeting. Ms. Pazdral already sent information about the new SILC website. Several members stated that they liked the improvements. The committee is working on new social media posting policies and will obtain feedback from Ms. Schaedle before forwarding to the Governance Committee for review. Meetings will still be held 2nd Fridays, from 10am to 11:30am (new timeframe).

6.  Executive Director Update

a.  SILC Internal Capacity Building status

i.  New website project – completed and announcement emailed out

on September 22. Expect to receive requested changes - some

changes may need to wait until we have funds and resources available.

b.  Budget/financial statement

i. Current budget estimates – as of September 11, 2017. No questions or comments were brought up.

c.  CFILC Fall Meeting will be held on October 16-17, 2017 in Long Beach. Ms. Pazdral will provide a presentation on October 16 on several topics – describe ‘carry-forward’ and timeline to spend; how to monitor and evaluate the SPIL; SILC budget and SPIL Resource Plan; how the SILC works to broaden the definition of transition (definition does not mean

specific ‘medical setting’); ILCs look to expand the definition of transition services to match WIOA – youth, youth transition and diversion services. Any amendment to the SPIL requires public hearings, with a minimum of 30 days feedback for draft of document, more work and can be more expensive, amendment or revision requires 51% approval by ILC Directors. There was discussion about how to write the next SPIL so that it is less likely to need amending. Ms. Walela at DOR suggested having the SPIL writing process facilitated. Ms. Hayes questioned the definition of diversion. FREED uses the Coleman intervention model. If DOR mini-grants were used for diversion, it would need specific activities defined. Ms. Pazdral will ask about this definition and protocols. Ms. Hayes also commented on the definition of settings from which individuals transition to – what types are considered “independent living?” The carry-forward amount is currently larger, primarily due to DOR returning more administrative funds. A greater concern is that funds are not able to be fully spent - fluctuations are due to different variables.

7.  Future In-person Meetings

a.  Next meeting is November 16 & 17, 2017 in Sacramento, a joint session with the State Rehabilitation Council. Ms. Pazdral read the draft agenda for this meeting. Topics will include: DOR Director’s report to be given by Chief Deputy Director Kelly Hargreaves, info from Office of Emergency Services and the State Council on Developmental Disabilities; also info on youth focus groups, ethics training for state officials, and conjoint youth project. Both days will be held at DOR downtown Sacramento office. Ms. Hess will send out further details on hotel reservations.

b.  The in-person Spring meeting will be held in Long Beach, either March or April 2017. Ms. Hess will review hotels in early October and provide an update at the November meeting.

8.  Summary of activities requiring follow-up at the next meeting

a.  Next meeting - October 23, 2017, from 1:30pm – 3:00pm

Only item to be moved to the next meeting is comments from Ms.

Schaedle on the letter to CSUMB Dean Kamath.

**Closed Session, Executive Committee Members Only**

Meeting was adjourned at 3:06pm.