COM240Interpersonal Communications

Jackson Community College SP2018

Instructor: Amanda Briggs


Office Hours: By appt.


This class will help you become a better communicator in intrapersonal, interpersonal and public communication settings. This course focuses on developing awareness, understanding and skills necessary to better understand yourself and effectively relate to others in one-on-one, small group and public speaking situations. You will accomplish this by completing assignments involving listening, speaking, reading, writing and evaluating.


  1. To recognize communication as an ongoing process with many interrelated components
  2. To demonstrate our understanding of the communication process through practical application exercises in various communication settings.
  3. To recognize the elements of active listening and demonstrate an ability to interpret and evaluate verbal and nonverbal communication cues
  4. To familiarize students with the theory and principles of public speaking
  5. To help students internalize critical public speaking skills
  6. To master the communication skills necessary to become confident, creative, and capable communicators.


Attendance:Much of this course involves participation. It is vital for you to be a part of this process. Consider attendance mandatory. Extenuating circumstances and unavoidable absences should be discussed with me in advance.

Timely Work: Unless otherwise noted, assignments are due at the beginning of the class period following the class period in which they are assigned. Late work will not be accepted.


In this course it is unethical to use as your own apaper, which has been written in whole or in part, by someone other than yourself. Doing so constitutes reasonable cause for course failure. Any student found plagiarizing will be dealt with according to JCC’s policy on academic honesty.


You will take a midterm and a final examination. Tests will cover material from the book, class lectures, and discussions.

Language and topics:

It is inappropriate in this course to use obscene language or gestures, tell offensive jokes, or allude to sexual references that may be demeaning or offensive. To this extent, please be mindful of what you say and how you say it. All speech topics must be approved by the instructor.

Learning Accommodations:

Students who require special accommodations for learning or who have particular needs are invited to share these concerns or requests with me as soon as possible.

Grade appeals:

If you want to appeal a grade you must make the grade appeal to me in writing. Prepare and submit a typed argument indicating what your specific appeal is and what grade you believe you deserved. Turn in the appeal before or after class, during office hours, or at a scheduled appointment within one week of the grade being returned. I will then review your appeal and if necessary discuss it with my Department Chair. I will give you a formal response within 2 weeks of your appeal submission.

Grade Breakdown:

2 Exams70 %

Attendance30 %


Associate Degree Outcomes:

JacksonCommunity College’s Board of Trustees has determined that all of our graduates should develop or enhance a variety of important skills while enrolled in courses. The ADO’s (Associate Degree Outcomes) for this course include:

  • ADO 2: Speak clearly, concisely and intelligibly
  • ADO 9: Work productively with others, recognizing individual contributions to group success

***You may use your absences anytime EXCEPT on Exam Days or days you are scheduled to give a speech. Work missed on “absent days” cannot be made up for any reason. This includes presentations and exams.

COM 240Spring2018 Timetable
May 24 / Overview of syllabus / Ice Breakers/Self Introduction and Chapter 1 Interpersonal Communication
May 31 / Chapter 2
June 7 / Chapter 3 The Self in Interpersonal Communication
June 14 / Chapter 7 Nonverbal Messages
June 21 / Chapter 7 Nonverbal Messages/ Exam Review
June 28 / Midterm
July 5 / Chapter 5 Listening in Interpersonal Communication Chapter 6 Verbal Messages
July 12 / Chapter 2 Cultural Communication Chapter and Chapter 4Perception and Interpersonal Communication
July 19 / Chapter 10 Conflict Management “Anger Management” Video
July 26 / Chapter 8 Conversation Messages
Aug. 2 / Chapter 9
Aug. 9 / Final