School: BoydCountyHigh School
Teacher: Betty Thacker
Program: Family & Consumer Science
Course: Culinary I
Grade Level: 10-12
Prerequisites: None required but Foods & Nutrition is suggested.
# of High School Credits: 1 credit
Course Description: This advanced course allows students to increase competencies in a variety of food preparation techniques. Emphasis will be placed on food presentation, garnishing, menu planning and the skills necessary to prepare for a career in the culinary arts. Leadership development will be provided through the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America.
Materials Used:
-Culinary Essentials book and activities
-Professional Cooking book and workbook
-FCCLA STAR events materials website materials
Unit 1The Food Service Industry
- Careers in Food Service
- Food service trends
- Entrepreneurship Opportunities
- Employability Skills
Unit 2Culinary Safety and Sanitation
- Safety & Sanitation Principles
- Food borne illnesses
- Food storage and handling
- HACCP Applications
Unit 3 The Professional Kitchen
- Equipment and technology
- Knives and smallwares
- Using standardized recipes
- Cost Control Techniques
Unit 4 Culinary Applications
- Cooking techniques
- Seasonings & Flavorings
- Stocks, sauces & soups
- Breakfast cookery
- Garde Manger basics (salads & dressings, garnishes)
- Vegetables, fruits and legumes
- Meat cookery
- Sandwiches & appetizers
Unit 5 Baking and Pastry applications
- Baking techniques
- Quick breads
- Cookies
- Cakes
- Pies
- Speciality Desserts
- Yeast rolls
Unit 6 Culinary Nutrition & Menus
- Nutrition basics
- Meal planning guidelines
- Menu planning and design
- Pricing menu items
Unit 7 Customer Service
- Service basics
- Types of table service
- Food presentation basics
- Table setting
- The dining experience (complete a customer service project)
Unit 8 Becoming a Culinary Professional
- Seeking Employment
- On the job opportunities (catering events, job shadowing)
Labs- worth 50 points
-10 pts. Group planning/cooperation
-15 pts. Individual food preparation jobs/behavior
-15 pts. Individual cleanup jobs/behavior
-10 pts. Food product
Tests- worth 100 points and will include an open response question
Early Work- 5 points daily to be taken up at the end of each week. This is to be
daily and the only time you are to borrow someone’s early work is when you
have been absent the day before!
Special projects- worth 50-200 points depending on the depth of the project
Grading Scale:
FBelow 60
Procedures for Makeup Work/Tests Students have 3 days to makeup work or to makeup a test. If a student is out for an extended period to time extra time will be given. Labs cannot be made up, so if someone misses a lab the grade for the lab will not be included in the amount possible for the student, unless the absence is unexcused.
Supplies needed for class:
-$20.00 foods fee
-notebook with pockets to keep handouts and materials
Teacher Expectations:
-Each student is required to do 1 portfolio writing in class
-Each student must keep a notebook of activities done in class
-Each student must read one book or the equivalent of one book as part of
the reading initiative
Classroom Rules:
-Treat each other with respect.
-Be on time.
-Keep your area clean.
-No sitting on tables or counter tops
-No horseplay!!
-Cell phones are off and in- turned off and in bookbag
-When leaving the room, get permission from teacher, sign out and take hall pass.
Student’s Name ______
Parent’s Signature ______