Please download, fill out and return this form via email to
Aggression towards unfamiliar dogs questionnaire
Dog’s Name:
- Has your dog been spayed/neutered?
- How long have you had your dog and when did the behavior first manifest?
- Is your dog sensitive to sound, touch, or movement?
- At what age was your dog exposed to other dogs other than littermates and housemates? How would you describe his interactions with them at this age?
- If there are other dogs in the home, how does he get along with them?
- Does your dog have access to view other dogs passing by your house?
- If so, how does he react when a dog passes by?
- Does your dog fence fight with neighbor’s dogs?
- Are there any dogs that your dog currently plays with or with whom he is comfortable, other than your own dogs? If so, where does this interaction take place?
- What type of collar and leash are you using to walk your dog?
- How often is your dog taken for walks, and how long does an average walk last? Do you always follow the same route or walk in the same area?
- Is your dog always leashed for walks or is he allowed off leash at times? If so, in what circumstances?
- If he is allowed off leash have you noticed a difference in his behavior towards other dogs off leash vs. on leash?
- When your dog is taken for a walk, what is his reaction to other dogs? Describe his physical response as specifically as possible.
- In what percentage of his encounters with other dogs would you say this reaction occurs?
- Roughly at what distance does this reaction occur?
- Is your dog’s reaction more intense when encountering a specific type of other dog?
- Are there any specific actions on the part of unfamiliar dogs that triggers a reaction in your dog?
- Does this reaction occur whether the unfamiliar dog is on the street or behind a fence?
- Is this reaction displayed only on walks in your own neighborhood, in other specific locations, or everywhere?
- On walks, when you first see another dog on the street, what is your dog’s reaction?
- When your dog reacts to another dog on the street, what is your response?
- How does your dog respond?
- Is your dog’s reaction to other dogs different depending on who is walking him? If so, how?
- Is your dog ever allowed to greet other dogs on walks? If so:
- Does your dog normally approach other dogs, or wait to be approached?
- Describe your dog’s typical reaction when first meeting another dog.
- Do you normally tighten the leash for introductions or keep it slack?
- Which types of dogs are greetings successful with, and if any?
- Who is walking your dog when these interactions occur? Is there a difference in your dog’s reaction based on who is holding the leash or who is present?
- Has your dog ever fought with another dog? If so, for each incident, please provide as much detail as possible:
- Date of incident
- Location
- Who was present
- Whether dogs were on or off leash
- What breed of dog was involved?
- What happened right before the incident?
- Detailed description of the incident
- How the fight ended?
- Location of injury on either dog’s body?
- Extent of damage and whether either dog required veterinary care
- Does your dog ever “warm up” to other dogs with repeated exposures or enough time spent together?
- If there is another dog in the home, does your dog’s reaction to unfamiliar dogs in public differ if the other dog is present? If so, how?
- Would you say this behavior has remained at a steady level, or become more frequent and/or intense? If more frequent/intense, since when? Was there a specific incident or circumstance that preceded or coincided with this incident?
- What has been done to address the issue so far? What were the results?
- Can you offer any other information which might be helpful?